local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.overlay') local gui = require('gui') local json = require('json') local scriptmanager = require('script-manager') local utils = require('utils') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local OVERLAY_CONFIG_FILE = 'dfhack-config/overlay.json' local OVERLAY_WIDGETS_VAR = 'OVERLAY_WIDGETS' local GLOBAL_KEY = 'OVERLAY' local DEFAULT_X_POS, DEFAULT_Y_POS = -2, -2 -- ---------------- -- -- state and config -- -- ---------------- -- local trigger_lock_holder_description = nil local trigger_lock_holder_screen = nil -- if non-nil, no triggering allowed local widget_db = {} -- map of widget name to ephermeral state local widget_index = {} -- ordered list of widget names local overlay_config = {} -- map of widget name to persisted state local active_hotspot_widgets = {} -- map of widget names to the db entry local active_viewscreen_widgets = {} -- map of vs_name to map of w.names -> db function get_state() return {index=widget_index, config=overlay_config, db=widget_db} end function register_trigger_lock_screen(scr, desc) if trigger_lock_holder_screen then if not trigger_lock_holder_screen:isActive() then trigger_lock_holder_screen:dismiss() end trigger_lock_holder_description = nil end trigger_lock_holder_screen = scr if trigger_lock_holder_screen then trigger_lock_holder_description = desc return true end end local function triggered_screen_has_lock() if not trigger_lock_holder_screen then return false end if trigger_lock_holder_screen:isActive() then if trigger_lock_holder_screen.raise then trigger_lock_holder_screen:raise() end return true end return register_trigger_lock_screen(nil, nil) end local function reset() register_trigger_lock_screen(nil, nil) widget_db = {} widget_index = {} local ok, config = pcall(json.decode_file, OVERLAY_CONFIG_FILE) overlay_config = ok and config or {} active_hotspot_widgets = {} active_viewscreen_widgets = {} end local function save_config() if not safecall(json.encode_file, overlay_config, OVERLAY_CONFIG_FILE) then dfhack.printerr(('failed to save overlay config file: "%s"') :format(path)) end end -- ----------- -- -- utility fns -- -- ----------- -- function normalize_list(element_or_list) if type(element_or_list) == 'table' then return element_or_list end return {element_or_list} end -- normalize "short form" viewscreen names to "long form" and remove any focus local function normalize_viewscreen_name(vs_name) if vs_name == 'all' or vs_name:match('^viewscreen_.*st') then return vs_name:match('^[^/]+') end return 'viewscreen_' .. vs_name:match('^[^/]+') .. 'st' end -- reduce "long form" viewscreen names to "short form"; keep focus function simplify_viewscreen_name(vs_name) local short_name = vs_name:match('^viewscreen_([^/]+)st') return short_name or vs_name end local function is_empty(tbl) for _ in pairs(tbl) do return false end return true end local function sanitize_pos(pos) local x = math.floor(tonumber(pos.x) or DEFAULT_X_POS) local y = math.floor(tonumber(pos.y) or DEFAULT_Y_POS) -- if someone accidentally uses 0-based instead of 1-based indexing, fix it if x == 0 then x = 1 end if y == 0 then y = 1 end return {x=x, y=y} end local function make_frame(pos, old_frame) old_frame = old_frame or {} local frame = {w=old_frame.w, h=old_frame.h} if pos.x < 0 then frame.r = math.abs(pos.x) - 1 else frame.l = pos.x - 1 end if pos.y < 0 then frame.b = math.abs(pos.y) - 1 else frame.t = pos.y - 1 end return frame end local function get_screen_rect() local w, h = dfhack.screen.getWindowSize() return gui.ViewRect{rect=gui.mkdims_wh(0, 0, w, h)} end -- ------------- -- -- CLI functions -- -- ------------- -- local function get_name(name_or_number) local num = tonumber(name_or_number) if num and widget_index[num] then return widget_index[num] end return tostring(name_or_number) end local function do_by_names_or_numbers(args, fn) local arglist = normalize_list(args) if #arglist == 0 then dfhack.printerr('please specify a widget name or list number') return end for _,name_or_number in ipairs(arglist) do local name = get_name(name_or_number) local db_entry = widget_db[name] if not db_entry then dfhack.printerr(('widget not found: "%s"'):format(name)) else fn(name, db_entry) end end end local function do_enable(args, quiet, skip_save) local enable_fn = function(name, db_entry) overlay_config[name].enabled = true if db_entry.widget.hotspot then active_hotspot_widgets[name] = db_entry end for _,vs_name in ipairs(normalize_list(db_entry.widget.viewscreens)) do vs_name = normalize_viewscreen_name(vs_name) ensure_key(active_viewscreen_widgets, vs_name)[name] = db_entry end if not quiet then print(('enabled widget %s'):format(name)) end end if args[1] == 'all' then for name,db_entry in pairs(widget_db) do if not overlay_config[name].enabled then enable_fn(name, db_entry) end end else do_by_names_or_numbers(args, enable_fn) end if not skip_save then save_config() end end local function do_disable(args, quiet) local disable_fn = function(name, db_entry) overlay_config[name].enabled = false if db_entry.widget.hotspot then active_hotspot_widgets[name] = nil end for _,vs_name in ipairs(normalize_list(db_entry.widget.viewscreens)) do vs_name = normalize_viewscreen_name(vs_name) ensure_key(active_viewscreen_widgets, vs_name)[name] = nil if is_empty(active_viewscreen_widgets[vs_name]) then active_viewscreen_widgets[vs_name] = nil end end if not quiet then print(('disabled widget %s'):format(name)) end end if args[1] == 'all' then for name,db_entry in pairs(widget_db) do if overlay_config[name].enabled then disable_fn(name, db_entry) end end else do_by_names_or_numbers(args, disable_fn) end save_config() end local function do_list(args) local filter = args and #args > 0 local num_filtered = 0 for i,name in ipairs(widget_index) do if filter then local passes = false for _,str in ipairs(args) do if name:find(str) then passes = true break end end if not passes then num_filtered = num_filtered + 1 goto continue end end local db_entry = widget_db[name] local enabled = overlay_config[name].enabled dfhack.color(enabled and COLOR_LIGHTGREEN or COLOR_YELLOW) dfhack.print(enabled and '[enabled] ' or '[disabled]') dfhack.color() print((' %d) %s'):format(i, name)) ::continue:: end if num_filtered > 0 then print(('(%d widgets filtered out)'):format(num_filtered)) end end local function get_focus_strings(viewscreens) local focus_strings = nil for _,vs in ipairs(viewscreens) do if vs:match('/') then focus_strings = focus_strings or {} vs = simplify_viewscreen_name(vs) table.insert(focus_strings, vs) end end return focus_strings end local function load_widget(name, widget_class) local widget = widget_class{name=name} widget_db[name] = { widget=widget, focus_strings=get_focus_strings(normalize_list(widget.viewscreens)), next_update_ms=widget.overlay_onupdate and 0 or math.huge, } if not overlay_config[name] then overlay_config[name] = {} end if widget.version ~= overlay_config[name].version then overlay_config[name] = {} end local config = overlay_config[name] config.version = widget.version if config.enabled == nil then config.enabled = widget.default_enabled end config.pos = sanitize_pos(config.pos or widget.default_pos) widget.frame = make_frame(config.pos, widget.frame) if config.enabled then do_enable(name, true, true) else config.enabled = false end end local function load_widgets(env_name, env) local overlay_widgets = env[OVERLAY_WIDGETS_VAR] if not overlay_widgets then return end if type(overlay_widgets) ~= 'table' then dfhack.printerr( ('error loading overlay widgets from "%s": %s map is malformed') :format(env_name, OVERLAY_WIDGETS_VAR)) return end for widget_name,widget_class in pairs(overlay_widgets) do local name = env_name .. '.' .. widget_name if not safecall(load_widget, name, widget_class) then dfhack.printerr(('error loading overlay widget "%s"'):format(name)) end end end -- called directly from cpp on plugin enable function rescan() reset() for _,plugin in ipairs(dfhack.internal.listPlugins()) do local env_name = 'plugins.' .. plugin local ok, plugin_env = pcall(require, env_name) if ok then load_widgets(plugin, plugin_env) end end scriptmanager.foreach_module_script(load_widgets) for name in pairs(widget_db) do table.insert(widget_index, name) end table.sort(widget_index) reposition_widgets() end dfhack.onStateChange[GLOBAL_KEY] = function(sc) if sc ~= SC_WORLD_LOADED then return end -- pick up widgets from active mods rescan() end local function dump_widget_config(name, widget) local pos = overlay_config[name].pos print(('widget %s is positioned at x=%d, y=%d'):format(name, pos.x, pos.y)) local