automelt ======== .. dfhack-tool:: :summary: Quickly designate items to be melted. :tags: untested fort productivity items stockpiles :no-command: Automelt checks monitor-enabled stockpiles once every in-game day, and will mark valid items for melting. Please see `gui/automelt` for the interactive configuration dialog. Usage ----- :: enable automelt automelt [status] automelt (designate) automelt (monitor|nomonitor) Examples -------- Automatically designate all meltable items in the stockpile `melt` for melting. :: enable automelt automelt monitor melt Enable monitoring for the stockpile `melt`, and mmediately designate all meltable items in monitored stockpiles for melting. :: automelt monitor melt automelt designate Commands -------- ``status`` Shows current configuration and relevant statistics ``designate`` Designates items in monitored stockpiles for melting right now. This works even if ``automelt`` is not currently enabled. ``(no)monitor `` Enable/disable monitoring of a given stockpile. Requires the stockpile to have a name set.