``modtools/*`` scripts provide tools for modders, often with changes to the raw files, and are not intended to be called manually by end-users. These scripts are mostly useful for raw modders and scripters. They all have standard arguments: arguments are of the form ``tool -argName1 argVal1 -argName2 argVal2``. This is equivalent to ``tool -argName2 argVal2 -argName1 argVal1``. It is not necessary to provide a value to an argument name: ``tool -argName3`` is fine. Supplying the same argument name multiple times will result in an error. Argument names are preceded with a dash. The ``-help`` argument will print a descriptive usage string describing the nature of the arguments. For multiple word argument values, brackets must be used: ``tool -argName4 [ sadf1 sadf2 sadf3 ]``. In order to allow passing literal braces as part of the argument, backslashes are used: ``tool -argName4 [ \] asdf \foo ]`` sets ``argName4`` to ``\] asdf foo``. The ``*-trigger`` scripts have a similar policy with backslashes. Any of these scripts can be called with ``-help`` for more information.