viewscreens = normalize_list(widget.viewscreens) if #viewscreens > 0 then print(' it will be attached to the following viewscreens:') for _,vs in ipairs(viewscreens) do print((' %s'):format(simplify_viewscreen_name(vs))) end end if widget.hotspot then print(' it will act as a hotspot on all screens') end end local function do_position(args, quiet) local name_or_number, x, y = table.unpack(args) local name = get_name(name_or_number) if not widget_db[name] then if not name_or_number then dfhack.printerr('please specify a widget name or list number') else dfhack.printerr(('widget not found: "%s"'):format(name)) end return end local widget = widget_db[name].widget local pos if x == 'default' then pos = sanitize_pos(widget.default_pos) else x, y = tonumber(x), tonumber(y) if not x or not y then dump_widget_config(name, widget) return end pos = sanitize_pos{x=x, y=y} end overlay_config[name].pos = pos widget.frame = make_frame(pos, widget.frame) widget:updateLayout(get_screen_rect()) save_config() if not quiet then print(('repositioned widget %s to x=%d, y=%d'):format(name, pos.x, pos.y)) end end -- note that the widget does not have to be enabled to be triggered local function do_trigger(args, quiet) if triggered_screen_has_lock() then dfhack.printerr(('cannot trigger widget; widget "%s" is already active') :format(trigger_lock_holder_description)) return end do_by_names_or_numbers(args[1], function(name, db_entry) local widget = db_entry.widget if widget.overlay_trigger then register_trigger_lock_screen(widget:overlay_trigger(), name) if not quiet then print(('triggered widget %s'):format(name)) end end end) end local command_fns = { enable=do_enable, disable=do_disable, list=do_list, position=do_position, trigger=do_trigger, } local HELP_ARGS = utils.invert{'help', '--help', '-h'} function overlay_command(args, quiet) local command = table.remove(args, 1) or 'help' if HELP_ARGS[command] or not command_fns[command] then return false end command_fns[command](args, quiet) return true end -- ---------------- -- -- event management -- -- ---------------- -- local function detect_frame_change(widget, fn) local frame = widget.frame local w, h = frame.w, frame.h local ret = fn() if w ~= frame.w or h ~= frame.h then widget:updateLayout() end return ret end local function get_next_onupdate_timestamp(now_ms, widget) local freq_s = widget.overlay_onupdate_max_freq_seconds if freq_s == 0 then return now_ms end local freq_ms = math.floor(freq_s * 1000) local jitter = math.random(0, freq_ms // 8) -- up to ~12% jitter return now_ms + freq_ms - jitter end -- reduces the next call by a small random amount to introduce jitter into the -- widget processing timings local function do_update(name, db_entry, now_ms, vs) if db_entry.next_update_ms > now_ms then return end local w = db_entry.widget db_entry.next_update_ms = get_next_onupdate_timestamp(now_ms, w) if detect_frame_change(w, function() return w:overlay_onupdate(vs) end) then if register_trigger_lock_screen(w:overlay_trigger(), name) then return true end end end function update_hotspot_widgets() if triggered_screen_has_lock() then return end local now_ms = dfhack.getTickCount() for name,db_entry in pairs(active_hotspot_widgets) do if do_update(name, db_entry, now_ms) then return end end end local function matches_focus_strings(db_entry, vs_name, vs) if not db_entry.focus_strings then return true end local matched = true local simple_vs_name = simplify_viewscreen_name(vs_name) for _,fs in ipairs(db_entry.focus_strings) do if fs:startswith(simple_vs_name) then matched = false if dfhack.gui.matchFocusString(fs, vs) then return true end end end return matched end local function _update_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, now_ms) local vs_widgets = active_viewscreen_widgets[vs_name] if not vs_widgets then return end local is_all = vs_name == 'all' now_ms = now_ms or dfhack.getTickCount() for name,db_entry in pairs(vs_widgets) do if (is_all or matches_focus_strings(db_entry, vs_name, vs)) and do_update(name, db_entry, now_ms, vs) then return end end return now_ms end function update_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs) if triggered_screen_has_lock() then return end local now_ms = _update_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, nil) if now_ms then _update_viewscreen_widgets('all', vs, now_ms) end end local function _feed_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, keys) local vs_widgets = active_viewscreen_widgets[vs_name] if not vs_widgets then return false end for _,db_entry in pairs(vs_widgets) do local w = db_entry.widget if (not vs or matches_focus_strings(db_entry, vs_name, vs)) and detect_frame_change(w, function() return w:onInput(keys) end) then return true end end return false end function feed_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, keys) if not _feed_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, keys) and not _feed_viewscreen_widgets('all', nil, keys) then return false end gui.markMouseClicksHandled(keys) if keys._MOUSE_L_DOWN then df.global.enabler.mouse_lbut = 0 end return true end local function _render_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, dc) local vs_widgets = active_viewscreen_widgets[vs_name] if not vs_widgets then return end dc = dc or gui.Painter.new() for _,db_entry in pairs(vs_widgets) do local w = db_entry.widget if not vs or matches_focus_strings(db_entry, vs_name, vs) then detect_frame_change(w, function() w:render(dc) end) end end return dc end local force_refresh function render_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs) local dc = _render_viewscreen_widgets(vs_name, vs, nil) _render_viewscreen_widgets('all', nil, dc) if force_refresh then force_refresh = nil df.global.gps.force_full_display_count = 1 end end -- called when the DF window is resized function reposition_widgets() local sr = get_screen_rect() for _,db_entry in pairs(widget_db) do db_entry.widget:updateLayout(sr) end force_refresh = true end -- ------------------------------------------------- -- -- OverlayWidget (base class of all overlay widgets) -- -- ------------------------------------------------- -- OverlayWidget = defclass(OverlayWidget, widgets.Panel) OverlayWidget.ATTRS{ name=DEFAULT_NIL, -- this is set by the framework to the widget name default_pos={x=DEFAULT_X_POS, y=DEFAULT_Y_POS}, -- 1-based widget screen pos default_enabled=false, -- initial enabled state if not in config overlay_only=false, -- true if there is no widget to reposition hotspot=false, -- whether to call overlay_onupdate on all screens viewscreens={}, -- override with associated viewscreen or list of viewscrens overlay_onupdate_max_freq_seconds=5, -- throttle calls to overlay_onupdate } function OverlayWidget:init() if self.overlay_onupdate_max_freq_seconds < 0 then error(('overlay_onupdate_max_freq_seconds must be >= 0: %s') :format(tostring(self.overlay_onupdate_max_freq_seconds))) end -- set defaults for frame. the widget is expected to keep these up to date -- when display contents change so the widget position can shift if the -- frame is relative to the right or bottom edges. self.frame = self.frame or {} self.frame.w = self.frame.w or 5 self.frame.h = self.frame.h or 1 end -- ------------------- -- -- TitleVersionOverlay -- -- ------------------- -- TitleVersionOverlay = defclass(TitleVersionOverlay, OverlayWidget) TitleVersionOverlay.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=7, y=2}, default_enabled=true, viewscreens='title/Default', frame={w=35, h=5}, autoarrange_subviews=1, } function TitleVersionOverlay:init() local text = {} table.insert(text, 'DFHack ' .. dfhack.getDFHackVersion() .. (dfhack.isRelease() and '' or (' (git: %s)'):format(dfhack.getGitCommit(true)))) if #dfhack.getDFHackBuildID() > 0 then table.insert(text, NEWLINE) table.insert(text, 'Build ID: ' .. dfhack.getDFHackBuildID()) end if dfhack.isPrerelease() then table.insert(text, NEWLINE) table.insert(text, {text='Pre-release build', pen=COLOR_LIGHTRED}) end for _,t in ipairs(text) do self.frame.w = math.max(self.frame.w, #t) end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0}, text=text, text_pen=COLOR_WHITE, }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={l=0}, label='Quickstart guide', auto_width=true, key='STRING_A063', on_activate=function() dfhack.run_script('quickstart-guide') end, }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={l=0}, label='Control panel', auto_width=true, key='STRING_A047', on_activate=function() dfhack.run_script('gui/control-panel') end, }, } end OVERLAY_WIDGETS = { title_version = TitleVersionOverlay, } return _ENV