-- Find some offsets for linux. --[[=begin devel/find-offsets ================== WARNING: THIS SCRIPT IS STRICTLY FOR DFHACK DEVELOPERS. Running this script on a new DF version will NOT MAKE IT RUN CORRECTLY if any data structures changed, thus possibly leading to CRASHES AND/OR PERMANENT SAVE CORRUPTION. Finding the first few globals requires this script to be started immediately after loading the game, WITHOUT first loading a world. The rest expect a loaded save, not a fresh embark. Finding current_weather requires a special save previously processed with `devel/prepare-save` on a DF version with working dfhack. The script expects vanilla game configuration, without any custom tilesets or init file changes. Never unpause the game unless instructed. When done, quit the game without saving using 'die'. Arguments: * global names to force finding them * ``all`` to force all globals * ``nofeed`` to block automated fake input searches * ``nozoom`` to disable neighboring object heuristics =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local ms = require 'memscan' local gui = require 'gui' local is_known = dfhack.internal.getAddress local os_type = dfhack.getOSType() local force_scan = {} for _,v in ipairs({...}) do force_scan[v] = true end collectgarbage() function prompt_proceed(indent) if not indent then indent = 0 end return utils.prompt_yes_no(string.rep(' ', indent) .. 'Proceed?', true) end print[[ WARNING: THIS SCRIPT IS STRICTLY FOR DFHACK DEVELOPERS. Running this script on a new DF version will NOT MAKE IT RUN CORRECTLY if any data structures changed, thus possibly leading to CRASHES AND/OR PERMANENT SAVE CORRUPTION. Finding the first few globals requires this script to be started immediately after loading the game, WITHOUT first loading a world. The rest expect a loaded save, not a fresh embark. Finding current_weather requires a special save previously processed with devel/prepare-save on a DF version with working dfhack. The script expects vanilla game configuration, without any custom tilesets or init file changes. Never unpause the game unless instructed. When done, quit the game without saving using 'die'. ]] if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Proceed?') then return end -- Data segment location local data = ms.get_data_segment() if not data then qerror('Could not find data segment') end print('\nData section: '..tostring(data)) if data.size < 5000000 then qerror('Data segment too short.') end local searcher = ms.DiffSearcher.new(data) local function get_screen(class, prompt) if not is_known('gview') then print('Please navigate to '..prompt) if not prompt_proceed() then return nil end return true end while true do local cs = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) if not df.is_instance(class, cs) then print('Please navigate to '..prompt) if not prompt_proceed() then return nil end else return cs end end end local function screen_title() return get_screen(df.viewscreen_titlest, 'the title screen') end local function screen_dwarfmode() return get_screen(df.viewscreen_dwarfmodest, 'the main dwarf mode screen') end local function validate_offset(name,validator,addr,tname,...) local obj = data:object_by_field(addr,tname,...) if obj and not validator(obj) then obj = nil end ms.found_offset(name,obj) end local function zoomed_searcher(startn, end_or_sz) if force_scan.nozoom then return nil end local sv = is_known(startn) if not sv then return nil end local ev if type(end_or_sz) == 'number' then ev = sv + end_or_sz if end_or_sz < 0 then sv, ev = ev, sv end else ev = is_known(end_or_sz) if not ev then return nil end end sv = sv - (sv % 4) ev = ev + 3 ev = ev - (ev % 4) if data:contains_range(sv, ev-sv) then return ms.DiffSearcher.new(ms.MemoryArea.new(sv,ev)) end end local finder_searches = {} local function exec_finder(finder, names, validators) if type(names) ~= 'table' then names = { names } end if type(validators) ~= 'table' then validators = { validators } end local search = force_scan['all'] for k,v in ipairs(names) do if force_scan[v] or not is_known(v) then table.insert(finder_searches, v) search = true elseif validators[k] then if not validators[k](df.global[v]) then dfhack.printerr('Validation failed for '..v..', will try to find again') table.insert(finder_searches, v) search = true end end end if search then local ok, err = dfhack.safecall(finder) if not ok then if tostring(err):find('abort') or not utils.prompt_yes_no('Proceed with the rest of the script?') then searcher:reset() qerror('Quit') end end else print('Already known: '..table.concat(names,', ')) end end local ordinal_names = { [0] = '1st entry', [1] = '2nd entry', [2] = '3rd entry' } setmetatable(ordinal_names, { __index = function(self,idx) return (idx+1)..'th entry' end }) local function list_index_choices(length_func) return function(id) if id > 0 then local ok, len = pcall(length_func) if not ok then len = 5 elseif len > 10 then len = 10 end return id % len else return 0 end end end local function can_feed() return not force_scan['nofeed'] and is_known 'gview' end local function dwarfmode_feed_input(...) local screen = screen_dwarfmode() if not df.isvalid(screen) then qerror('could not retrieve dwarfmode screen') end try_save_cursor() for _,v in ipairs({...