-- DFHack developer test harness --@ module = true local expect = require 'test.expect' local json = require 'json' local script = require 'gui.script' local utils = require 'utils' local help_text = [====[ test ==== Run DFHack tests. Usage: test [] [] If a done_command is specified, it will be run after the tests complete. Options: -h, --help display this help message and exit. -d, --test_dir specifies which directory to look in for tests. defaults to the "hack/scripts/test" folder in your DF installation. -m, --modes only run tests in the given comma separated list of modes. valid modes are 'none' (test can be run on any screen) and 'title' (test must be run on the DF title screen). if not specified, no modes are filtered. -r, --resume skip tests that have already been run. remove the test_status.json file to reset the record. -t, --tests only run tests that match one of the comma separated list of patterns. if not specified, no tests are filtered. Examples: test runs all tests test -r runs all tests that haven't been run before test -m none runs tests that don't need the game to be in a specific mode test -t quickfort runs quickfort tests test -d /path/to/dfhack-scripts/repo/test runs tests in your dev scripts repo Default values for the options may be set in a file named test_config.json in your DF folder. Options with comma-separated values should be written as json arrays. For example: { "test_dir": "/home/myk/src/dfhack-scripts/test", "modes": [ "none" ], "tests": [ "quickfort", "devel" ], "done_command": "devel/luacov -c" } ]====] local CONFIG_FILE = 'test_config.json' local STATUS_FILE = 'test_status.json' local TestStatus = { PENDING = 'pending', PASSED = 'passed', FAILED = 'failed', } local VALID_MODES = utils.invert{'none', 'title', 'fortress'} local function delay(frames) frames = frames or 1 script.sleep(frames, 'frames') end local function clean_require(module) -- wrapper around require() - forces a clean load of every module to ensure -- that modules checking for dfhack.internal.IN_TEST at load time behave -- properly if package.loaded[module] then reload(module) end return require(module) end -- forces clean load of scripts directly or indirectly included from the test -- file. we use our own scripts table instead of the one in dfhack.internal so -- we don't affect the state scripts that are used outside the test harness. local test_scripts = {is_test_scripts=true} local test_envvars = {} local function clean_reqscript(name) local path = dfhack.findScript(name) if test_scripts[path] then return test_scripts[path].env end local _, env = dfhack.run_script_with_env( test_envvars, name, { scripts=test_scripts, module=true, module_strict=true }) return env end test_envvars.require = clean_require test_envvars.reqscript = clean_reqscript local function ensure_title_screen() if df.viewscreen_titlest:is_instance(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen()) then return end print('Looking for title screen...') for i = 0, 100 do local scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() if df.viewscreen_titlest:is_instance(scr) then print('Found title screen') break else scr:feed_key(df.interface_key.LEAVESCREEN) delay(10) end end if not df.viewscreen_titlest:is_instance(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen()) then error('Could not find title screen') end end local MODE_NAVIGATE_FNS = { none = function() end, title = ensure_title_screen, } local function load_test_config(config_file) local config = {} if dfhack.filesystem.isfile(config_file) then config = json.decode_file(config_file) end if not config.test_dir then config.test_dir = dfhack.getHackPath() .. 'scripts/test' end return config end local function build_test_env() local env = { test = utils.OrderedTable(), config = { mode = 'none', }, expect = {}, delay = delay, require = clean_require, reqscript = clean_reqscript, } local private = { checks = 0, checks_ok = 0, } for name, func in pairs(expect) do env.expect[name] = function(...) private.checks = private.checks + 1 local ret = {func(...)} local ok = table.remove(ret, 1) local msg = '' for _, part in pairs(ret) do if part then msg = msg .. ': ' .. tostring(part) end end msg = msg:sub(3) -- strip leading ': ' if ok then private.checks_ok = private.checks_ok + 1 else dfhack.printerr('Check failed! ' .. (msg or '(no message)')) local info = debug.getinfo(2) dfhack.printerr((' at %s:%d'):format(info.short_src, info.currentline)) print('') end end end setmetatable(env, {__index = _G}) return env, private end local function get_test_files(test_dir) local files = {} print('Loading tests from ' .. test_dir) for _, entry in ipairs(dfhack.filesystem.listdir_recursive(test_dir)) do if not entry.isdir then table.insert(files, entry.path) end end table.sort(files) return files end local function load_test_status() if dfhack.filesystem.isfile(STATUS_FILE) then return json.decode_file(STATUS_FILE) end end local function save_test_status(status) json.encode_file(status, STATUS_FILE) end local function finish_tests(done_command) dfhack.internal.IN_TEST = false if done_command and #done_command > 0 then dfhack.run_command(done_command) end end local function load_tests(file, tests) local short_filename = file:sub((file:find('test') or -4)+5, -1) print('Loading file: ' .. short_filename) local env, env_private = build_test_env() local code, err = loadfile(file, 't', env) if not code then dfhack.printerr('Failed to load file: ' .. tostring(err)) return false else dfhack.internal.IN_TEST = true local ok, err = pcall(code) dfhack.internal.IN_TEST = false if not ok then dfhack.printerr('Error when running file: ' .. tostring(err)) return false else if not VALID_MODES[env.config.mode] then dfhack.printerr('Invalid config.mode: ' .. tostring(env.config.mode)) return false end for name, test_func in pairs(env.test) do local test_data = { full_name = short_filename .. ':' .. name, func = test_func, private = env_private, config = env.config, } test_data.name = test_data.full_name:gsub('test/', ''):gsub('.lua', '') table.insert(tests, test_data) end end end return true end local function sort_tests(tests) -- to make sort stable local test_index = utils.invert(tests) table.sort(tests, function(a, b) if a.config.mode ~= b.config.mode then return VALID_MODES[a.config.mode] < VALID_MODES[b.config.mode] else return test_index[a] < test_index[b] end end) end local function run_test(test, status, counts) test.private.checks = 0 test.private.checks_ok = 0 counts.tests = counts.tests + 1 dfhack.internal.IN_TEST = true local ok, err = pcall(test.func) dfhack.internal.IN_TEST = false local passed = false if not ok then dfhack.printerr('test errored: ' .. test.name .. ': ' .. tostring(err)) elseif test.private.checks ~= test.private.checks_ok then dfhack.printerr('test failed: ' .. test.name) else print('test passed: ' .. test.name) passed = true counts.tests_ok = counts.tests_ok + 1 end counts.checks = counts.checks + (tonumber(test.private.checks) or 0) counts.checks_ok = counts.checks_ok + (tonumber(test.private.checks_ok) or 0) return passed end local function get_tests(test_files, counts) local tests = {} for _, file in ipairs(test_files) do if not load_tests(file, tests) then counts.file_errors = counts.file_errors + 1 end end return tests end local function filter_tests(tests, config) if config.tests or config.modes then for _,filter in ipairs({{'tests', 'name pattern'},{'modes', 'mode'}}) do if config[filter[1]] and #config[filter[1]] > 0 then print(string.format('Filtering tests by %s:', filter[2])) for _,v in ipairs(config[filter[1]]) do print(string.format(' %s', v)) end end end local orig_length = #tests for i = #tests, 1, -1 do local remove = false if config.modes then remove = true -- allow test if it matches any of the given modes for _, mode in pairs(config.modes) do if tests[i].config.mode == mode then remove = false break end end end if config.tests and not remove then remove = true -- allow test if it matches any of the given patterns for _, pattern in pairs(config.tests) do if tests[i].name:match(pattern) then remove = false break end end end if remove then table.remove(tests, i) end end print('Selected tests: ' .. #tests .. '/' .. orig_length) end local status = {} if config.resume then status = load_test_status() or status for i = #tests, 1, -1 do local test = tests[i] if not status[test.full_name] then status[test.full_name] = TestStatus.PENDING elseif status[test.full_name] ~= TestStatus.PENDING then print(('skipping test: %s: state = %s'):format( test.name, status[test.full_name])) table.remove(tests, i) end end end sort_tests(tests) return status end local function run_tests(tests, status, counts) print(('Running %d tests'):format(#tests)) for _, test in pairs(tests) do MODE_NAVIGATE_FNS[test.config.mode]() local passed = run_test(test, status, counts) status[test.full_name] = passed and TestStatus.PASSED or TestStatus.FAILED save_test_status(status) end local function print_summary_line(ok, message) local print_fn = print if not ok then status['*'] = TestStatus.FAILED print_fn = dfhack.printerr end print_fn(message) end status['*'] = status['*'] or TestStatus.PASSED print('\nTest summary:') print_summary_line(counts.tests_ok == counts.tests, ('%d/%d tests passed'):format(counts.tests_ok, counts.tests)) print_summary_line(counts.checks_ok == counts.checks, ('%d/%d checks passed'):format(counts.checks_ok, counts.checks)) print_summary_line(counts.file_errors == 0, ('%d test files failed to load'):format(counts.file_errors)) save_test_status(status) end local function main(args) local help, resume, test_dir, mode_filter, test_filter = false, false, nil, {}, {} local other_args = utils.processArgsGetopt(args, { {'h', 'help', handler=function() help = true end}, {'d', 'test_dir', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) test_dir = arg end}, {'m', 'modes', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) mode_filter = arg:split(',') end}, {'r', 'resume', handler=function() resume = true end}, {'t', 'tests', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) test_filter = arg:split(',') end}, }) if help then print(help_text) return end local done_command = table.concat(other_args, ' ') local config = load_test_config(CONFIG_FILE) -- override config with any params specified on the commandline if test_dir then config.test_dir = test_dir end if resume then config.resume = true end if #mode_filter > 0 then config.modes = mode_filter end if #test_filter > 0 then config.tests = test_filter end if #done_command > 0 then config.done_command = done_command end if not dfhack.filesystem.isdir(config.test_dir) then qerror(('Invalid test folder: "%s"'):format(config.test_dir)) end local counts = { tests = 0, tests_ok = 0, checks = 0, checks_ok = 0, file_errors = 0, } local test_files = get_test_files(config.test_dir) local tests = get_tests(test_files, counts) local status = filter_tests(tests, config) script.start(function() dfhack.call_with_finalizer(1, true, finish_tests, config.done_command, run_tests, tests, status, counts) end) end if not dfhack_flags.module then main({...}) end