tools={} function tools.setrace(name) RaceTable=BuildNameTable() print("Your current race is:"..GetRaceToken( local id if name == nil then print("Type new race's token name in full caps (q to quit):") repeat entry=getline() if entry=="q" then return end id=RaceTable[entry] until id~=nil else id=RaceTable[name] if id==nil then error("Name not found!") end end end"Set current race",tools.setrace) function tools.GiveSentience(names) RaceTable=RaceTable or BuildNameTable() --slow.If loaded don't load again if names ==nil then ids={} print("Type race's token name in full caps to give sentience to:") repeat entry=getline() id=RaceTable[entry] until id~=nil table.insert(ids,id) else ids={} for _,name in pairs(names) do id=RaceTable[name] table.insert(ids,id) end end for _,id in pairs(ids) do local local castes=races[id].caste print(string.format("Caste count:%i",castes.size)) for i =0,#castes-1 do print("Caste name:"..castes[i].caste_id.."...") local flags=castes[i].flags --print(string.format("%x",flagoffset)) if flags.CAN_SPEAK then print("\tis sentient.") else print("\tnon sentient. Allocating IQ...") flags.CAN_SPEAK=true end end end end"Give Sentience",tools.GiveSentience) function tools.embark() off=offsets.find(0,0x66, 0x83, 0x7F ,0x1A ,0xFF,0x74,0x04) if off~=0 then engine.pokeb(off+5,0x90) engine.pokeb(off+6,0x90) print("Found and patched") else print("not found") end end"Embark anywhere",tools.embark) function tools.getCreatureId(vector) --redo it to getcreature by name/id or something tnames={} rnames={} --[[print("vector1 size:"..vector:size()) print("vector2 size:"..vector2:size())]]-- for i=0,vector:size()-1 do --print(string.format("%x",vector:getval(i))) local name=engine.peek(vector:getval(i),ptt_dfstring):getval() local lid= tools.getlegendsid(vector:getval(i)) if lid ~=0 then print(i..")*Creature Name:"" race="..engine.peekw(vector:getval(i)" legendid="..lid) else print(i..") Creature Name:"" race="..engine.peekw(vector:getval(i) end if name ~="" and name~=nil then tnames[i]=name rnames[name]=i end end print("=====================================") print("type in name or number:") r=getline() if tonumber(r) ==nil then indx=rnames[r] if indx==nil then return end else r=tonumber(r) if r<vector:size() then indx=r else return end end return indx end function tools.change_adv(unit,nemesis) if nemesis==nil then nemesis=true --default value is nemesis switch too. end if unit==nil then unit=getCreatureAtPointer() end if unit==nil then error("Invalid unit!") end local[0] local unit_indx for k,v in pairs(other) do if v==unit then unit_indx=k break end end if unit_indx==nil then error("Unit not found in array?!") --should not happen end other[unit_indx]=other[0] other[0]=unit if nemesis then --basicly copied from advtools plugin... local nem=getNemesis(unit) local other_nem=getNemesis(other[unit_indx]) if other_nem then other_nem.flags[0]=false other_nem.flags[1]=true end if nem then nem.flags[0]=true nem.flags[2]=true for k,v in pairs( do if then end end else error("Current unit does not have nemesis record, further working not guaranteed") end end end"Change Adventurer",tools.change_adv) function tools.MakeFollow(unit,trgunit) if unit == nil then unit=getCreature() end if unit== nil then error("Invalid creature") end if trgunit==nil then[0][0] end local u_nem=getNemesis(unit) local