autohauler ========== Autohauler is an autolabor fork. Rather than the all-of-the-above means of autolabor, autohauler will instead only manage hauling labors and leave skilled labors entirely to the user, who will probably use Dwarf Therapist to do so. Idle dwarves will be assigned the hauling labors; everyone else (including those currently hauling) will have the hauling labors removed. This is to encourage every dwarf to do their assigned skilled labors whenever possible, but resort to hauling when those jobs are not available. This also implies that the user will have a very tight skill assignment, with most skilled labors only being assigned to just one dwarf, no dwarf having more than two active skilled labors, and almost every non-military dwarf having at least one skilled labor assigned. Autohauler allows skills to be flagged as to prevent hauling labors from being assigned when the skill is present. By default this is the unused ALCHEMIST labor but can be changed by the user.