}) do gui.simulateInput(screen, v) end end local function dwarfmode_step_frames(count) local screen = screen_dwarfmode() if not df.isvalid(screen) then qerror('could not retrieve dwarfmode screen') end for i = 1,(count or 1) do gui.simulateInput(screen, 'D_ONESTEP') if screen.keyRepeat ~= 1 then qerror('Could not step one frame: . did not work') end screen:logic() end end local function dwarfmode_to_top() if not can_feed() then return false end local screen = screen_dwarfmode() if not df.isvalid(screen) then return false end for i=0,10 do if is_known 'ui' and df.global.ui.main.mode == df.ui_sidebar_mode.Default then break end gui.simulateInput(screen, 'LEAVESCREEN') end -- force pause just in case screen.keyRepeat = 1 return true end local prev_cursor = df.global.T_cursor:new() prev_cursor.x = -30000 function try_save_cursor() if not dfhack.internal.getAddress('cursor') then return end for _, v in pairs(df.global.cursor) do if v < 0 then return end end prev_cursor:assign(df.global.cursor) end function try_restore_cursor() if not dfhack.internal.getAddress('cursor') then return end if prev_cursor.x >= 0 then df.global.cursor:assign(prev_cursor) dwarfmode_feed_input('CURSOR_DOWN_Z', 'CURSOR_UP_Z') end end local function feed_menu_choice(catnames,catkeys,enum,enter_seq,exit_seq,prompt) return function (idx) if idx == 0 and prompt and not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end if idx > 0 then dwarfmode_feed_input(table.unpack(exit_seq or {})) end idx = idx % #catnames + 1 dwarfmode_feed_input(table.unpack(enter_seq or {})) dwarfmode_feed_input(catkeys[idx]) if enum then return true, enum[catnames[idx]] else return true, catnames[idx] end end end local function feed_list_choice(count,upkey,downkey) return function(idx) if idx > 0 then local ok, len if type(count) == 'number' then ok, len = true, count else ok, len = pcall(count) end if not ok then len = 5 elseif len > 10 then len = 10 end local hcnt = len-1 local rix = 1 + (idx-1) % (hcnt*2) if rix >= hcnt then dwarfmode_feed_input(upkey or 'SECONDSCROLL_UP') return true, hcnt*2 - rix else dwarfmode_feed_input(donwkey or 'SECONDSCROLL_DOWN') return true, rix end else print(' Please select the first list item.') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end return true, 0 end end end local function feed_menu_bool(enter_seq, exit_seq) return function(idx) if idx == 0 then if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end return true, 0 end if idx == 5 then print(' Please resize the game window.') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end end if idx%2 == 1 then dwarfmode_feed_input(table.unpack(enter_seq)) return true, 1 else dwarfmode_feed_input(table.unpack(exit_seq)) return true, 0 end end end -- -- Cursor group -- local function find_cursor() if not screen_title() then return false end -- Unpadded version local idx, addr = data.int32_t:find_one{ -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, df.game_mode.NONE, df.game_type.NONE } if idx then ms.found_offset('cursor', addr) ms.found_offset('selection_rect', addr + 12) ms.found_offset('gamemode', addr + 12 + 24) ms.found_offset('gametype', addr + 12 + 24 + 4) return true end -- Padded version idx, addr = data.int32_t:find_one{ -30000, -30000, -30000, 0, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, -30000, 0, 0, df.game_mode.NONE, 0, 0, 0, df.game_type.NONE } if idx then ms.found_offset('cursor', addr) ms.found_offset('selection_rect', addr + 0x10) ms.found_offset('gamemode', addr + 0x30) ms.found_offset('gametype', addr + 0x40) return true end dfhack.printerr('Could not find cursor.') return false end -- -- Announcements -- local function find_announcements() local idx, addr = data.int32_t:find_one{ 25, 25, 31, 31, 24, 24, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40 } if idx then ms.found_offset('announcements', addr) return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find announcements.') end -- -- d_init -- local function is_valid_d_init(di) if di.sky_tile ~= 178 then print('Sky tile expected 178, found: '..di.sky_tile) if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Ignore?') then return false end end local ann = is_known 'announcements' local size,ptr = di:sizeof() if ann and ptr+size ~= ann then print('Announcements not immediately after d_init.') if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Ignore?') then return false end end return true end local function find_d_init() local idx, addr = data.int16_t:find_one{ 1,0, 2,0, 5,0, 25,0, -- path_cost 4,4, -- embark_rect 20,1000,1000,1000,1000 -- store_dist } if idx then validate_offset('d_init', is_valid_d_init, addr, df.d_init, 'path_cost') return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find d_init') end -- -- gview -- local function find_gview() local vs_vtable = dfhack.internal.getVTable('viewscreenst') if not vs_vtable then dfhack.printerr('Cannot search for gview - no viewscreenst vtable.') return end local idx, addr = data.uint32_t:find_one{0, vs_vtable} if idx then ms.found_offset('gview', addr) return end idx, addr = data.uint32_t:find_one{100, vs_vtable} if idx then ms.found_offset('gview', addr) return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find gview') end -- -- enabler -- local function lookup_colors() local f = io.open('data/init/colors.txt', 'r') or error('failed to open file') local text = f:read('*all') f:close() local colors = {} for _, color in pairs({'BLACK', 'BLUE', 'GREEN', 'CYAN', 'RED', 'MAGENTA', 'BROWN', 'LGRAY', 'DGRAY', 'LBLUE', 'LGREEN', 'LCYAN', 'LRED', 'LMAGENTA', 'YELLOW', 'WHITE'}) do for _, part in pairs({'R', 'G', 'B'}) do local opt = color .. '_' .. part table.insert(colors, tonumber(text:match(opt .. ':(%d+)') or error('missing from colors.txt: ' .. opt))) end end return colors end local function is_valid_enabler(e) if not ms.is_valid_vector(e.textures.raws, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(e.text_system, 4) then dfhack.printerr('Vector layout check failed.') return false end return true end local function find_enabler() -- Data from data/init/colors.txt local default_colors = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 0, 128, 128, 128, 0, 192, 192, 192, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255 } local colors local ok, ret = pcall(lookup_colors) if not ok then dfhack.printerr('Failed to look up colors, using