t_nem=getNemesis(trgunit) if u_nem then end if t_nem and u_nem then t_nem.companions:insert(#t_nem.companions, end end"Make creature follow",tools.MakeFollow) function tools.getsite(names) if words==nil then --do once its slow. words,rwords=BuildWordTables() end if names==nil then print("Type words that are in the site name, FULLCAPS, no modifiers (lovely->LOVE), q to quit:") names={} repeat w=getline(); if rwords[w]~=nil then table.insert(names,w) print("--added--") end until w=='q' end tnames={} for _,v in pairs(names) do if rwords[v] ~=nil then table.insert(tnames,rwords[v]) --get word numbers end end local offsites=engine.peekd(offsets.getEx("SiteData"))+0x120 snames={" pfort"," dfort"," cave","mohall","forest","hamlet","imploc"," lair"," fort"," camp"} vector=engine.peek(offsites,ptr_vector) print("Number of sites:"..vector:size()) print("List of hits:") for i =0,vector:size()-1 do off=vector:getval(i) good=true r="" hits=0 sname=engine.peek(off, for k=0,6 do vnum=sname[k]--engine.peekd(off+0x38+k*4) tgood=false if vnum~=0xFFFFFFFF then --print(string.format("%x",vnum)) if names[vnum]~=nil then r=r..names[vnum].." " end for _,v in pairs(tnames) do if vnum==v then tgood=true --print("Match") hits=hits+1 break end end if not tgood then good=false end end end if(good) and (hits>0)then --if true then --print("=====================") typ=engine.peek(off,ptr_site.type)--engine.peekw(off+0x78) flg=engine.peekd(engine.peek(off,ptr_site.flagptr)) --flg=engine.peekd(off+224) --flg2=engine.peekw(off) --tv=engine.peek(off+0x84,ptr_vector) --tv2=engine.peek(off+0xA4,ptr_vector) print(string.format("%d)%s off=%x type=%s\t flags=%x",i,r,off,snames[typ+1],flg)) if i%100==99 then r=getline() end end end print("Type which to change (q cancels):") repeat r=getline() n=tonumber(r) if(r=='q') then return end until n~=nil return vector:getval(n) end function tools.changesite(names) off=tools.getsite(names) snames={"Mountain halls (yours)","Dark fort","Cave","Mountain hall (NPC)","Forest retreat","Hamlet","Important location","Lair","Fort","Camp"} print("Type in the site type (q cancels):") for k,v in pairs(snames) do print((k-1).."->"..v) end repeat r=getline() n2=tonumber(r) if(r=='q') then return end until n2~=nil --off=vector:getval(n) print(string.format("%x->%d",off,n2)) engine.poke(off,ptr_site.type,n2) end function tools.project(unit) if unit==nil then unit=getSelectedUnit() end if unit==nil then unit=getCreatureAtPos(getxyz()) end if unit==nil then error("Failed to project unit. Unit not selected/valid") end -- todo: add projectile to world, point to unit, add flag to unit, add gen-ref to projectile. end function tools.empregnate(unit) if unit==nil then unit=getSelectedUnit() end if unit==nil then unit=getCreatureAtPos(getxyz()) end if unit==nil then error("Failed to empregnate. Unit not selected/valid") end if unit.curse then unit.curse.add_tags2.STERILE=false end local genes = unit.appearance.genes if unit.relations.pregnancy_ptr == nil then print("creating preg ptr.") if false then print(string.format("%x %x",df.sizeof(unit.relations:_field("pregnancy_ptr")))) return end unit.relations.pregnancy_ptr = { new = true, assign = genes } end local ngenes = unit.relations.pregnancy_ptr if #ngenes.appearance ~= #genes.appearance or #ngenes.colors ~= #genes.colors then print("Array sizes