-- itemsyndrome.lua -- author: Putnam -- edited by expwnent -- Checks for inventory changes and applies or removes syndromes that items or their materials have. Use "disable" (minus quotes) to disable and "help" to get help. eventful=eventful or require("plugins.eventful") syndromeUtil = syndromeUtil or require("plugins.syndromeUtil") local function printItemSyndromeHelp() print("Arguments (non case-sensitive):") print(' "help": displays this dialogue.') print(" ") print(' "disable": disables the script.') print(" ") print(' "debugon/debugoff": debug mode.') print(" ") print(' "contaminantson/contaminantsoff": toggles searching for contaminants.') print(' Disabling speeds itemsyndrome up greatly.') print(' "transformReEquipOn/TransformReEquipOff": toggles transformation auto-reequip.') end itemsyndromedebug=false local args = {...} for k,v in ipairs(args) do v=v:lower() if v == "help" then printItemSyndromeHelp() return end if v == "debugon" then itemsyndromedebug = true end if v == "debugoff" then itemsyndromedebug = false end if v == "contaminantson" then itemsyndromecontaminants = true end if v == "contaminantsoff" then itemsyndromecontaminants = false end if v == "transformreequipon" then transformationReEquip = true end if v == "transformreequipoff" then transformationReEquip = false end end local function getMaterial(item) --What does this line mean? local material = dfhack.matinfo.decode(item) and dfhack.matinfo.decode(item) or false if not material then return nil end if material.mode ~= "inorganic" then return nil else return material.material --the "material" thing up there contains a bit more info which is all pretty important but impertinent, like the creature that the material comes from end end local function findItemSyndromeInorganic() local allInorganics = {} for matID,material in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.inorganics) do if string.find(material.id,"DFHACK_ITEMSYNDROME_MATERIAL_") then table.insert(allInorganics,matID) end --the last underscore is needed to prevent duped raws; I want good modder courtesy if it kills me, dammit! end if itemsyndromedebug then printall(allInorganics) end if #allInorganics>0 then return allInorganics else return nil end end local function getAllItemSyndromeMats(itemSyndromeMatIDs) local allActualInorganics = {} for _,itemSyndromeMatID in ipairs(itemSyndromeMatIDs) do table.insert(allActualInorganics,df.global.world.raws.inorganics[itemSyndromeMatID].material) end if itemsyndromedebug then printall(allActualInorganics) end return allActualInorganics end local function syndromeIsDfHackSyndrome(syndrome) for k,v in ipairs(syndrome.syn_class) do if v.value=="DFHACK_ITEM_SYNDROME" then if itemsyndromedebug then print('Syndrome is DFHack syndrome, checking if creature is affected...') end return true end end if itemsyndromedebug then print('Syndrome is not DFHack syndrome. Cancelling.') end return false end local function itemHasNoSubtype(item) return item:getSubtype()==-1 end local function itemHasSyndrome(item) if itemHasNoSubtype(item) or not itemSyndromeMats then return nil end local allItemSyndromes={} for _,material in ipairs(itemSyndromeMats) do for __,syndrome in ipairs(material.syndrome) do if syndrome.syn_name == item.subtype.name then table.insert(allItemSyndromes,syndrome) end end end return #allItemSyndromes>0 and allItemSyndromes or false end local function getValidPositions(syndrome) local returnTable={AffectsHauler=false,AffectsStuckins=false,IsArmorOnly=false,IsWieldedOnly=false,OnlyAffectsStuckins=false} for k,v in ipairs(syndrome.syn_class) do if v.value:find('DFHACK') then if v.value=="DFHACK_AFFECTS_HAULER" then returnTable.AffectsHauler=true end if v.value=="DFHACK_AFFECTS_STUCKIN" then returnTable.AffectsStuckins=true end if v.value=="DFHACK_STUCKINS_ONLY" then returnTable.OnlyAffectsStuckins=true end if v.value=="DFHACK_WIELDED_ONLY" then returnTable.IsWieldedOnly=true end if v.value=="DFHACK_ARMOR_ONLY" then returnTable.IsArmorOnly=true end end end return returnTable end local function itemIsInValidPosition(item_inv, syndrome) local item = getValidPositions(syndrome) if