Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com)

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                                    M A P S
                            Read and write DF's map
#pragma once
#ifndef CL_MOD_MAPS
#define CL_MOD_MAPS

#include "Export.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "modules/Vegetation.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Virtual.h"
#include "BitArray.h"
#include "Materials.h"

 * \defgroup grp_maps Maps module and its types
 * @ingroup grp_modules

namespace DFHack
                                    T Y P E S
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    enum e_feature
     * Function for translating feature index to its name
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    extern DFHACK_EXPORT const char * sa_feature(e_feature index);

     * Class for holding a world coordinate. Can do math with coordinates and can be used as an index for std::map
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    class DFCoord
        DFCoord(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _z = 0): x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
            comparate = 0;
        bool operator==(const DFCoord &other) const
            return (other.comparate == comparate);
        bool operator!=(const DFCoord &other) const
            return (other.comparate != comparate);
        // FIXME: <tomprince> peterix_: you could probably get away with not defining operator< if you defined a std::less specialization for Vertex.
        bool operator<(const DFCoord &other) const
            return comparate < other.comparate;
        DFCoord operator/(int number) const
            return DFCoord(x/number, y/number, z);
        DFCoord operator*(int number) const
            return DFCoord(x*number, y*number, z);
        DFCoord operator%(int number) const
            return DFCoord(x%number, y%number, z);
        DFCoord operator-(int number) const
            return DFCoord(x,y,z-number);
        DFCoord operator+(int number) const
            return DFCoord(x,y,z+number);
        // this is a hack. beware.
        // x,y,z share the same space with comparate. comparate can be used for fast comparisons
            // new shiny DFCoord struct. notice the ludicrous space for Z-levels
                uint16_t x;
                uint16_t y;
                uint32_t z;
            // old planeccord struct for compatibility
                uint16_t x;
                uint16_t y;
            } dim;
            // comparing thing
            uint64_t comparate;
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef DFCoord planecoord;

     * A local or global map feature
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct t_feature
        e_feature type;
        /// main material type - decides between stuff like bodily fluids, inorganics, vomit, amber, etc.
        int16_t main_material;
        /// generally some index to a vector of material types.
        int32_t sub_material;
        /// placeholder
        bool discovered;
        /// this is NOT part of the DF feature, but an address of the feature as seen by DFhack.
        void * origin;

     * mineral vein object - bitmap with a material type
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct t_vein : public t_virtual
        /// index into the inorganic material vector
        int32_t type;
        /// bit mask describing how the vein maps to the map block
        /// assignment[y] & (1 << x) describes the tile (x, y) of the block
        int16_t assignment[16];
        uint32_t flags; // FIXME: figure those out

        //zilpin: Functions to more conveniently check the assignment flags of the vein.
        //Coordinates are given in tile within the block.
        //Important to make these inline.
        inline bool getassignment( DFCoord & xy )
            return getassignment(xy.x,xy.y);
        inline bool getassignment( int x, int y )
            return (assignment[y] & (1 << x));
        inline void setassignment( DFCoord & xy, bool bit )
            return setassignment(xy.x,xy.y, bit);
        inline void setassignment( int x, int y, bool bit )
                assignment[y] |= (1 << x);
                assignment[y] &= 0xFFFF ^ (1 << x);

     * stores what tiles should appear when the ice melts - bitmap of material types
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct t_frozenliquidvein : public t_virtual
        /// a 16x16 array of the original tile types
        int16_t tiles[16][16];
     * a 'spattervein' defines what coverings the individual map tiles have (snow, blood, etc)
     * bitmap of intensity with matrial type
     * \ingroup grp_maps
     * @see PrintSplatterType
    struct t_spattervein : public t_virtual
        /// generic material.
        t_materialType mat1;
        /// material vector index
        t_materialIndex mat2;
         * matter state - liquid/solid/etc.
         * @ref e_matter_state
        uint16_t matter_state;
        /// 16x16 array of covering 'intensity'
        uint8_t intensity[16][16];
     * a 'grass vein' defines the grass coverage of a map block
     * bitmap of density (max = 100) with plant material type
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct t_grassvein : public t_virtual
        /// material vector index
        t_materialIndex material;
        /// 16x16 array of covering 'intensity'
        uint8_t intensity[16][16];
     * defines the world constructions present. The material member is a mystery.
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct t_worldconstruction : public t_virtual
        /// material vector index
        uint32_t material;
        /// 16x16 array of bits
        uint16_t assignment[16];