defaults: \n' .. ret) colors = default_colors else colors = ret end for i = 1,#colors do colors[i] = colors[i]/255 end local idx, addr = data.float:find_one(colors) if not idx then idx, addr = data.float:find_one(default_colors) end if idx then validate_offset('enabler', is_valid_enabler, addr, df.enabler, 'ccolor') return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find enabler') end -- -- gps -- local function is_valid_gps(g) if g.clipx[0] < 0 or g.clipx[0] > g.clipx[1] or g.clipx[1] >= g.dimx then dfhack.printerr('Invalid clipx: ', g.clipx[0], g.clipx[1], g.dimx) end if g.clipy[0] < 0 or g.clipy[0] > g.clipy[1] or g.clipy[1] >= g.dimy then dfhack.printerr('Invalid clipy: ', g.clipy[0], g.clipy[1], g.dimy) end return true end local function find_gps() print('\nPlease ensure the mouse cursor is not over the game window.') if not prompt_proceed() then return end local zone if os_type == 'windows' or os_type == 'linux' then zone = zoomed_searcher('cursor', 0x1000) elseif os_type == 'darwin' then zone = zoomed_searcher('enabler', 0x1000) end zone = zone or searcher local w,h = ms.get_screen_size() local idx, addr = zone.area.int32_t:find_one{w, h, -1, -1} if not idx then idx, addr = data.int32_t:find_one{w, h, -1, -1} end if idx then validate_offset('gps', is_valid_gps, addr, df.graphic, 'dimx') return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find gps') end -- -- World -- local function is_valid_world(world) if not ms.is_valid_vector(world.units.all, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(world.units.active, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(world.units.bad, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(world.history.figures, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(world.features.map_features, 4) then dfhack.printerr('Vector layout check failed.') return false end if #world.units.all == 0 or #world.units.all ~= #world.units.bad then print('Different or zero size of units.all and units.bad:'..#world.units.all..' vs '..#world.units.bad) if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Ignore?') then return false end end return true end local function find_world() local catnames = { 'Corpses', 'Refuse', 'Stone', 'Wood', 'Gems', 'Bars', 'Cloth', 'Leather', 'Ammo', 'Coins' } local catkeys = { 'STOCKPILE_GRAVEYARD', 'STOCKPILE_REFUSE', 'STOCKPILE_STONE', 'STOCKPILE_WOOD', 'STOCKPILE_GEM', 'STOCKPILE_BARBLOCK', 'STOCKPILE_CLOTH', 'STOCKPILE_LEATHER', 'STOCKPILE_AMMO', 'STOCKPILE_COINS' } local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_STOCKPILES') addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for world.', 'int32_t', feed_menu_choice(catnames, catkeys, df.stockpile_category), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for world. Please open the stockpile creation menu, and select different types as instructed below:]], 'int32_t', catnames, df.stockpile_category ) end validate_offset('world', is_valid_world, addr, df.world, 'selected_stockpile_type') end -- -- UI -- local function is_valid_ui(ui) if not ms.is_valid_vector(ui.economic_stone, 1) or not ms.is_valid_vector(ui.dipscripts, 4) then dfhack.printerr('Vector layout check failed.') return false end if ui.follow_item ~= -1 or ui.follow_unit ~= -1 then print('Invalid follow state: '..ui.follow_item..', '..ui.follow_unit) return false end return true end local function find_ui() local catnames = { 'DesignateMine', 'DesignateChannel', 'DesignateRemoveRamps', 'DesignateUpStair', 'DesignateDownStair', 'DesignateUpDownStair', 'DesignateUpRamp', 'DesignateChopTrees' } local catkeys = { 'DESIGNATE_DIG', 'DESIGNATE_CHANNEL', 'DESIGNATE_DIG_REMOVE_STAIRS_RAMPS', 'DESIGNATE_STAIR_UP', 'DESIGNATE_STAIR_DOWN', 'DESIGNATE_STAIR_UPDOWN', 'DESIGNATE_RAMP', 'DESIGNATE_CHOP' } local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_DESIGNATE') addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for ui.', 'int16_t', feed_menu_choice(catnames, catkeys, df.ui_sidebar_mode), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui. Please open the designation menu, and switch modes as instructed below:]], 'int16_t', catnames, df.ui_sidebar_mode ) end validate_offset('ui', is_valid_ui, addr, df.ui, 'main', 'mode') end -- -- ui_sidebar_menus -- local function is_valid_ui_sidebar_menus(usm) if not ms.is_valid_vector(usm.workshop_job.choices_all, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(usm.workshop_job.choices_visible, 4) then dfhack.printerr('Vector layout check failed.') return false end if #usm.workshop_job.choices_all == 0 or #usm.workshop_job.choices_all ~= #usm.workshop_job.choices_visible then print('Different or zero size of visible and all choices:'.. #usm.workshop_job.choices_all..' vs '..#usm.workshop_job.choices_visible) if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Ignore?') then return false end end return true end local function find_ui_sidebar_menus() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDJOB') addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_sidebar_menus. Please select a Mason's, Craftsdwarf's, or Carpenter's workshop:]], 'int32_t', function(idx) if idx == 0 then prompt_proceed(2) -- ensure that the job list isn't full dwarfmode_feed_input('BUILDJOB_CANCEL', 'BUILDJOB_ADD') return true, 0 end return feed_list_choice(7)(idx) end, 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_sidebar_menus. Please switch to 'q' mode, select a Mason, Craftsdwarfs, or Carpenters workshop, open the Add Job menu, and move the cursor within:]], 'int32_t', { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, ordinal_names ) end validate_offset('ui_sidebar_menus', is_valid_ui_sidebar_menus, addr, df.ui_sidebar_menus, 'workshop_job', 'cursor') end -- -- ui_build_selector -- local function is_valid_ui_build_selector(ubs) if not