#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "Core.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include <vector> #include <string> #include "modules/World.h" #include <stdlib.h> using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; command_result mode (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); DFHACK_PLUGIN("mode"); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "mode", "View, change and track game mode.", mode, true)); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; } void printCurrentModes(t_gamemodes gm, Console & con) { con << "Current game type:\t" << gm.g_type << " ("; switch(gm.g_type) { case game_type::DWARF_MAIN: con << "Fortress)" << endl; break; case game_type::ADVENTURE_MAIN: con << "Adventurer)" << endl; break; case game_type::VIEW_LEGENDS: con << "Legends)" << endl; break; case game_type::DWARF_RECLAIM: con << "Reclaim)" << endl; break; case game_type::DWARF_ARENA: con << "Arena)" << endl; break; case game_type::ADVENTURE_ARENA: con << "Arena - control creature)" << endl; break; case game_type::num: con << "INVALID)" << endl; break; case game_type::NONE: con << "NONE)" << endl; break; default: con << "!!UNKNOWN!!)" << endl; break; } con << "Current game mode:\t" << gm.g_mode << " ("; switch (gm.g_mode) { case game_mode::DWARF: con << "Dwarf)" << endl; break; case game_mode::ADVENTURE: con << "Adventure)" << endl; break; case game_mode::num: con << "INVALID)" << endl; break; case game_mode::NONE: con << "NONE)" << endl; break; default: con << "!!UNKNOWN!!)" << endl; break; } } command_result mode (color_ostream &out_, vector <string> & parameters) { if(!out_.is_console()) return CR_FAILURE; Console &out = static_cast<Console&>(out_); string command = ""; bool set = false; bool abuse = false; int rv = 0; t_gamemodes gm; for(auto iter = parameters.begin(); iter != parameters.end(); iter++) { if((*iter) == "set") { set = true; } else if((*iter) == "abuse") { set = abuse = true; } else return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } { CoreSuspender suspend; World::ReadGameMode(gm); } printCurrentModes(gm, out); if(set) { if(!abuse) { if( gm.g_mode == game_mode::NONE || gm.g_type == game_type::VIEW_LEGENDS) { out.printerr("It is not safe to set modes in menus.\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } out << "\nPossible choices:" << endl << "0 = Fortress Mode" << endl << "1 = Adventurer Mode" << endl << "2 = Arena Mode" << endl << "3 = Arena, controlling creature" << endl << "4 = Reclaim Fortress Mode" << endl << "c = cancel/do nothing" << endl; uint32_t select=99; string selected; input_again: CommandHistory hist; while((rv = out.lineedit("Enter new mode: ",selected, hist)) == Console::RETRY); if(rv <= Console::FAILURE || selected == "c") return rv == Console::FAILURE ? CR_FAILURE : CR_OK; const char * start = selected.c_str(); char * end = 0; select = strtol(start, &end, 10); if(!end || end==start || select > 4) { out.printerr("This is not a valid selection.\n"); goto input_again; } switch(select) { case 0: gm.g_mode = game_mode::DWARF; gm.g_type = game_type::DWARF_MAIN; break; case 1: gm.g_mode = game_mode::ADVENTURE; gm.g_type = game_type::ADVENTURE_MAIN; break; case 2: gm.g_mode = game_mode::DWARF; gm.g_type = game_type::DWARF_ARENA; break; case 3: gm.g_mode = game_mode::ADVENTURE; gm.g_type = game_type::ADVENTURE_ARENA; break; case 4: gm.g_mode = game_mode::DWARF; gm.g_type = game_type::DWARF_RECLAIM; break; } } else { CommandHistory hist; string selected; while ((rv = out.lineedit("Enter new game mode number (c for exit): ",selected, hist)) == Console::RETRY); if(rv <= Console::FAILURE || selected == "c") return rv == Console::FAILURE ? CR_FAILURE : CR_OK; const char * start = selected.c_str(); gm.g_mode = (GameMode) strtol(start, 0, 10); while((rv = out.lineedit("Enter new game type number (c for exit): ",selected, hist)) == Console::RETRY); if(rv <= Console::FAILURE || selected == "c") return rv == Console::FAILURE ? CR_FAILURE : CR_OK; start = selected.c_str(); gm.g_type = (GameType) strtol(start, 0, 10); } { CoreSuspender suspend; World::WriteGameMode(gm); } out << endl; } return CR_OK; }