     * \ingroup grp_maps
    enum BiomeOffset

     * \ingroup grp_maps
    enum e_traffic

     * type of a designation for a tile
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    enum e_designation
        /// no designation
        /// dig walls, remove stairs and ramps, gather plants, fell trees. depends on tile type
        /// dig up/down stairs
        /// dig a channel
        /// dig ramp out of a wall
        /// dig a stair down
        /// dig a stair up
        /// whatever. for completenes I guess
     * type of liquid in a tile
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    enum e_liquidtype

     * designation bit field
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct naked_designation
        unsigned int flow_size : 3; // how much liquid is here?
        unsigned int pile : 1; // stockpile?
        /// All the different dig designations
        e_designation dig : 3;
        unsigned int smooth : 2;
        unsigned int hidden : 1;

         * This one is rather involved, but necessary to retrieve the base layer matgloss index
         * @see http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=608.msg253284#msg253284
        unsigned int geolayer_index :4;
        unsigned int light : 1;
        unsigned int subterranean : 1; // never seen the light of day?
        unsigned int skyview : 1; // sky is visible now, it rains in here when it rains

         * Probably similar to the geolayer_index. Only with a different set of offsets and different data.
         * we don't use this yet
        unsigned int biome : 4;
         * 0 = water
         * 1 = magma
        e_liquidtype liquid_type : 1;
        unsigned int water_table : 1; // srsly. wtf?
        unsigned int rained : 1; // does this mean actual rain (as in the blue blocks) or a wet tile?
        e_traffic traffic : 2;
        /// the tile is not evaluated when calculating flows?
        unsigned int flow_forbid : 1;
        /// no liquid spreading
        unsigned int liquid_static : 1;
        /// this tile is a part of a local feature. can be combined with 'featstone' tiles
        unsigned int feature_local : 1; 
        /// this tile is a part of a global feature. can be combined with 'featstone' tiles
        unsigned int feature_global : 1;
        unsigned int water_stagnant : 1;
        unsigned int water_salt : 1;
     * designation bit field wrapper
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    union t_designation
        uint32_t whole;
        naked_designation bits;

     * occupancy flags (rat,dwarf,horse,built wall,not build wall,etc)
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct naked_occupancy
        /// 0-2: building type... should be an enum.
        unsigned int building : 3;// 0-2
        /// 3: the tile contains a standing creature
        unsigned int unit : 1; // 3
        /// 4: the tile contains a prone creature
        unsigned int unit_grounded : 1;
        /// 5: the tile contains an item
        unsigned int item : 1;
        /// 6: set on magma sea tiles, cavern lake tiles, rivers. not set on pools. probably something like 'inhibit growth'?
        unsigned int unk6 : 1;
        /// 7: mossy!
        unsigned int moss : 1;
        /// 8-11: arrow color. 0 = no arrow
        unsigned int arrow_color : 4;
        /// 12: arrow orientaton
        unsigned int broken_arrows_variant : 1;
        /// 13
        unsigned int unk13 : 1;
        /// 14: A monster lair. Items placed won't be moved.
        unsigned int monster_lair : 1;
         * 15: seems to be set on terrain tiles where grass growth is impossible
         * pebbles, boulders, rock floors in the middle of grass. also shrubs. but not trees
        unsigned int no_grow : 1;
        /// 16
        unsigned int unk16 : 1;
        /// 17
        unsigned int unk17 : 1;
        /// 18
        unsigned int unk18 : 1;
        /// 19
        unsigned int unk19 : 1;
        /// 20
        unsigned int unk20 : 1;
        /// 21
        unsigned int unk21 : 1;
        /// 22
        unsigned int unk22 : 1;
        /// 23
        unsigned int unk23 : 1;
        /// 24
        unsigned int unk24 : 1;
        /// 25
        unsigned int unk25 : 1;
        /// 26
        unsigned int unk26 : 1;
        /// 27
        unsigned int unk27 : 1;
        /// 28
        unsigned int unk28 : 1;
        /// 29
        unsigned int unk29 : 1;
        /// 30
        unsigned int unk30 : 1;
        /// 31
        unsigned int unk31 : 1;
     * occupancy flags (rat,dwarf,horse,built wall,not build wall,etc) wrapper
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    union t_occupancy
        uint32_t whole;
        naked_occupancy bits;

     * map block flags
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    struct naked_blockflags
        /// designated for jobs (digging and stuff like that)
        unsigned int designated : 1;
        /// possibly related to the designated flag
        unsigned int unk_1 : 1;
        /// two flags required for liquid flow.
        unsigned int liquid_1 : 1;
        unsigned int liquid_2 : 1;
        /// rest of the flags is completely unknown
        unsigned int unk_2: 4;
    enum e_block_flags
        /// designated for jobs (digging and stuff like that)
        /// possibly related to the designated flag
        /// two flags required for liquid flow.
     * map block flags wrapper
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    union t_blockflags
        uint32_t whole;
        naked_blockflags bits;

