-- Rewrite individual choice weapons to specific types --[[=begin gui/choose-weapons ================== Bind to a key (the example config uses :kbd:`Ctrl`:kbd:`W`), and activate in the Equip->View/Customize page of the military screen. Depending on the cursor location, it rewrites all 'individual choice weapon' entries in the selected squad or position to use a specific weapon type matching the assigned unit's top skill. If the cursor is in the rightmost list over a weapon entry, it rewrites only that entry, and does it even if it is not 'individual choice'. Rationale: individual choice seems to be unreliable when there is a weapon shortage, and may lead to inappropriate weapons being selected. =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local dlg = require 'gui.dialogs' local defs = df.global.world.raws.itemdefs local entity = df.global.ui.main.fortress_entity local tasks = df.global.ui.tasks local equipment = df.global.ui.equipment function find_best_weapon(unit,mode) local best = nil local skill = nil local skill_level = nil local count = 0 local function try(id,iskill) local slevel = dfhack.units.getNominalSkill(unit,iskill) -- Choose most skill if (skill ~= nil and slevel > skill_level) or (skill == nil and slevel > 0) then best,skill,skill_level,count = id,iskill,slevel,0 end -- Then most produced within same skill if skill == iskill then local cnt = tasks.created_weapons[id] if cnt > count then best,count = id,cnt end end end for _,id in ipairs(entity.resources.weapon_type) do local def = defs.weapons[id] if def.skill_ranged >= 0 then if mode == nil or mode == 'ranged' then try(id, def.skill_ranged) end else if mode == nil or mode == 'melee' then try(id, def.skill_melee) end end end return best end function unassign_wrong_items(unit,position,spec,subtype) for i=#spec.assigned-1,0,-1 do local id = spec.assigned[i] local item = df.item.find(id) if item.subtype.subtype ~= subtype then spec.assigned:erase(i) -- TODO: somewhat unexplored area; maybe missing some steps utils.erase_sorted(position.assigned_items,id) if utils.erase_sorted(equipment.items_assigned.WEAPON,item,'id') then utils.insert_sorted(equipment.items_unassigned.WEAPON,item,'id') end equipment.update.weapon = true unit.military.pickup_flags.update = true end end end local count = 0 function adjust_uniform_spec(unit,position,spec,force) if not unit then return end local best if spec.indiv_choice.melee then best = find_best_weapon(unit, 'melee') elseif spec.indiv_choice.ranged then best = find_best_weapon(unit, 'ranged') elseif spec.indiv_choice.any or force then best = find_best_weapon(unit, nil) end if best then count = count + 1 spec.item_filter.item_subtype = best spec.indiv_choice.any = false spec.indiv_choice.melee = false spec.indiv_choice.ranged = false unassign_wrong_items(unit, position, spec, best) end end function adjust_position(unit,position,force) if not unit then local fig = df.historical_figure.find(position.occupant) if not fig then return end unit = df.unit.find(fig.unit_id) end for _,v in ipairs(position.uniform.weapon) do adjust_uniform_spec(unit, position, v, force) end end function adjust_squad(squad, force) for _,pos in ipairs(squad.positions) do adjust_position(nil, pos, force) end end local args = {...} local vs = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() local vstype = df.viewscreen_layer_militaryst if not vstype:is_instance(vs) then qerror('Call this from the military screen') end if vs.page == vstype.T_page.Equip and vs.equip.mode == vstype.T_equip.T_mode.Customize then local slist = vs.layer_objects[0] local squad = vs.equip.squads[slist:getListCursor()] if slist.active then print('Adjusting squad.') adjust_squad(squad) else local plist = vs.layer_objects[1] local pidx = plist:getListCursor() local pos = squad.positions[pidx] local unit = vs.equip.units[pidx] if plist.active then print('Adjusting position.') adjust_position(unit, pos) elseif unit and vs.equip.edit_mode < 0 then local wlist = vs.layer_objects[2] local idx = wlist:getListCursor() local cat = vs.equip.assigned.category[idx] if wlist.active and cat == df.uniform_category.weapon then print('Adjusting spec.') adjust_uniform_spec(unit, pos, vs.equip.assigned.spec[idx], true) end end end else qerror('Call this from the Equip page of military screen') end if count > 1 then dlg.showMessage( 'Choose Weapons', 'Updated '..count..' uniform entries.', COLOR_GREEN ) elseif count == 0 then dlg.showMessage( 'Choose Weapons', 'Did not find any entries to update.', COLOR_YELLOW ) end