
.. dfhack-tool::
    :summary: Fix phantom unit occupancy issues.
    :tags: fort bugfix map

If you see "unit blocking tile" messages that you can't account for
(:bug:`3499`), this tool can help.



    enable fix-unit-occupancy
    fix-unit-occupancy [here] [-n]
    fix-unit-occupancy interval <num_ticks>

When run without arguments (or with just the ``here`` or ``-n`` parameters),
the fix just runs once. You can also have it run periodically by enbling the


    Run once and fix all occupancy issues on the map.
``fix-unit-occupancy -n``
    Report on, but do not fix, all occupancy issues on the map.


    Only operate on the tile at the cursor.
    Report issues, but do not any write changes to the map.
``interval <num_ticks>``
    Set how often the plugin will check for and fix issues when it is enabled.
    The default is 1200 ticks, or 1 game day.