ms.is_valid_vector(ubs.requirements, 4) or not ms.is_valid_vector(ubs.choices, 4) then dfhack.printerr('Vector layout check failed.') return false end if ubs.building_type ~= df.building_type.Trap or ubs.building_subtype ~= df.trap_type.PressurePlate then print('Invalid building type and subtype:'..ubs.building_type..','..ubs.building_subtype) return false end return true end local function find_ui_build_selector() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_build_selector. This requires mechanisms.]], 'int32_t', function(idx) if idx == 0 then dwarfmode_to_top() dwarfmode_feed_input( 'D_BUILDING', 'HOTKEY_BUILDING_TRAP', 'HOTKEY_BUILDING_TRAP_TRIGGER', 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_ENABLE_CREATURE' ) else dwarfmode_feed_input('BUILDING_TRIGGER_MIN_SIZE_UP') end return true, 5000 + 1000*idx end, 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_build_selector. Please start constructing a pressure plate, and enable creatures. Then change the min weight as requested, knowing that the ui shows 5000 as 5K:]], 'int32_t', { 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000 } ) end validate_offset('ui_build_selector', is_valid_ui_build_selector, addr, df.ui_build_selector, 'plate_info', 'unit_min') end -- -- init -- local function is_valid_init(i) -- derived from curses_*.png image sizes presumably if i.font.small_font_dispx ~= 8 or i.font.small_font_dispy ~= 12 or i.font.large_font_dispx ~= 10 or i.font.large_font_dispy ~= 12 then print('Unexpected font sizes: ', i.font.small_font_dispx, i.font.small_font_dispy, i.font.large_font_dispx, i.font.large_font_dispy) if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Ignore?') then return false end end return true end local function find_init() local zone if os_type == 'windows' then zone = zoomed_searcher('ui_build_selector', 0x3000) elseif os_type == 'linux' or os_type == 'darwin' then zone = zoomed_searcher('d_init', -0x2000) end zone = zone or searcher local idx, addr = zone.area.int32_t:find_one{250, 150, 15, 0} if idx then validate_offset('init', is_valid_init, addr, df.init, 'input', 'hold_time') return end local w,h = ms.get_screen_size() local idx, addr = zone.area.int32_t:find_one{w, h} if idx then validate_offset('init', is_valid_init, addr, df.init, 'display', 'grid_x') return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find init') end -- -- current_weather -- local function find_current_weather() local zone if os_type == 'windows' then zone = zoomed_searcher('crime_next_id', 512) elseif os_type == 'darwin' then zone = zoomed_searcher('cursor', -64) elseif os_type == 'linux' then zone = zoomed_searcher('ui_building_assign_type', -512) end zone = zone or searcher local wbytes = { 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2 } local idx, addr = zone.area.int8_t:find_one(wbytes) if idx then ms.found_offset('current_weather', addr) return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find current_weather - must be a wrong save.') end -- -- ui_menu_width -- local function find_ui_menu_width() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = searcher:find_interactive('Auto-searching for ui_menu_width', 'int8_t', function(idx) local val = (idx % 3) + 1 if idx == 0 then print('Switch to the default [map][menu][map] layout (with Tab)') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end else dwarfmode_feed_input('CHANGETAB', val ~= 3 and 'CHANGETAB') end return true, val end) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_menu_width. Please exit to the main dwarfmode menu, then use Tab to do as instructed below:]], 'int8_t', { 2, 3, 1 }, { [2] = 'switch to the most usual [mapmap][menu] layout', [3] = 'hide the menu completely', [1] = 'switch to the default [map][menu][map] layout' } ) end ms.found_offset('ui_menu_width', addr) -- NOTE: Assume that the vars are adjacent, as always ms.found_offset('ui_area_map_width', addr+1) -- reset to make sure view is small enough for window_x/y scan on small maps df.global.ui_menu_width = 2 df.global.ui_area_map_width = 3 end -- -- ui_selected_unit -- local function find_ui_selected_unit() if not is_known 'world' then dfhack.printerr('Cannot search for ui_selected_unit: no world') return end for i,unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do -- This function does a lot of things and accesses histfigs, souls and so on: --dfhack.units.setNickname(unit, i) -- Instead use just a simple bit of code that only requires the start of the -- unit to be valid. It may not work properly with vampires or reset later -- if unpaused, but is sufficient for this script and won't crash: unit.name.nickname = tostring(i) unit.name.has_name = true end local addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_selected_unit. Please activate the 'v' mode, point it at units, and enter their numeric nickname into the prompts below:]], 'int32_t', function() return utils.prompt_input(' Enter index: ', utils.check_number) end, 'noprompt' ) ms.found_offset('ui_selected_unit', addr) end -- -- ui_unit_view_mode -- local function find_ui_unit_view_mode() local catnames = { 'General', 'Inventory', 'Preferences', 'Wounds' } local catkeys = { 'UNITVIEW_GEN', 'UNITVIEW_INV', 'UNITVIEW_PRF', 'UNITVIEW_WND' } local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() and is_known('ui_selected_unit') then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_VIEWUNIT') if df.global.ui_selected_unit < 0 then df.global.ui_selected_unit = 0 end addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for ui_unit_view_mode.', 'int32_t', feed_menu_choice(catnames, catkeys, df.ui_unit_view_mode.T_value), 10 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_unit_view_mode. Having selected a unit with 'v', switch the pages as requested:]], 'int32_t', catnames, df.ui_unit_view_mode.T_value ) end ms.found_offset('ui_unit_view_mode', addr) end -- -- ui_look_cursor -- local function look_item_list_count() return #df.global.ui_look_list.items end local function find_ui_look_cursor() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_LOOK') addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_look_cursor. Please select a tile with at least 5 items or units on the ground, and move the cursor as instructed:]], 'int32_t', feed_list_choice(look_item_list_count), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_look_cursor. Please activate the 'k' mode, find a tile with many items or units on the ground, and select list entries as instructed:]], 'int32_t', list_index_choices(look_item_list_count), ordinal_names ) end ms.found_offset('ui_look_cursor', addr) end -- -- ui_building_item_cursor -- local function building_item_list_count() return #df.global.world.selected_building.contained_items end local function find_ui_building_item_cursor() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDITEM') addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_building_item_cursor. Please highlight a workshop, trade depot or other building with at least 5 contained items, and select as instructed:]], 'int32_t', feed_list_choice(building_item_list_count), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_building_item_cursor. Please activate the 't' mode, find a cluttered workshop, trade depot, or other building with many contained items, and select as instructed:]], 'int32_t', list_index_choices(building_item_list_count), ordinal_names ) end ms.found_offset('ui_building_item_cursor', addr) end -- -- ui_workshop_in_add -- local function find_ui_workshop_in_add() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDJOB') addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_workshop_in_add. Please select a workshop, e.g. Carpenters or Masons.]], 'int8_t', feed_menu_bool( { 'BUILDJOB_CANCEL', 'BUILDJOB_ADD' }, { 'SELECT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT' } ), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_workshop_in_add. Please activate the 'q' mode, find a workshop without jobs (or delete jobs), and do as instructed below. NOTE: If not done after first 3-4 steps, resize the game window.]], 'int8_t', { 1, 0 }, { [1] = 'enter the add job menu', [0] = 'add job, thus exiting the menu' } ) end ms.found_offset('ui_workshop_in_add', addr) end -- -- ui_workshop_job_cursor -- local function workshop_job_list_count() return #df.global.world.selected_building.jobs end local function find_ui_workshop_job_cursor() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDJOB') addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_workshop_job_cursor. Please highlight a Mason's or Carpenter's workshop, or any building with a job selection interface navigable with just "Enter":]], 'int32_t', function(idx) if idx == 0 then prompt_proceed(2) end for i = 1, 10 - workshop_job_list_count() do dwarfmode_feed_input('BUILDJOB_ADD', 'SELECT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT') end dwarfmode_feed_input('SECONDSCROLL_DOWN') -- adding jobs resets the cursor position, so it is difficult to determine here return true end, 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_workshop_job_cursor. Please activate the 'q' mode, find a workshop with many jobs, and select as instructed:]], 'int32_t', list_index_choices(workshop_job_list_count), ordinal_names ) end ms.found_offset('ui_workshop_job_cursor', addr) end -- -- ui_building_in_assign -- local function find_ui_building_in_assign() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDJOB') try_restore_cursor() addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_building_in_assign. Please select a room, i.e. a bedroom, tomb, office, dining room or statue garden.]], 'int8_t', feed_menu_bool( { { 'BUILDJOB_STATUE_ASSIGN', 'BUILDJOB_COFFIN_ASSIGN', 'BUILDJOB_CHAIR_ASSIGN', 'BUILDJOB_TABLE_ASSIGN', 'BUILDJOB_BED_ASSIGN' } }, { 'LEAVESCREEN' } ), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_building_in_assign. Please activate the 'q' mode, select a room building (e.g. a bedroom) and do as instructed below. NOTE: If not done after first 3-4 steps, resize the game window.]], 'int8_t', { 1, 0 }, { [1] = 'enter the Assign owner menu', [0] = 'press Esc to exit assign' } ) end ms.found_offset('ui_building_in_assign', addr) end -- -- ui_building_in_resize -- local function find_ui_building_in_resize() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDJOB') try_restore_cursor() addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Auto-searching for ui_building_in_resize. Please select a room, i.e. a bedroom, tomb, office, dining room or statue garden.]], 'int8_t', feed_menu_bool( { { 'BUILDJOB_STATUE_SIZE', 'BUILDJOB_COFFIN_SIZE', 'BUILDJOB_CHAIR_SIZE', 'BUILDJOB_TABLE_SIZE', 'BUILDJOB_BED_SIZE' } }, { 'LEAVESCREEN' } ), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_building_in_resize. Please activate the 'q' mode, select a room building (e.g. a bedroom) and do as instructed below. NOTE: If not done after first 3-4 steps, resize the game window.]], 'int8_t', { 1, 0 }, { [1] = 'enter the Resize room mode', [0] = 'press Esc to exit resize' } ) end ms.found_offset('ui_building_in_resize', addr) end -- -- ui_lever_target_type -- local function find_ui_lever_target_type() local catnames = { 'Bridge', 'Door', 'Floodgate', 'Cage', 'Chain', 'TrackStop', 'GearAssembly', } local catkeys = { 'HOTKEY_TRAP_BRIDGE', 'HOTKEY_TRAP_DOOR', 'HOTKEY_TRAP_FLOODGATE', 'HOTKEY_TRAP_CAGE', 'HOTKEY_TRAP_CHAIN', 'HOTKEY_TRAP_TRACK_STOP', 'HOTKEY_TRAP_GEAR_ASSEMBLY', } local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_BUILDJOB') addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for ui_lever_target_type. Please select a lever:', 