incorrect, fixing.") ngenes:assign(genes); end print("Setting preg timer.") unit.relations.pregnancy_timer=10 unit.relations.pregnancy_mystery=1 end"Empregnate",tools.empregnate) function tools.changeflags(names)*8) off=tools.getsite(names) offflgs=engine.peek(off,ptr_site.flagptr) q='' print(string.format("Site offset %x flags offset %x",off,offflgs)) repeat print("flags:") --off=vector:getval(n) flg=engine.peek(offflgs,myflag_pattern) r="" for i=0,3*8-1 do if flg:get(i)==1 then r=r.."x" else r=r.."o" end if i%8==7 then print(i-7 .."->"..r) r="" end end print("Type number to flip, or 'q' to quit.") q=getline() n2=tonumber(q) if n2~=nil then flg:flip(n2) engine.poke(offflgs,myflag_pattern,flg) end until q=='q' end function tools.hostilate() vector=engine.peek(offsets.getEx("CreatureVec"),ptr_vector) id=engine.peekd(offsets.getEx("CreaturePtr")) print(string.format("Vec:%d cr:%d",vector:size(),id)) off=vector:getval(id) crciv=engine.peek(off,ptr_Creature.civ) print("Creatures civ:"..crciv) curciv=engine.peekd(offsets.getEx("CurrentRace")-12) print("My civ:"..curciv) if curciv==crciv then print("Friendly-making enemy") engine.poke(off,ptr_Creature.civ,-1) flg=engine.peek(off,ptr_Creature.flags) flg:set(17,0) print("flag 51:"..tostring(flg:get(51))) engine.poke(off,ptr_Creature.flags,flg) else print("Enemy- making friendly") engine.poke(off,ptr_Creature.civ,curciv) flg=engine.peek(off,ptr_Creature.flags) flg:set(17,1) flg:set(19,0) engine.poke(off,ptr_Creature.flags,flg) end end function tools.mouseBlock() local xs,ys,zs xs,ys,zs=getxyz() xs=math.floor(xs/16) ys=math.floor(ys/16) print("Mouse block is:"..xs.." "..ys.." "..zs) end function tools.fixwarp() local mapoffset=offsets.getEx("WorldData")--0x131C128+offsets.base() local x=engine.peek(mapoffset+24,DWORD) local y=engine.peek(mapoffset+28,DWORD) local z=engine.peek(mapoffset+32,DWORD) --vec=engine.peek(mapoffset,ptr_vector) print("Blocks loaded:"..x.." "..y.." "..z) print("Select type:") print("1. All (SLOW)") print("2. range (x0 x1 y0 y1 z0 z1)") print("3. One block around pointer") print("anything else- quit") q=getline() n2=tonumber(q) if n2==nil then return end if n2>3 or n2<1 then return end local xs,xe,ys,ye,zs,ze if n2==1 then xs=0 xe=x-1 ys=0 ye=y-1 zs=0 ze=z-1 elseif n2==2 then print("enter x0:") xs=tonumber(getline()) print("enter x1:") xe=tonumber(getline()) print("enter y0:") ys=tonumber(getline()) print("enter y1:") ye=tonumber(getline()) print("enter z0:") zs=tonumber(getline()) print("enter z1:") ze=tonumber(getline()) function clamp(t,vmin,vmax) if t> vmax then return vmax end if t< vmin then return vmin end return t end xs=clamp(xs,0,x-1) ys=clamp(ys,0,y-1) zs=clamp(zs,0,z-1) xe=clamp(xe,xs,x-1) ye=clamp(ye,ys,y-1) ze=clamp(ze,zs,z-1) else xs,ys,zs=getxyz() xs=math.floor(xs/16) ys=math.floor(ys/16) xe=xs ye=ys ze=zs end local xblocks=engine.peek(mapoffset,DWORD) local flg=bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1,3)) for xx=xs,xe do local yblocks=engine.peek(xblocks+xx*4,DWORD) for yy=ys,ye do local zblocks=engine.peek(yblocks+yy*4,DWORD) for zz=zs,ze do local myblock=engine.peek(zblocks+zz*4,DWORD) if myblock~=0 then for i=0,255 do local ff=engine.peek(myblock+0x67c+i*4,DWORD),flg) --set 14 flag to 1 engine.poke(myblock+0x67c+i*4,DWORD,ff) end end end print("Blocks done:"..xx.." "..yy) end end end