# Show syndromes affecting units and the remaining and maximum duration # original author: drayath # edited by expwnent =begin show-unit-syndromes =================== Show syndromes affecting units and the remaining and maximum duration, along with (optionally) substantial detail on the effects. Use one or more of the following options: :help: Show the help message :showall: Show units even if not affected by any syndrome :showeffects: Show detailed effects of each syndrome :showdisplayeffects: Show effects that only change the look of the unit :ignorehiddencurse: Hide syndromes the user should not be able to know about (TODO) :selected: Show selected unit :dwarves: Show dwarves :livestock: Show livestock :wildanimals: Show wild animals :hostile: Show hostiles (e.g. invaders, thieves, forgotten beasts etc) :world: Show all defined syndromes in the world :export: ``export:`` sends output to the given file, showing all syndromes affecting each unit with the maximum and present duration. =end #TODO: When showing effects on a unit, show the actual change to the unit # E.g. if +150%, +500 strength show actual total bonus based on the unit stats. # For this also need to know # how does size_delays affect the start/peak/end time # how does size_dilute affect the Severity, does it also affect the phy/mental stat adjustments? # how does peak affect the Severity, does it also affect the phy/mental stat adjustments? #TODO: Add interaction info needs to display a bit more data, but the required structures are not yet decoded #TODO: Several of the unk_xxx fields have been identified here, and can get some more by comparing the raws with the printed interaction and effect information. Pass these onto the dfhack guys. def print_help() puts "Use one or more of the following options:" puts " showall: Show units even if not affected by any syndrome" puts " showeffects: shows detailed effects of each syndrome" puts " showdisplayeffects: show effects that only change the look of the unit" puts " ignorehiddencurse: Hides syndromes the user should not be able to know about (TODO)" puts " selected: Show selected unit" puts " dwarves: Show dwarves" puts " livestock: Show livestock" puts " wildanimals: Show wild animals" puts " hostile: Show hostiles (e.g. invaders, thieves, forgotten beasts etc)" puts " world: Show all defined syndromes in the world" puts " export: Write the output to a file instead of the console." puts "" puts "Will show all syndromes affecting each units with the maximum and present duration." end class Output attr_accessor :fileLogger, :indent_level def initialize(filename) indent_level = "" if filename==nil @fileLogger = nil else @fileLogger = File.new(filename + ".html", "w") @fileLogger.puts("") end end RED = "red" GREEN = "green" BLUE = "blue" DEFAULT = "black" HIGHLIGHT = "black\" size=\"+1" def colorize(text, color_code) if @fileLogger == nil return text else new_text = "#{text}" if color_code == HIGHLIGHT new_text = "" + new_text + "" end return new_text end end def inactive(text) if @fileLogger == nil return "###" + text else return "#{text}" end end def indent() if @fileLogger == nil @indent_level = "#{@indent_level} - " else @fileLogger.puts("") end end def break() if @fileLogger == nil puts("\n") else @fileLogger.puts("

") end end def close() if @fileLogger != nil @fileLogger.puts("") @fileLogger.flush @fileLogger.close @fileLogger = nil end end def log(text, color=nil) if @fileLogger == nil puts("#{@indent_level}#{text}") elsif color==nil @fileLogger.puts(text+"
") elsif @indent_level == "" @fileLogger.puts(colorize(text, color)) else @fileLogger.puts("
  • " + colorize(text, color)+"
  • ") end end end def get_mental_att(att_index) case att_index when 0 return "Analytical Ability" when 1 return "Focus" when 2 return "Willpower" when 3 return "Creativity" when 4 return "Intuition" when 5 return "Patience" when 6 return "Memory" when 7 return "Linguistics" when 8 return "Spacial Sense" when 9 return "Musicality" when 10 return "Kinesthetic Sense" when 11 return "Empathy" when 12 return "Social Awareness" else return "Unknown" end end def get_physical_att(att_index) case att_index when 0 return "strength" when 1 return "agility" when 2 return "toughness" when 3 return "endurance" when 4 return "recuperation" when 5 return "disease resistance" else return "unknown" end end def get_effect_target(target) values = [] limit = target.key.length - 1 for i in (0..limit) if(target.mode[i].to_s() != "") items = "" #case target.mode[i].to_s() #when "BY_TYPE" # item = "type(" #when "BY_TOKEN" # item = "token(" #when "BY_CATEGORY" # item = "category(" #end if(target.key[i].to_s()!="") item = "#{item}#{target.key[i].to_s().capitalize()}" end if target.tissue[i].to_s() != "ALL" if(target.key[i].to_s()!="" and target.tissue[i].to_s()!