     * 16x16 array of tile types
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef int16_t tiletypes40d [16][16];
     * 16x16 array used for squashed block materials
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef int16_t t_blockmaterials [16][16];
     * 16x16 array of designation flags
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef DFHack::t_designation designations40d [16][16];
     * 16x16 array of occupancy flags
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef DFHack::t_occupancy occupancies40d [16][16];
     * array of 16 biome indexes valid for the block
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef uint8_t biome_indices40d [9];
     * 16x16 array of temperatures
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef uint16_t t_temperatures [16][16];
     * structure for holding whole blocks
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    typedef struct
        DFCoord position;
        /// type of the tiles
        tiletypes40d tiletypes;
        /// flags determining the state of the tiles
        designations40d designation;
        /// flags determining what's on the tiles
        occupancies40d occupancy;
        /// values used for geology/biome assignment
        biome_indices40d biome_indices;
        /// the address where the block came from
        uint32_t origin;
        t_blockflags blockflags;
        /// index into the global feature vector
        int16_t global_feature;
        /// index into the local feature vector... complicated
        int16_t local_feature;
        int32_t mystery;
    } mapblock40d;

    // A raw DF block.
    // one of the vector is the 'effects' vector. another should be item id/index vector
    struct df_block
        BitArray <e_block_flags> flags;
        // how to handle this virtual mess?
        std::vector <t_virtual *> block_events;
        // no idea what these are
        long unk1;
        long unk2;
        long unk3;
        // feature indexes
        signed long local_feature;  // local feature index, -1 = no local feature
        signed long global_feature; // global feature index, -1 = no global feature
        signed long mystery; // no idea. couldn't manage to catch its use in debugger.
        // more mysterious numbers
        long unk4;
        long unk5;
        long unk6;
        std::vector <unsigned long> items; // item related - probly item IDs
        std::vector <void *> effects;
        signed long unk7; // -1 most of the time, another index?
        unsigned long unk8; // again, index?
        std::vector<df_plant *> plants;
        unsigned short map_x;
        unsigned short map_y;
        unsigned short map_z;
        unsigned short region_x;
        unsigned short region_y;
        unsigned short tiletype[16][16]; // weird 2-byte alignment here
        t_designation designation[16][16];
        t_occupancy occupancy[16][16];
        // following is uncertain, but total length should be fixed.
        unsigned char unk9[16][16];
        unsigned long pathfinding[16][16];
        unsigned short unk10[16][16];
        unsigned short unk11[16][16];
        unsigned short unk12[16][16];
        // end uncertain section
        unsigned short temperature_1[16][16];
        unsigned short temperature_2[16][16];
        // no idea again. needs research...
        unsigned short unk13[16][16];
        unsigned short unk14[16][16];
        unsigned char region_offset[9];
    template <typename T>
    struct df_array
        inline T& operator[] (uint32_t index)
            return array[index];
        T * array;
    template <typename T>
    struct df_2darray
        inline df_array<T>& operator[] (uint32_t index)
            return array[index];
        df_array <T> * array;
    template <typename T>
    struct df_3darray
        inline df_2darray<T>& operator[] (uint32_t index)
            return array[index];
        inline bool operator! ()
            return !array;
        df_2darray <T> * array;
    struct map_data
        df_3darray<df_block *> map;
        std::vector <void *> unk1;
        void * unk2;
        uint32_t x_size_blocks;
        uint32_t y_size_blocks;
        uint32_t z_size_blocks;
        uint32_t x_size;
        uint32_t y_size;
        uint32_t z_size;
        int32_t  x_area_offset;
        int32_t  y_area_offset;
        int32_t  z_area_offset;
     * The Maps module
     * \ingroup grp_modules
     * \ingroup grp_maps
    class DFHACK_EXPORT Maps : public Module
        // the map data of DF, as we know it.
        map_data * mdata;
        bool Start();
        bool Finish();
        // read region surroundings, get their vectors of geolayers so we can do translation (or just hand the translation table to the client)
        // returns an array of 9 vectors of indices into stone matgloss
            Method for reading the geological surrounding of the currently loaded region.
            assign is a reference to an array of nine vectors of unsigned words that are to be filled with the data
            array is indexed by the BiomeOffset enum

            I omitted resolving the layer matgloss in this API, because it would
            introduce overhead by calling some method for each tile. You have to do it
            First get the stuff from ReadGeology and then for each block get the RegionOffsets.
            For each tile get the real region from RegionOffsets and cross-reference it with
            the geology stuff (region -- array of vectors, depth -- vector).
            I'm thinking about turning that Geology stuff into a two-dimensional array
            with static size.

            this is the algorithm for applying matgloss:
            void DfMap::applyGeoMatgloss(Block * b)
                // load layer matgloss
                for(int x_b = 0; x_b < BLOCK_SIZE; x_b++)
                    for(int y_b = 0; y_b < BLOCK_SIZE; y_b++)
                        int geolayer = b->designation[x_b][y_b].bits.geolayer_index;
                        int biome = b->designation[x_b][y_b].bits.biome;
                        b->material[x_b][y_b].type = Mat_Stone;
                        b->material[x_b][y_b].index = v_geology[b->RegionOffsets[biome]][geolayer];
        bool ReadGeology( std::vector < std::vector <uint16_t> >& assign );

         * Initialize the map feature caches, if possible
        bool StartFeatures();
         * Free the feature cache
        bool StopFeatures();
         * Get a global feature with the given index.
        t_feature * GetGlobalFeature(int16_t index);
         * Get all valid local features for a x/y block coord.
        std::vector <t_feature *> * GetLocalFeatures(DFCoord coord);
         * Get the feature indexes of a block
        bool ReadFeatures(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, int16_t & local, int16_t & global);
         * Set the feature indexes of a block
        bool WriteFeatures(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, const int16_t & local, const int16_t & global);
         * Get pointers to features of a block
        bool ReadFeatures(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, t_feature ** local, t_feature ** global);
         * Get pointers to features of an already read block
        bool ReadFeatures(mapblock40d * block, t_feature ** local, t_feature ** global);

         * @deprecated
         * @todo: remove
        bool ReadGlobalFeatures( std::vector <t_feature> & features);
         * @deprecated
         * @todo: remove
        bool ReadLocalFeatures( std::map <DFCoord, std::vector<t_feature *> > & local_features );

         * BLOCK DATA

        /// get size of the map in tiles
        void getSize(uint32_t& x, uint32_t& y, uint32_t& z);
        /// get the position of the map on world map
        void getPosition(int32_t& x, int32_t& y, int32_t& z);

         * Get the map block or NULL if block is not valid
        df_block * getBlock (uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz);

        /// copy the whole map block at block coords (see DFTypes.h for the block structure)
        bool ReadBlock40d(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, mapblock40d * buffer);

        /// copy/write block tile types
        bool ReadTileTypes(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, tiletypes40d *buffer);
        bool WriteTileTypes(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, tiletypes40d *buffer);

        /// copy/write block designations
        bool ReadDesignations(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, designations40d *buffer);
        bool WriteDesignations (uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, designations40d *buffer);

        /// copy/write temperatures
        bool ReadTemperatures(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, t_temperatures *temp1, t_temperatures *temp2);
        bool WriteTemperatures (uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, t_temperatures *temp1, t_temperatures *temp2);

        /// copy/write block occupancies
        bool ReadOccupancy(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, occupancies40d *buffer);
        bool WriteOccupancy(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, occupancies40d *buffer);

        /// copy/write the block dirty bit - this is used to mark a map block so that DF scans it for designated jobs like digging
        bool ReadDirtyBit(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, bool &dirtybit);
        bool WriteDirtyBit(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, bool dirtybit);

        /// copy/write the block flags
        bool ReadBlockFlags(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, t_blockflags &blockflags);
        bool WriteBlockFlags(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, t_blockflags blockflags);

        /// copy/write features
        bool SetBlockLocalFeature(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, int16_t local = -1);
        bool SetBlockGlobalFeature(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz, int16_t local = -1);

        /// copy region offsets of a block - used for determining layer stone matgloss
        bool ReadRegionOffsets(uint32_t blockx, uint32_t blocky, uint32_t blockz,
                               biome_indices40d *buffer);

        /// sorts the block event vector into multiple vectors by type
        /// mineral veins, what's under ice, blood smears and mud
        bool SortBlockEvents(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z,
                       std::vector<t_vein *>* veins,
                       std::vector<t_frozenliquidvein *>* ices = 0,
                       std::vector<t_spattervein *>* splatter = 0,
                       std::vector<t_grassvein *>* grass = 0,
                       std::vector<t_worldconstruction *>* constructions = 0

        /// remove a block event from the block by address
        bool RemoveBlockEvent(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, t_virtual * which );

        /// read all plants in this block
        bool ReadVegetation(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, std::vector<df_plant *>*& plants);

        struct Private;
        Private *d;