burrows ======= Miscellaneous burrow control. Allows manipulating burrows and automated burrow expansion while digging. Options: :enable feature ...: Enable features of the plugin. :disable feature ...: Disable features of the plugin. :clear-unit burrow burrow ...: Remove all units from the burrows. :clear-tiles burrow burrow ...: Remove all tiles from the burrows. :set-units target-burrow src-burrow ...: Clear target, and adds units from source burrows. :add-units target-burrow src-burrow ...: Add units from the source burrows to the target. :remove-units target-burrow src-burrow ...: Remove units in source burrows from the target. :set-tiles target-burrow src-burrow ...: Clear target and adds tiles from the source burrows. :add-tiles target-burrow src-burrow ...: Add tiles from the source burrows to the target. :remove-tiles target-burrow src-burrow ...: Remove tiles in source burrows from the target. For these three options, in place of a source burrow it is possible to use one of the following keywords: ABOVE_GROUND, SUBTERRANEAN, INSIDE, OUTSIDE, LIGHT, DARK, HIDDEN, REVEALED Features: :auto-grow: When a wall inside a burrow with a name ending in '+' is dug out, the burrow is extended to newly-revealed adjacent walls. This final '+' may be omitted in burrow name args of commands above. Digging 1-wide corridors with the miner inside the burrow is SLOW.