'int8_t', feed_menu_choice(catnames, catkeys, df.lever_target_type, {'BUILDJOB_ADD'}, {'LEAVESCREEN', 'LEAVESCREEN'}, true -- prompt ), 20 ) end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for ui_lever_target_type. Please select a lever with 'q' and enter the "add task" menu with 'a':]], 'int8_t', catnames, df.lever_target_type ) end ms.found_offset('ui_lever_target_type', addr) end -- -- window_x -- local function feed_window_xyz(dec,inc,step) return function(idx) if idx == 0 then for i = 1,30 do dwarfmode_feed_input(dec) end else dwarfmode_feed_input(inc) end return true, nil, step end end local function find_window_x() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for window_x.', 'int32_t', feed_window_xyz('CURSOR_LEFT_FAST', 'CURSOR_RIGHT', 10), 20 ) dwarfmode_feed_input('D_HOTKEY1') end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_counter([[ Searching for window_x. Please exit to main dwarfmode menu, scroll to the LEFT edge, then do as instructed:]], 'int32_t', 10, 'Please press Right to scroll right one step.' ) end ms.found_offset('window_x', addr) end -- -- window_y -- local function find_window_y() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for window_y.', 'int32_t', feed_window_xyz('CURSOR_UP_FAST', 'CURSOR_DOWN', 10), 20 ) dwarfmode_feed_input('D_HOTKEY1') end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_counter([[ Searching for window_y. Please exit to main dwarfmode menu, scroll to the TOP edge, then do as instructed:]], 'int32_t', 10, 'Please press Down to scroll down one step.' ) end ms.found_offset('window_y', addr) end -- -- window_z -- local function find_window_z() local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for window_z.', 'int32_t', feed_window_xyz('CURSOR_UP_Z', 'CURSOR_DOWN_Z', -1), 30 ) dwarfmode_feed_input('D_HOTKEY1') end if not addr then addr = searcher:find_counter([[ Searching for window_z. Please exit to main dwarfmode menu, scroll to a Z level near surface, then do as instructed below. NOTE: If not done after first 3-4 steps, resize the game window.]], 'int32_t', -1, "Please press '>' to scroll one Z level down." ) end ms.found_offset('window_z', addr) end -- -- cur_year -- local function find_cur_year() local zone if os_type == 'windows' then zone = zoomed_searcher('formation_next_id', 32) elseif os_type == 'darwin' then zone = zoomed_searcher('cursor', -32) elseif os_type == 'linux' then zone = zoomed_searcher('ui_building_assign_type', -512) end if not zone then dfhack.printerr('Cannot search for cur_year - prerequisites missing.') return end local yvalue = utils.prompt_input('Please enter current in-game year: ', utils.check_number) local idx, addr = zone.area.int32_t:find_one{yvalue} if idx then ms.found_offset('cur_year', addr) return end dfhack.printerr('Could not find cur_year') end -- -- cur_year_tick -- function stop_autosave() if is_known 'd_init' then local f = df.global.d_init.flags4 if f.AUTOSAVE_SEASONAL or f.AUTOSAVE_YEARLY then f.AUTOSAVE_SEASONAL = false f.AUTOSAVE_YEARLY = false print('Disabled seasonal and yearly autosave.') end else dfhack.printerr('Could not disable autosave!') end end function step_n_frames(cnt, feed) local world = df.global.world local ctick = world.frame_counter if feed then print(" Auto-stepping "..cnt.." frames.") dwarfmode_step_frames(cnt) return world.frame_counter-ctick end local more = '' while world.frame_counter-ctick < cnt do print(" Please step the game "..(cnt-world.frame_counter+ctick)..more.." frames.") more = ' more' if not prompt_proceed(2) then return nil end end return world.frame_counter-ctick end local function find_cur_year_tick() local zone if os_type == 'windows' then zone = zoomed_searcher('ui_unit_view_mode', 0x200) else zone = zoomed_searcher('cur_year', 128) end if not zone then dfhack.printerr('Cannot search for cur_year_tick - prerequisites missing.') return end stop_autosave() local feed = dwarfmode_to_top() local addr = zone:find_interactive( 'Searching for cur_year_tick.', 'int32_t', function(idx) if idx > 0 then if not step_n_frames(1, feed) then return false end end return true, nil, 1 end, 20 ) ms.found_offset('cur_year_tick', addr) end local function find_cur_year_tick_advmode() stop_autosave() local feed = dwarfmode_to_top() local addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Searching for cur_year_tick_advmode.', 'int32_t', function(idx) if idx > 0 then if not step_n_frames(1, feed) then return false end end return true, nil, 144 end, 20 ) ms.found_offset('cur_year_tick_advmode', addr) end -- -- cur_season_tick -- local function find_cur_season_tick() if not (is_known 'cur_year_tick') then dfhack.printerr('Cannot search for cur_season_tick - prerequisites missing.') return end stop_autosave() local feed = dwarfmode_to_top() local addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Searching for cur_season_tick. Please exit to main dwarfmode menu, then do as instructed below:]], 'int32_t', function(ccursor) if ccursor > 0 then if not step_n_frames(10, feed) then return false end end return true, math.floor((df.global.cur_year_tick%100800)/10) end ) ms.found_offset('cur_season_tick', addr) end -- -- cur_season -- local function find_cur_season() if not (is_known 'cur_year_tick' and is_known 'cur_season_tick') then dfhack.printerr('Cannot search for cur_season - prerequisites missing.') return end stop_autosave() local feed = dwarfmode_to_top() local addr = searcher:find_interactive([[ Searching for cur_season. Please exit to main dwarfmode menu, then do as instructed below:]], 'int8_t', function(ccursor) if ccursor > 0 then local cst = df.global.cur_season_tick df.global.cur_season_tick = 10079 df.global.cur_year_tick = df.global.cur_year_tick + (10079-cst)*10 if not step_n_frames(10, feed) then return false end end return