# useful references: # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/extdev/appapi.html # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/development/tutorials/recipe.html # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#rst-directives from collections import defaultdict import logging import os import re from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type import docutils.nodes as nodes from docutils.nodes import Node import docutils.parsers.rst.directives as rst_directives import sphinx import sphinx.addnodes as addnodes import sphinx.directives from sphinx.domains import Domain, Index, IndexEntry from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective from sphinx.util.nodes import process_index_entry import dfhack.util logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_label_class(builder: sphinx.builders.Builder) -> Type[nodes.Inline]: if builder.format == 'text': return nodes.inline else: return nodes.strong def make_labeled_paragraph(label: Optional[str]=None, content: Optional[str]=None, label_class=nodes.strong, content_class=nodes.inline) -> nodes.paragraph: p = nodes.paragraph('', '') if label is not None: p += [ label_class('', '{}:'.format(label)), nodes.inline('', ' '), ] if content is not None: p += content_class('', content) return p def make_summary(builder: sphinx.builders.Builder, summary: str) -> nodes.paragraph: para = nodes.paragraph('', '') if builder.format == 'text': # It might be clearer to block indent instead of just indenting the # first line, but this is clearer than nothing. para += nodes.inline(text=' ') para += nodes.inline(text=summary) return para _KEYBINDS = {} _KEYBINDS_RENDERED = set() # commands whose keybindings have been rendered def scan_keybinds(root, files, keybindings): """Add keybindings in the specified files to the given keybindings dict. """ for file in files: with open(os.path.join(root, file)) as f: lines = [l.replace('keybinding add', '').strip() for l in f.readlines() if l.startswith('keybinding add')] for k in lines: first, command = k.split(' ', 1) bind, context = (first.split('@') + [''])[:2] if ' ' not in command: command = command.replace('"', '') tool = command.split(' ')[0].replace('"', '') keybindings[tool] = keybindings.get(tool, []) + [ (command, bind.split('-'), context)] def scan_all_keybinds(root_dir): """Get the implemented keybinds, and return a dict of {tool: [(full_command, keybinding, context), ...]}. """ keybindings = dict() for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir): scan_keybinds(root, files, keybindings) return keybindings def render_dfhack_keybind(command, builder: sphinx.builders.Builder) -> List[nodes.paragraph]: _KEYBINDS_RENDERED.add(command) out = [] if command not in _KEYBINDS: return out for keycmd, key, ctx in _KEYBINDS[command]: n = make_labeled_paragraph('Keybinding', label_class=get_label_class(builder)) for k in key: if builder.format == 'text': k = '[{}]'.format(k) n += nodes.inline(k, k, classes=['kbd']) if keycmd != command: n += nodes.inline(' -> ', ' -> ') n += nodes.literal(keycmd, keycmd, classes=['guilabel']) if ctx: n += nodes.inline(' in ', ' in ') n += nodes.literal(ctx, ctx) out.append(n) return out def check_missing_keybinds(): # FIXME: _KEYBINDS_RENDERED is empty in the parent process under parallel builds # consider moving to a sphinx Domain to solve this properly for missing_command in sorted(set(_KEYBINDS.keys()) - _KEYBINDS_RENDERED): logger.warning('Undocumented keybindings for command: %s', missing_command) _anchor_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d+') def to_anchor(name: str) -> str: name = name.lower() name = name.replace('/', '-') name = re.sub(_anchor_pattern, '', name) return name class DFHackToolDirectiveBase(sphinx.directives.ObjectDescription): has_content = False required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 1 def get_tool_name_from_docname(self): parts = self.env.docname.split('/') if 'tools' in parts: return '/'.join(parts[parts.index('tools') + 1:]) else: return parts[-1] def get_name_or_docname(self): if self.arguments: return self.arguments[0] return self.get_tool_name_from_docname() def add_index_entries(self, name) -> None: docname = self.env.docname anchor = to_anchor(self.get_tool_name_from_docname()) tags = self.env.domaindata['tag-repo']['doctags'][docname] indexdata = (name, self.options.get('summary', ''), '', docname, anchor, 0) if 'unavailable' not in tags: self.env.domaindata['all']['objects'].append(indexdata) for tag in tags: self.env.domaindata[tag]['objects'].append(indexdata) @staticmethod def wrap_box(*children: List[nodes.Node]) -> nodes.Admonition: return nodes.topic('', *children, classes=['dfhack-tool-summary']) def make_labeled_paragraph(self, *args, **kwargs): # convenience wrapper to set label_class to the desired builder-specific node type kwargs.setdefault('label_class', get_label_class(self.env.app.builder)) return make_labeled_paragraph(*args, **kwargs) def render_content(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: raise