local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.seedwatch') local argparse = require('argparse') local function process_args(opts, args) if args[1] == 'help' then opts.help = true return end return argparse.processArgsGetopt(args, { {'h', 'help', handler=function() opts.help = true end}, }) end local function print_status() print(('seedwatch is %s'):format(isEnabled() and "enabled" or "disabled")) print() print('usable seed counts and current targets:') local watch_map, seed_counts = seedwatch_getData() local sum = 0 local plants = df.global.world.raws.plants.all for k,v in pairs(seed_counts) do print((' %4d/%d %s'):format(v, watch_map[k] or 0, plants[k].id)) sum = sum + v end print() print(('total usable seeds: %d'):format(sum)) end local function set_target(name, num) if not name or #name == 0 then qerror('must specify "all" or plant name') end num = tonumber(num) num = num and math.floor(num) or nil if not num or num < 0 then qerror('target must be a non-negative integer') end seedwatch_setTarget(name, num) end function parse_commandline(...) local args, opts = {...}, {} local positionals = process_args(opts, args) if opts.help then return false end local command = positionals[1] if not command or command == 'status' then print_status() elseif command == 'clear' then set_target('all', 0) elseif positionals[2] then set_target(command, positionals[2]) else return false end return true end return _ENV