true, math.floor(df.global.cur_year_tick/100800)%4 end ) ms.found_offset('cur_season', addr) end -- -- process_jobs -- local function get_process_zone() if os_type == 'windows' then return zoomed_searcher('ui_workshop_job_cursor', 'ui_building_in_resize') elseif os_type == 'linux' or os_type == 'darwin' then return zoomed_searcher('cur_year', 'cur_year_tick') end end local function find_process_jobs() local zone = get_process_zone() or searcher local addr stop_autosave() if dwarfmode_to_top() and dfhack.internal.getAddress('cursor') then local cursor = df.global.T_cursor:new() addr = zone:find_interactive([[ Searching for process_jobs. Please position the cursor to the right of at least 10 vacant natural floor tiles.]], 'int8_t', function(idx) if idx == 0 then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_LOOK') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end cursor:assign(df.global.cursor) elseif idx == 6 then print(' Please resize the game window.') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end end dwarfmode_to_top() dwarfmode_step_frames(1) if idx % 2 == 0 then dwarfmode_feed_input( 'D_BUILDING', 'HOTKEY_BUILDING_CONSTRUCTION', 'HOTKEY_BUILDING_CONSTRUCTION_WALL' ) df.global.cursor:assign(cursor) df.global.cursor.x = df.global.cursor.x + (idx / 2) dwarfmode_feed_input('CURSOR_RIGHT', 'CURSOR_LEFT', 'SELECT', 'SELECT') return true, 1 else return true, 0 end end, 20) end if not addr then local addr = zone:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for process_jobs. Please do as instructed below:]], 'int8_t', { 1, 0 }, { [1] = 'designate a building to be constructed, e.g a bed or a wall', [0] = 'step or unpause the game to reset the flag' } ) end ms.found_offset('process_jobs', addr) end -- -- process_dig -- local function find_process_dig() local zone = get_process_zone() or searcher local addr stop_autosave() if dwarfmode_to_top() and dfhack.internal.getAddress('cursor') then local cursor = df.global.T_cursor:new() addr = zone:find_interactive([[ Searching for process_dig. Please position the cursor to the right of at least 10 unmined, unrevealed tiles.]], 'int8_t', function(idx) if idx == 0 then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_LOOK') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end cursor:assign(df.global.cursor) elseif idx == 6 then print(' Please resize the game window.') if not prompt_proceed(2) then return false end end dwarfmode_to_top() dwarfmode_step_frames(1) if idx % 2 == 0 then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_DESIGNATE', 'DESIGNATE_DIG') df.global.cursor:assign(cursor) df.global.cursor.x = df.global.cursor.x + (idx / 2) dwarfmode_feed_input('SELECT', 'SELECT') return true, 1 else return true, 0 end end, 20) end if not addr then addr = zone:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for process_dig. Please do as instructed below:]], 'int8_t', { 1, 0 }, { [1] = 'designate a tile to be mined out', [0] = 'step or unpause the game to reset the flag' } ) end ms.found_offset('process_dig', addr) end -- -- pause_state -- local function find_pause_state() local zone, addr if os_type == 'linux' or os_type == 'darwin' then zone = zoomed_searcher('ui_look_cursor', 32) elseif os_type == 'windows' then zone = zoomed_searcher('ui_workshop_job_cursor', 80) end zone = zone or searcher stop_autosave() if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = zone:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for pause_state', 'int8_t', function(idx) if idx%2 == 0 then dwarfmode_feed_input('D_ONESTEP') return true, 0 else screen_dwarfmode():logic() return true, 1 end end, 20 ) end if not addr then addr = zone:find_menu_cursor([[ Searching for pause_state. Please do as instructed below:]], 'int8_t', { 1, 0 }, { [1] = 'PAUSE the game', [0] = 'UNPAUSE the game' } ) end ms.found_offset('pause_state', addr) end -- -- standing orders -- local function find_standing_orders(gname, seq, depends) if type(seq) ~= 'table' then seq = {seq} end for k, v in pairs(depends) do if not dfhack.internal.getAddress(k) then qerror(('Cannot locate %s: %s not found'):format(gname, k)) end df.global[k] = v end local addr if dwarfmode_to_top() then addr = searcher:find_interactive( 'Auto-searching for ' .. gname, 'uint8_t', function(idx) dwarfmode_feed_input('D_ORDERS') dwarfmode_feed_input(table.unpack(seq)) return true end ) else dfhack.printerr("Won't scan for standing orders global manually: " .. gname) return end ms.found_offset(gname, addr) end local function exec_finder_so(gname, seq, _depends) local depends = {} for k, v in pairs(_depends or {}) do if k:find('standing_orders_') ~= 1 then k = 'standing_orders_' .. k end depends[k] = v end if force_scan['standing_orders'] then force_scan[gname] = true end exec_finder(function() return find_standing_orders(gname, seq, depends) end, gname) end -- -- MAIN FLOW -- print('\nInitial globals (need title screen):\n') exec_finder(find_gview, 'gview') exec_finder(find_cursor, { 'cursor', 'selection_rect', 'gamemode', 'gametype' }) exec_finder(find_announcements, 'announcements') exec_finder(find_d_init, 'd_init', is_valid_d_init) exec_finder(find_enabler, 'enabler', is_valid_enabler) exec_finder(find_gps, 'gps', is_valid_gps) print('\nCompound globals (need loaded world):\n') print('\nPlease load the save previously processed with prepare-save.') if not prompt_proceed() then searcher:reset() return end exec_finder(find_world, 'world', is_valid_world) exec_finder(find_ui, 'ui', is_valid_ui) exec_finder(find_ui_sidebar_menus, 'ui_sidebar_menus') exec_finder(find_ui_build_selector, 'ui_build_selector') exec_finder(find_init, 'init', is_valid_init) print('\nPrimitive globals:\n') exec_finder(find_current_weather, 'current_weather') exec_finder(find_ui_menu_width, { 'ui_menu_width', 'ui_area_map_width' }) exec_finder(find_ui_selected_unit, 