="") item = "#{item}:" end if(target.tissue[i].to_s()!="") item = "#{item}#{target.tissue[i].to_s().capitalize()}" end end #item = item + ")" values.push(item) end end if values.length == 0 or (values.length == 1 and values[0] == "All") return "" else return ", target=" + values.join(", ") end end def get_att_pairs(values, percents, physical) items = [] color = Output::DEFAULT limit = values.length - 1 for i in (0..limit) if (values[i] != 0 or percents[i] != 100) if physical item = "#{get_physical_att(i)}(" else item = "#{get_mental_att(i)}(" end if(values[i]!=0) item = item + "%+d" % values[i] end if (values[i]!=0 and percents[i]!=100) item = item + ", " end if (percents[i]!=100 or values[i]==0) item = item + "%d" % percents[i] + "%" end item = item + ")" if color != Output::RED and values[i] >= 0 and percents[i] > 100 color = Output::GREEN elsif values[i] <0 || percents[i] < 100 color = Output::RED end items.push(item) end end return items.join(", "), color end def get_display_name(name, verb) if name != nil and name != "" return name.capitalize() end if verb == nil or verb == "" return "Mystery" end if verb.length > 100 verb = verb.slice(0, 100).capitalize() end pos = verb.index(".") if pos == nil return verb.slice(0, verb.rindex(" ")).capitalize() else return verb.slice(0, pos).capitalize() end end def get_interaction(interaction) # name, USAGE_HINT, range, wait period are probably all we really want to show. #result = "a=#{interaction.unk_6c} b=#{interaction.unk_7c} c=#{interaction.unk_8c} d=#{interaction.unk_a8} e=#{interaction.unk_c4} f=#{interaction.unk_e4} " #result = result + "g=#{interaction.unk_e0} h=#{interaction.unk_e4} i=#{interaction.unk_100} j=#{interaction.unk_11c} k=#{interaction.unk_138} l=#{interaction.unk_154} " #result = result + "m=#{interaction.unk_170} n=#{interaction.unk_18c} o=#{interaction.unk_1a8} p=#{interaction.unk_1c4} q=#{interaction.unk_1e8} r=#{interaction.unk_25c} " #result = result + "s=#{interaction.unk_278}" if interaction.name == "" name = "mystery" else name = interaction.name end return "ability=#{get_display_name(interaction.name, interaction.verb[0])}, delay=#{interaction.usage_delay}, actionType=TODO, range=TODO, maxTargets=TODO" end def get_effect_flags(flags) values = [] if(flags.SIZE_DELAYS) then values.push("size delays") end if(flags.SIZE_DILUTES) then values.push("size dilutes") end if(flags.VASCULAR_ONLY) then values.push("vascular only") end if(flags.MUSCULAR_ONLY) then values.push("muscles only") end if(flags.RESISTABLE) then values.push("resistable") end if(flags.LOCALIZED) then values.push("localized") end return values.join(",") end def get_tag1_flags(logger, flags, add) values = [] good = false bad = false if add good_color = Output::GREEN bad_color = Output::RED else good_color = Output::RED bad_color = Output::GREEN end if(flags.EXTRAVISION) values.push(logger.colorize("extravision", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.OPPOSED_TO_LIFE) values.push(logger.colorize("attack the living", bad_color)) bad = true end if(flags.NOT_LIVING) values.push(logger.colorize("undead", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.NOEXERT) values.push(logger.colorize("does not tire", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NOPAIN) values.push(logger.colorize("does not feel pain", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NOBREATHE) values.push(logger.colorize("does not breathe", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.HAS_BLOOD) values.push(logger.colorize("has blood", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.NOSTUN) values.push(logger.colorize("can't be stunned", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NONAUSEA) values.push(logger.colorize("does not get nausea", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NO_DIZZINESS) values.push(logger.colorize("does not get dizzy", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NO_FEVERS) values.push(logger.colorize("does not get fever", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.TRANCES) values.push(logger.colorize("can enter trance", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NOEMOTION) values.push(logger.colorize("feels no emotion", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.LIKES_FIGHTING) values.push(logger.colorize("like fighting", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.PARALYZEIMMUNE) values.push(logger.colorize("can't be paralyzed", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NOFEAR) values.push(logger.colorize("does not feel fear", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NO_EAT) values.push(logger.colorize("does not eat", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NO_DRINK) values.push(logger.colorize("does not drink", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NO_SLEEP) values.push(logger.colorize("does