not item_inv then print("You shouldn't see this error! At all! Putnam f'd up! Tell him off!") return false end local isInValidPosition=not ((item_inv.mode == 0 and not item.AffectsHauler) or (item_inv.mode == 7 and not item.AffectsStuckins) or (item_inv.mode ~= 2 and item.IsArmorOnly) or (item_inv.mode ~=1 and item.IsWieldedOnly) or (item_inv.mode ~=7 and item.OnlyAffectsStuckins)) if itemsyndromedebug then print(isInValidPosition and 'Item is in correct position.' or 'Item is not in correct position.') end return isInValidPosition end local function syndromeIsTransformation(syndrome) for _,effect in ipairs(syndrome.ce) do if df.creature_interaction_effect_body_transformationst:is_instance(effect) then return true end end return false end local function rememberInventory(unit) local invCopy = {} for inv_id,item_inv in ipairs(unit.inventory) do invCopy[inv_id+1] = {} local itemToWorkOn = invCopy[inv_id+1] itemToWorkOn.item = item_inv.item itemToWorkOn.mode = item_inv.mode itemToWorkOn.body_part_id = item_inv.body_part_id end return invCopy end local function moveAllToInventory(unit,invTable) for _,item_inv in ipairs(invTable) do dfhack.items.moveToInventory(item_inv.item,unit,item_inv.mode,item_inv.body_part_id) end end local function syndromeIsOnUnequip(syndrome) for k,v in ipairs(syndrome.syn_class) do if v.value:upper()=='DFHACK_ON_UNEQUIP' then return true end end return false end local function addOrRemoveSyndromeDepending(unit,old_equip,new_equip,syndrome) local item_inv=new_equip or old_equip if not syndromeIsDfHackSyndrome(syndrome) then return end local equippedOld = itemIsInValidPosition(old_equip,syndrome) local equippedNew = itemIsInValidPosition(new_equip,syndrome) if equippedOld == equippedNew then return end local isOnEquip = not syndromeIsOnUnequip(syndrome) local apply = (isOnEquip and equippedNew) or (not isOnEquip and not equippedNew) if apply then syndromeUtil.infectWithSyndrome(unit,syndrome,syndromeUtil.ResetPolicy.ResetDuration) else syndromeUtil.eraseSyndrome(unit,syndrome) end end eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.INVENTORY_CHANGE,5) eventful.onInventoryChange.itemsyndrome=function(unit_id,item_id,old_equip,new_equip) local item = df.item.find(item_id) --if not item then return false end if not item then return end local unit = df.unit.find(unit_id) if unit.flags1.dead then return false end if itemsyndromedebug then print("Checking unit #" .. unit_id) end local transformation = false if itemsyndromedebug then print("checking item #" .. item_id .." on unit #" .. unit_id) end local itemMaterial=getMaterial(item) local function manageSyndromes(syndromes) for k,syndrome in ipairs(syndromes) do if itemsyndromedebug then print("item has a syndrome, checking if syndrome is valid for application...") end if syndromeIsTransformation(syndrome) then --unitInventory = rememberInventory(unit) rememberInventory(unit) transformation = true end addOrRemoveSyndromeDepending(unit,old_equip,new_equip,syndrome) end end if itemMaterial then manageSyndromes(itemMaterial.syndrome) end local itemSyndromes = itemHasSyndrome(item) if itemSyndromes then if itemsyndromedebug then print("Item itself has a syndrome, checking if item is in correct position and creature is affected") end manageSyndromes(itemSyndromes) end if itemsyndromecontaminants and item.contaminants then if itemsyndromedebug then print("Item has contaminants. Checking for syndromes...") end for _,contaminant in ipairs(item.contaminants) do local contaminantMaterial=getMaterial(contaminant) if contaminantMaterial then manageSyndromes(contaminantMaterial.syndrome) end end end if transformation and transformationReEquip then dfhack.timeout(2,"ticks",function() moveAllToInventory(unit,unitInventory) end) end end dfhack.onStateChange.itemsyndrome=function(code) if code==SC_WORLD_LOADED then itemSyndromeMatIDs = findItemSyndromeInorganic() if itemSyndromeMatIDs then itemSyndromeMats = getAllItemSyndromeMats(itemSyndromeMatIDs) end end end if disable then eventful.onInventoryChange.itemsyndrome=nil print("Disabled itemsyndrome.") disable = false else print("Enabled itemsyndrome.") end