'ui_selected_unit') exec_finder(find_ui_unit_view_mode, 'ui_unit_view_mode') exec_finder(find_ui_look_cursor, 'ui_look_cursor') exec_finder(find_ui_building_item_cursor, 'ui_building_item_cursor') exec_finder(find_ui_workshop_in_add, 'ui_workshop_in_add') exec_finder(find_ui_workshop_job_cursor, 'ui_workshop_job_cursor') exec_finder(find_ui_building_in_assign, 'ui_building_in_assign') exec_finder(find_ui_building_in_resize, 'ui_building_in_resize') exec_finder(find_ui_lever_target_type, 'ui_lever_target_type') exec_finder(find_window_x, 'window_x') exec_finder(find_window_y, 'window_y') exec_finder(find_window_z, 'window_z') print('\nUnpausing globals:\n') exec_finder(find_cur_year, 'cur_year') exec_finder(find_cur_year_tick, 'cur_year_tick') exec_finder(find_cur_year_tick_advmode, 'cur_year_tick_advmode') exec_finder(find_cur_season_tick, 'cur_season_tick') exec_finder(find_cur_season, 'cur_season') exec_finder(find_process_jobs, 'process_jobs') exec_finder(find_process_dig, 'process_dig') exec_finder(find_pause_state, 'pause_state') print('\nStanding orders:\n') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_animals', 'ORDERS_GATHER_ANIMALS') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_bodies', 'ORDERS_GATHER_BODIES') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_food', 'ORDERS_GATHER_FOOD') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_furniture', 'ORDERS_GATHER_FURNITURE') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_minerals', 'ORDERS_GATHER_STONE') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_wood', 'ORDERS_GATHER_WOOD') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_refuse', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_GATHER'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_refuse_outside', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_OUTSIDE'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_gather_vermin_remains', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_OUTSIDE_VERMIN'}, {gather_refuse=1, gather_refuse_outside=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_bones', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_BONE'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_corpses', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_CORPSE'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_hair', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_STRAND_TISSUE'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_other', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_OTHER'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_shells', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_SHELL'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_skins', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_SKIN'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_dump_skulls', {'ORDERS_REFUSE', 'ORDERS_REFUSE_DUMP_SKULL'}, {gather_refuse=1}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_butcher', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_BUTCHER'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_collect_webs', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_COLLECT_WEB'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_fishery', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_AUTO_FISHERY'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_kiln', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_AUTO_KILN'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_kitchen', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_AUTO_KITCHEN'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_loom', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_LOOM'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_other', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_AUTO_OTHER'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_slaughter', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_SLAUGHTER'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_smelter', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_AUTO_SMELTER'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_auto_tan', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_TAN'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_use_dyed_cloth', {'ORDERS_WORKSHOP', 'ORDERS_DYED_CLOTH'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_forbid_other_dead_items', {'ORDERS_AUTOFORBID', 'ORDERS_FORBID_OTHER_ITEMS'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_forbid_other_nohunt', {'ORDERS_AUTOFORBID', 'ORDERS_FORBID_OTHER_CORPSE'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_forbid_own_dead', {'ORDERS_AUTOFORBID', 'ORDERS_FORBID_YOUR_CORPSE'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_forbid_own_dead_items', {'ORDERS_AUTOFORBID', 'ORDERS_FORBID_YOUR_ITEMS'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_forbid_used_ammo', {'ORDERS_AUTOFORBID', 'ORDERS_FORBID_PROJECTILE'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_farmer_harvest', 'ORDERS_ALL_HARVEST') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_job_cancel_announce', 'ORDERS_EXCEPTIONS') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_mix_food', 'ORDERS_MIXFOODS') exec_finder_so('standing_orders_zoneonly_drink', {'ORDERS_ZONE', 'ORDERS_ZONE_DRINKING'}) exec_finder_so('standing_orders_zoneonly_fish', {'ORDERS_ZONE', 'ORDERS_ZONE_FISHING'}) dwarfmode_to_top() print('\nDone. Now exit the game with the die command and add\n'.. 'the newly-found globals to symbols.xml. You can find them\n'.. 'in stdout.log or here:\n') for _, global in ipairs(finder_searches) do local addr = dfhack.internal.getAddress(global) if addr ~= nil then local ival = addr - dfhack.internal.getRebaseDelta() print(string.format("<global-address name='%s' value='0x%x'/>", global, ival)) end end searcher:reset()