not sleep", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.MISCHIEVOUS) values.push(logger.colorize("mischievous", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.NO_PHYS_ATT_GAIN) values.push(logger.colorize("physical stats cant improve", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NO_PHYS_ATT_RUST) values.push(logger.colorize("physical stats do not rust", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.NOTHOUGHT) values.push(logger.colorize("stupid", bad_color)) bad = true end if(flags.NO_THOUGHT_CENTER_FOR_MOVEMENT) values.push(logger.colorize("no brain needed to move", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.CAN_SPEAK) values.push(logger.colorize("can speak", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.CAN_LEARN) values.push(logger.colorize("can learn", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.UTTERANCES) values.push(logger.colorize("utterances", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.CRAZED) values.push(logger.colorize("crazed", bad_color)) bad = true end if(flags.BLOODSUCKER) values.push(logger.colorize("drinks blood", bad_color)) bad = true end if(flags.NO_CONNECTIONS_FOR_MOVEMENT) values.push(logger.colorize("can move without nerves", good_color)) good = true end if(flags.SUPERNATURAL) values.push(logger.colorize("supernatural", good_color)) good = true end if add if bad color = Output::RED elsif good color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end else if good color = Output::RED elsif bad color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end end return values.join(", "), color end def get_tag2_flags(logger, flags, add) values = [] good = false bad = false if add good_color = Output::GREEN bad_color = Output::RED else good_color = Output::RED bad_color = Output::GREEN end if(flags.NO_AGING) good = true values.push(logger.colorize("does not age", good_color)) end if(flags.MORTAL) bad = true values.push(logger.colorize("mortal", bad_color)) end if(flags.STERILE) values.push(logger.colorize("can't have children", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.FIT_FOR_ANIMATION) values.push(logger.colorize("can be animated", Output::DEFAULT)) end if(flags.FIT_FOR_RESURRECTION) good = true values.push(logger.colorize("can be resurrected", Output::DEFAULT)) end if add if bad color = Output::RED elsif good color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end else if good color = Output::RED elsif bad color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end end return values.join(", "), color end def find_creature_name(id, casteid) creature = df.world.raws.creatures.all.find{ |c| c.creature_id == id } if creature == nil return id, casteid end creature_name = creature.name[0].capitalize() if casteid == "DEFAULT" return creature_name, "" end caste = creature.caste.find{ |c| c.caste_id == casteid } if caste == nil return creature_name, casteid elsif creature.name[0].downcase() == caste.caste_name[0].downcase() return creature_name, "" else castename = caste.caste_name[0].downcase().chomp(creature.name[0].downcase()).strip() if castename.start_with?(creature.name[0]) castename = castename.slice(creature.name[0].length, castename.length - creature.name[0].length).strip() end if castename.start_with?("of the") castename = castename.slice("of the".length, castename.length - "of the".length).strip() end return creature_name, castename.downcase() end end def get_effect(logger, ce, ticks, showdisplayeffects) flags = get_effect_flags(ce.flags) if flags != "" flags = " (#{flags})" end if ce.end == -1 duration = " [permanent]" elsif ce.start >= ce.peak or ce.peak <= 1 duration = " [#{ce.start}-#{ce.end}]" else duration = " [#{ce.start}-#{ce.peak}-#{ce.end}]" end case ce.getType().to_s() when "PAIN" name = "Pain" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "SWELLING" name = "Swelling" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "OOZING" name = "Oozing" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "BRUISING" name = "Bruising" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "BLISTERS" name = "Blisters" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "NUMBNESS" name = "Numbness" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::GREEN when "PARALYSIS" name = "Paralysis" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "FEVER" name = "Fever" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "BLEEDING" name = "Bleeding" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "COUGH_BLOOD" name = "Cough Blood" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "VOMIT_BLOOD" name = "Vomit Blood" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "NAUSEA" name = "Nausea" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "UNCONSCIOUSNESS" name = "Unconsciousness" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "NECROSIS" name = "Necrosis" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "IMPAIR_FUNCTION" name = "Impairs" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::RED when "DROWSINESS" name = "Drowsiness" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "DIZZINESS" name = "Dizziness" desc = "power=#{ce.sev}" color = Output::RED when "ADD_TAG" name = "Add" tags1 = get_tag1_flags(logger, ce.tags1, true) tags2 = get_tag2_flags(logger, ce.tags2, true) desc = "#{tags1[0]},#{tags2[0]}" if tags1[1] == Output::RED || tags2[1] == Output::RED color = Output::RED elsif tags1[1] == Output::GREEN || tags2[1] == Output::GREEN color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end when "REMOVE_TAG" name = "Remove" tags1 = get_tag1_flags(logger, ce.tags1, true) tags2 = get_tag2_flags(logger, ce.tags2, true) desc = "#{tags1[0]},#{tags2[0]}" if tags1[1] == Output::RED || tags2[1] == Output::RED color = Output::RED elsif tags1[1] == Output::GREEN || tags2[1] == Output::GREEN color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end when "DISPLAY_TILE" if !showdisplayeffects then return "", Output::DEFAULT end name = "Tile" desc = "Tile=#{ce.tile}, Colour=#{ce.color}" color = Output::DEFAULT when "FLASH_TILE" if !showdisplayeffects then return "", Output::DEFAULT end name = "Flash" color = ce.sym_color >> 8 tile = ce.sym_color - (color * 256) desc = "tile = #{tile}, colour=#{color}, time=#{ce.period}, period=#{ce.time}" color = Output::DEFAULT when "SPEED_CHANGE" name = "Physical" desc = "speed(" value = ce.bonus_add percent = ce.bonus_perc if(value!=0) desc = desc + "%+d" % value end if (value!=0 and percent!=100) desc = desc + ", " end if (percent!=100 or value==0) desc = desc + "%d" % percent + "%" end desc = desc + ")" if value < 0 or percent < 100 color = Output::RED elsif value >0 or percent >100 color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end when "CAN_DO_INTERACTION" name = "Add interaction" desc = "#{get_interaction(ce)}" color = Output::GREEN when "SKILL_ROLL_ADJUST" name = "Skill check" desc = "modifier=#{ce.multiplier}%, chance=#{ce.chance}%" if ce.multiplier > 100 color = Output::GREEN elsif ce.multiplier < 100 color = Output::RED else color = Output::DEFAULT end when "BODY_TRANSFORMATION" name = "Transformation" if ce.chance > 0 chance = ", chance=#{ce.chance} " else chance = "" end creature_name = find_creature_name(ce.race_str, ce.caste_str) if creature_name[1] == "" desc = "#{creature_name[0]}#{chance}" else desc = "#{creature_name[0]}(#{creature_name[1]})#{chance}" end color = Output::BLUE when "PHYS_ATT_CHANGE" name = "Physical" data = get_att_pairs(ce.phys_att_add, ce.phys_att_perc, true) desc = data[0] color = data[1] when "MENT_ATT_CHANGE" name = "Mental" data = get_att_pairs(ce.ment_att_add, ce.ment_att_perc, false) desc = data[0] color = data[1] when "MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER" name = "Material force multiplier" desc = "received damage scaled by #{(ce.fraction_mul * 100 / ce.fraction_div * 100)/100}%" if ce.fraction_div > ce.fraction_mul color = Output::GREEN elsif ce.fraction_div < ce.fraction_mul color = Output::RED else color = Output::DEFAULT end if ce.mat_index >=0 mat = df.decode_mat(ce.mat_type, ce.mat_index ) elsif ce.mat_type >= 0 mat = df.decode_mat(ce.mat_type, 0 ) else mat = nil end if mat!= nil token = mat.token if token.start_with?("INORGANIC:") token = token.slice("INORGANIC:".length, token.length - "INORGANIC:".length) end desc = "#{desc} vs #{token.capitalize()}" end when "BODY_MAT_INTERACTION" # interactionId, SundromeTriggerType name = "Body material interaction" desc = "a???=#{ce.unk_6c}, b???=#{ce.unk_88}, c???=#{ce.unk_8c}, d???=#{ce.unk_90}, e???=#{ce.unk_94}" color = Output::DEFAULT when "BODY_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER" if !showdisplayeffects then return "", Output::DEFAULT end # !!! seems to be missing info class !!! # should be enum and value name = "Body Appearance" desc = "" color = Output::DEFAULT when "BP_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER" if !showdisplayeffects then return "", Output::DEFAULT end name = "Body part appearance" desc = "value=#{ce.value} change_type_enum?=#{ce.unk_6c}#{get_effect_target(ce.target)}" color = Output::DEFAULT when "DISPLAY_NAME" if !showdisplayeffects then return "", Output::DEFAULT end name = "Set display name" desc = "#{ce.name}" color = Output::DEFAULT else name = "Unknown" color = Output::HIGHLIGHT end text = "#{name}#{duration}#{flags} #{desc}" if ticks > 0 and ((ce.start > 0 and ticks < ce.start) or (ce.end > 0 and ticks > ce.end)) text = logger.inactive(text) end return text, color end print_syndrome = lambda { |logger, syndrome, showeffects, showdisplayeffects| rawsyndrome = df.world.raws.syndromes.all[syndrome.type] duration = rawsyndrome.ce.minmax_by{ |ce| ce.end } if duration[0].end == -1 durationStr = "permanent" else if duration[0].end == duration[1].end durationStr = "#{syndrome.ticks} of #{duration[0].end}" else durationStr = "#{syndrome.ticks} of #{duration[0].end}-#{duration[1].end}" end end effects = rawsyndrome.ce.collect { |effect| get_effect(logger, effect, syndrome.ticks, showdisplayeffects) } if effects.any?