-- skillroll.lua -- Allows skills to activate lua scripts. -- author Putnam -- edited by expwnent --[[Example usage: ...syndrome stuff... [SYN_CLASS:\COMMAND][SYN_CLASS:skillroll][SYN_CLASS:\WORKER_ID] For autoSyndrome/syndromeTrigger. [SYN_CLASS:MELEE_COMBAT] Can use any skill, including NONE (no bonus) [SYN_CLASS:20] Rolls uniformly from 1 to 20 inclusive. Skill will be weighted to this value. [SYN_CLASS:DICEROLL_1] If diceroll ends up as one... [SYN_CLASS:kill][SYN_CLASS:\SKILL_UNIT_ID] Theoretical kill-given-unit-id command; slayrace doesn't do so. [SYN_CLASS:DICEROLL_10] If diceroll is between 1 and 10 (2-10, inclusive)... [SYN_CLASS:force][SYN_CLASS:migrants][SYN_CLASS:player] Force migrants. [SYN_CLASS:DICEROLL_19] If diceroll is between 10 and 19 (11-19, inclusive)... [SYN_CLASS:fullheal][SYN_CLASS:\SKILL_UNIT_ID] Fully heals unit. [SYN_CLASS:DICEROLL_20] If diceroll is at least 20... [SYN_CLASS:shapechange][SYN_CLASS:\SKILL_UNIT_ID] Turns unit into any creature permanently. or from the console skillroll workerId MELEE_COMBAT 20 DICEROLL_1 kill workerId DICEROLL_10 force migrants player DICEROLL_19 fullheal workerId DICEROLL_20 shapechange workerId ]] local args={...} if args[1]=='dryrun' then unit=df.global.world.units.all[0] end local unit = unit or df.unit.find(args[1]) rando=rando or dfhack.random.new() local roll=rando:random(tonumber(args[3])) if args[2] ~= 'NONE' then local result=roll+(dfhack.units.getEffectiveSkill(unit,df.job_skill[args[2]])*(tonumber(args[3])/20)) result = result%1<.5 and math.floor(result) or math.ceil(result) roll = result end local i=4 local command={} local scriptIsFinished repeat local arg=args[i] if arg:find('DICEROLL') then local dicerollnumber=tonumber(arg:match('%d+')) --yes this is truly naive as hell; I imagine if you put DICEROLL3%moa5oam3 it'll return 353. if dicerollnumber>=roll then repeat i=i+1 if i<=#args and (not args[i]:find('DICEROLL')) then if args[i]~='\\SKILL_UNIT_ID' then table.insert(command,args[i]) else table.insert(command,args[1]) end end until i>#args or args[i]:find('DICEROLL') local out = dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(command)) print(out) scriptIsFinished=true else i=i+1 end else i=i+1 end until i>#args or scriptIsFinished