module DFHack # returns an Array of all units that are current fort citizen (dwarves, on map, not hostile) def self.unit_citizens race = ui.race_id civ = ui.civ_id { |u| u.race == race and u.civ_id == civ and !u.flags1.dead and !u.flags1.merchant and !u.flags1.diplomat and !u.flags2.resident and !u.flags3.ghostly and !u.curse.add_tags1.OPPOSED_TO_LIFE and !u.curse.add_tags1.CRAZED and u.mood != :Berserk # TODO check curse ; currently this should keep vampires, but may include werebeasts } end # list workers (citizen, not crazy / child / inmood / noble) def self.unit_workers unit_citizens.find_all { |u| u.mood == :None and u.profession != :CHILD and u.profession != :BABY and # TODO MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION_SPOUSE !unit_entitypositions(u).find { |pos| pos.flags[:MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION] } } end # list currently idle workers def self.unit_idlers unit_workers.find_all { |u| # current_job includes eat/drink/sleep/pickupequip !u.job.current_job._getv and # filter 'attend meeting' u.meetings.length == 0 and # filter soldiers (TODO check schedule) u.military.squad_index == -1 and # filter 'on break' !u.status.misc_traits.find { |t| id == :OnBreak } } end def self.unit_entitypositions(unit) list = [] return list if not hf = world.history.figures.binsearch(unit.hist_figure_id) hf.entity_links.each { |el| next if el._rtti_classname != :histfig_entity_link_positionst next if not ent = world.entities.all.binsearch(el.entity_id) next if not pa = ent.positions.assignments.binsearch(el.assignment_id) next if not pos = ent.positions.own.binsearch(pa.position_id) list << pos } list end end