{ |text, color| color==Output::RED } color = Output::RED elsif effects.any?{|text, color| color==Output::GREEN } color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end logger.indent() logger.log "#{get_display_name(rawsyndrome.syn_name, "")} [#{durationStr}]", color if showeffects logger.indent() effects.each{ |text, color| if text!="" then logger.log text, color end } logger.unindent() end logger.unindent() } print_raw_syndrome = lambda { |logger, rawsyndrome, showeffects, showdisplayeffects| effects = rawsyndrome.ce.collect { |effect| get_effect(logger, effect, -1, showdisplayeffects) } if effects.any?{ |item| item[1]==Output::RED } color = Output::RED elsif effects.any?{|item| item[1]==Output::GREEN } color = Output::GREEN else color = Output::DEFAULT end logger.indent() logger.log get_display_name(rawsyndrome.syn_name, ""), color if showeffects logger.indent() effects.each{ |text, color| if text!="" then logger.log text, color end } logger.unindent() end logger.unindent() } print_syndromes = lambda { |logger, unit, showrace, showall, showeffects, showhiddencurse, showdisplayeffects| if showhiddencurse syndromes = unit.syndromes.active else syndromes = unit.syndromes.active # TODO: syndromes = unit.syndromes.active.select{ |s| visible_syndrome?(unit, s) } end if !syndromes.empty? or showall if showrace logger.log "#{df.world.raws.creatures.all[unit.race].name[0]}#{unit.name == '' ? "" : ": "}#{unit.name}", Output::HIGHLIGHT else logger.log "#{unit.name}", Output::HIGHLIGHT end end syndromes.each { |syndrome| print_syndrome[logger, syndrome, showeffects, showdisplayeffects] } } def starts_with?(str, prefix) prefix = prefix.to_s str[0, prefix.length] == prefix end showall = false showeffects = false selected = false dwarves = false livestock = false wildanimals = false hostile = false world = false showhiddencurse = false showdisplayeffects = false if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "help" or arg == "?" or arg == "-?" } print_help() elsif $script_args.empty? dwarves = true showeffects = true else if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "showall" } then showall=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "showeffects" } then showeffects=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "ignorehiddencurse" } then showhiddencurse=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "showdisplayeffects" } then showdisplayeffects=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "selected" } then selected=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "dwarves" } then dwarves=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "livestock" } then livestock=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "wildanimals" } then wildanimals=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "hostile" } then hostile=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| arg == "world" } then world=true end if $script_args.any?{ |arg| starts_with?(arg, "export:") } exportfile = $script_args.find{ |arg| starts_with?(arg, "export:") }.gsub("export:", "") export=true end end if export logger = Output.new(exportfile) else logger = Output.new(nil) end if selected print_syndromes[logger, df.unit_find(), true, showall, showeffects, showhiddencurse, showdisplayeffects] logger.break() end if dwarves logger.log "Dwarves", Output::HIGHLIGHT df.unit_citizens.each { |unit| print_syndromes[logger, unit, false, showall, showeffects, showhiddencurse, showdisplayeffects] } logger.break() end if livestock logger.log "Livestock", Output::HIGHLIGHT df.world.units.active.find_all { |u| df.unit_category(u) == :Livestock }.each { |unit| print_syndromes[logger, unit, true, showall, showeffects, showhiddencurse, showdisplayeffects] } logger.break() end if wildanimals logger.log "Wild animals", Output::HIGHLIGHT df.world.units.active.find_all { |u| df.unit_category(u) == :Other and df.unit_other_category(u) == :Wild }.each { |unit| print_syndromes[logger, unit, true, showall, showeffects, showhiddencurse, showdisplayeffects] } logger.break() end if hostile logger.log "Hostile units", Output::HIGHLIGHT df.unit_hostiles.each { |unit| print_syndromes[logger, unit, true, showall, showeffects, showhiddencurse, showdisplayeffects] } logger.break() end if world logger.log "All syndromes", Output::HIGHLIGHT df.world.raws.syndromes.all.each { |syndrome| print_raw_syndrome[logger, syndrome, showeffects, showdisplayeffects] } end logger.close()