#include <iostream> #include <string.h> // for memset #include <string> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <map> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; #include <DFHack.h> #include <dfhack/extra/MapExtras.h> using namespace MapExtras; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Command line options bool updown = false; if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1],"-x") == 0) updown = true; DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context * DF; try { DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); DF->Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } uint32_t x_max,y_max,z_max; DFHack::Maps * Maps = DF->getMaps(); DFHack::Gui * Gui = DF->getGui(); // init the map if(!Maps->Start()) { cerr << "Can't init map. Make sure you have a map loaded in DF." << endl; DF->Detach(); #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } int32_t cx, cy, cz; Maps->getSize(x_max,y_max,z_max); uint32_t tx_max = x_max * 16; uint32_t ty_max = y_max * 16; Gui->getCursorCoords(cx,cy,cz); while(cx == -30000) { cerr << "Cursor is not active. Point the cursor at a vein." << endl; DF->Resume(); cin.ignore(); DF->Suspend(); Gui->getCursorCoords(cx,cy,cz); } DFHack::DFCoord xy ((uint32_t)cx,(uint32_t)cy,cz); if(xy.x == 0 || xy.x == tx_max - 1 || xy.y == 0 || xy.y == ty_max - 1) { cerr << "I won't dig the borders. That would be cheating!" << endl; DF->Detach(); #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } MapCache * MCache = new MapCache(Maps); DFHack::t_designation des = MCache->designationAt(xy); int16_t tt = MCache->tiletypeAt(xy); int16_t veinmat = MCache->veinMaterialAt(xy); if( veinmat == -1 ) { cerr << "This tile is non-vein. Bye :)" << endl; delete MCache; DF->Detach(); #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } printf("%d/%d/%d tiletype: %d, veinmat: %d, designation: 0x%x ... DIGGING!\n", cx,cy,cz, tt, veinmat, des.whole); stack <DFHack::DFCoord> flood; flood.push(xy); while( !flood.empty() ) { DFHack::DFCoord current = flood.top(); flood.pop(); int16_t vmat2 = MCache->veinMaterialAt(current); tt = MCache->tiletypeAt(current); if(!DFHack::isWallTerrain(tt)) continue; if(vmat2!=veinmat) continue; // found a good tile, dig+unset material DFHack::t_designation des = MCache->designationAt(current); DFHack::t_designation des_minus; DFHack::t_designation des_plus; des_plus.whole = des_minus.whole = 0; int16_t vmat_minus = -1; int16_t vmat_plus = -1; bool below = 0; bool above = 0; if(updown) { if(MCache->testCoord(current-1)) { below = 1; des_minus = MCache->designationAt(current-1); vmat_minus = MCache->veinMaterialAt(current-1); } if(MCache->testCoord(current+1)) { above = 1; des_plus = MCache->designationAt(current+1); vmat_plus = MCache->veinMaterialAt(current+1); } } if(MCache->testCoord(current)) { MCache->clearMaterialAt(current); if(current.x < tx_max - 2) { flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x + 1, current.y, current.z)); if(current.y < ty_max - 2) { flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x + 1, current.y + 1,current.z)); flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x, current.y + 1,current.z)); } if(current.y > 1) { flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x + 1, current.y - 1,current.z)); flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x, current.y - 1,current.z)); } } if(current.x > 1) { flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x - 1, current.y,current.z)); if(current.y < ty_max - 2) { flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x - 1, current.y + 1,current.z)); flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x, current.y + 1,current.z)); } if(current.y > 1) { flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x - 1, current.y - 1,current.z)); flood.push(DFHack::DFCoord(current.x, current.y - 1,current.z)); } } if(updown) { if(current.z > 0 && below && vmat_minus == vmat2) { flood.push(current-1); if(des_minus.bits.dig == DFHack::designation_d_stair) des_minus.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_ud_stair; else des_minus.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_u_stair; MCache->setDesignationAt(current-1,des_minus); des.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_d_stair; } if(current.z < z_max - 1 && above && vmat_plus == vmat2) { flood.push(current+ 1); if(des_plus.bits.dig == DFHack::designation_u_stair) des_plus.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_ud_stair; else des_plus.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_d_stair; MCache->setDesignationAt(current+1,des_plus); if(des.bits.dig == DFHack::designation_d_stair) des.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_ud_stair; else des.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_u_stair; } } if(des.bits.dig == DFHack::designation_no) des.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_default; MCache->setDesignationAt(current,des); } } MCache->WriteAll(); delete MCache; DF->Detach(); #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; }