NotImplementedError def run(self): return [self.wrap_box(*self.render_content())] class DFHackToolDirective(DFHackToolDirectiveBase): option_spec = { 'tags': dfhack.util.directive_arg_str_list, 'no-command': rst_directives.flag, 'summary': rst_directives.unchanged, } def render_content(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: tag_paragraph = self.make_labeled_paragraph('Tags') tags = self.options.get('tags', []) self.env.domaindata['tag-repo']['doctags'][self.env.docname] = tags for tag in tags: tag_paragraph += [ addnodes.pending_xref(tag, nodes.inline(text=tag), **{ 'reftype': 'ref', 'refdomain': 'std', 'reftarget': tag + '-tag-index', 'refexplicit': True, 'refwarn': True, }), nodes.inline(text=' | '), ] tag_paragraph.pop() ret_nodes = [tag_paragraph] if 'no-command' in self.options: self.add_index_entries(self.get_name_or_docname() + ' (plugin)') ret_nodes += [make_summary(self.env.app.builder, self.options.get('summary', ''))] return ret_nodes def run(self): out = DFHackToolDirectiveBase.run(self) if 'no-command' not in self.options: out += [self.wrap_box(*DFHackCommandDirective.render_content(self))] return out class DFHackCommandDirective(DFHackToolDirectiveBase): option_spec = { 'summary': rst_directives.unchanged_required, } def render_content(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: command = self.get_name_or_docname() self.add_index_entries(command) return [ self.make_labeled_paragraph('Command', command, content_class=nodes.literal), make_summary(self.env.app.builder, self.options.get('summary', '')), *render_dfhack_keybind(command, builder=self.env.app.builder), ] class TagRepoDomain(Domain): name = 'tag-repo' label = 'Holds tag associations per document' initial_data = {'doctags': {}} def merge_domaindata(self, docnames: List[str], otherdata: Dict) -> None: self.data['doctags'].update(otherdata['doctags']) def get_tags(): groups = {} group_re = re.compile(r'"([^"]+)"') tag_re = re.compile(r'- `([^ ]+) <[^>]+>`: (.*)') with open(os.path.join(dfhack.util.DOCS_ROOT, 'Tags.rst')) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() m = re.match(group_re, line) if m: group = m.group(1) groups[group] = [] continue m = re.match(tag_re, line) if m: tag = m.group(1) desc = m.group(2) groups[group].append((tag, desc)) return groups def tag_domain_get_objects(self): for obj in self.data['objects']: yield(obj) def tag_domain_merge_domaindata(self, docnames: List[str], otherdata: Dict) -> None: seen = set() objs = self.data['objects'] for obj in objs: seen.add(obj[0]) for obj in otherdata['objects']: if obj[0] not in seen: objs.append(obj) objs.sort() def tag_index_generate(self, docnames: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, List[IndexEntry]]], bool]: content = defaultdict(list) for name, desc, _, docname, anchor, _ in self.domain.data['objects']: first_letter = name[0].lower() extra, descr = desc, '' if self.domain.env.app.builder.format == 'html': extra, descr = '', desc content[first_letter].append( IndexEntry(name, 0, docname, anchor, extra, '', descr)) return (sorted(content.items()), False) def register_index(app, tag, title): domain_class = type(tag+'Domain', (Domain, ), { 'name': tag, 'label': 'Container domain for tag: ' + tag, 'initial_data': {'objects': []}, 'merge_domaindata': tag_domain_merge_domaindata, 'get_objects': tag_domain_get_objects, }) index_class = type(tag+'Index', (Index, ), { 'name': 'tag-index', 'localname': title, 'shortname': tag, 'generate': tag_index_generate, }) app.add_domain(domain_class) app.add_index_to_domain(tag, index_class) def init_tag_indices(app): os.makedirs(os.path.join(dfhack.util.DOCS_ROOT, 'tags'), mode=0o755, exist_ok=True) tag_groups = get_tags() for tag_group in tag_groups: group_file_path = os.path.join(dfhack.util.DOCS_ROOT, 'tags', 'by{group}.rst'.format(group=tag_group)) with dfhack.util.write_file_if_changed(group_file_path) as topidx: for tag_tuple in tag_groups[tag_group]: tag, desc = tag_tuple[0], tag_tuple[1] topidx.write(('- `{name} <{name}-tag-index>`\n').format(name=tag)) topidx.write((' {desc}\n').format(desc=desc)) register_index(app, tag, desc) def update_index_titles(app): for domain in app.env.domains.values(): for index in domain.indices: if index.shortname == 'all': continue if app.builder.format == 'html': index.localname = '"%s" tag index


' % (index.shortname, index.localname) else: index.localname = '"%s" tag index - %s' % (index.shortname, index.localname) def register(app): app.add_directive('dfhack-tool', DFHackToolDirective) app.add_directive('dfhack-command', DFHackCommandDirective) update_index_titles(app) _KEYBINDS.update(scan_all_keybinds(os.path.join(dfhack.util.DFHACK_ROOT, 'data', 'init'))) def setup(app): app.connect('builder-inited', register) app.add_domain(TagRepoDomain) register_index(app, 'all', 'Index of DFHack tools') init_tag_indices(app) # TODO: re-enable once detection is corrected # app.connect('build-finished', lambda *_: check_missing_keybinds()) return { 'version': '0.1', 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }