config.mode = 'fortress' local gui = require('gui') local function send_keys(...) local keys = {...} for _,key in ipairs(keys) do gui.simulateInput(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), key) end end local xtest = {} -- use to temporarily disable tests (change `function test.somename` to `function xtest.somename`) local wait = function() --delay(30) -- enable for debugging the tests end local dialogs = require('gui.dialogs') function test.ListBox_opens_and_closes() local before_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) local choices = {{ text = 'ListBox_opens_and_closes' }} local lb = dialogs.ListBox({choices = choices}) expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "creating a ListBox object should not change CurViewscreen") lb:show() wait(), dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "ListBox:show should change CurViewscreen") send_keys('LEAVESCREEN') expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "Pressing LEAVESCREEN should return us to previous screen") end function test.ListBox_closes_on_select() local before_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) local args = {} local mock_cb = mock.func() local mock_cb2 = mock.func() args.on_select = mock_cb args.on_select2 = mock_cb2 args.choices = {{ text = 'ListBox_closes_on_select' }} local lb = dialogs.ListBox(args) lb:show() wait() send_keys('SELECT') expect.eq(1, mock_cb.call_count) expect.eq(0, mock_cb2.call_count) expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "Selecting an item should return us to previous screen") end function test.ListBox_closes_on_select2() local before_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) local args = {} local mock_cb = mock.func() local mock_cb2 = mock.func() args.on_select = mock_cb args.on_select2 = mock_cb2 args.choices = {{ text = 'ListBox_closes_on_select2' }} local lb = dialogs.ListBox(args) lb:show() wait() send_keys('SEC_SELECT') expect.eq(0, mock_cb.call_count) expect.eq(1, mock_cb2.call_count) expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "Selecting an item should return us to previous screen") end function test.ListBox_stays_open_with_multi_select() local before_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) local args = {} local mock_cb = mock.func() local mock_cb2 = mock.func() args.on_select = mock_cb args.on_select2 = mock_cb2 args.dismiss_on_select = false args.choices = {{ text = 'ListBox_stays_open_with_multi_select' }} local lb = dialogs.ListBox(args) lb:show() local lb_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) wait() send_keys('SELECT') expect.eq(lb_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "Selecting an item should NOT close the ListBox") send_keys('SEC_SELECT') expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "With default dismiss_on_select2 it should return us to previous screen") expect.eq(1, mock_cb.call_count) expect.eq(1, mock_cb2.call_count) end function test.ListBox_stays_open_with_multi_select2() local before_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) local args = {} local mock_cb = mock.func() local mock_cb2 = mock.func() args.on_select = mock_cb args.on_select2 = mock_cb2 args.dismiss_on_select2 = false args.choices = {{ text = 'ListBox_stays_open_with_multi_select2' }} local lb = dialogs.ListBox(args) lb:show() local lb_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) wait() send_keys('SEC_SELECT') expect.eq(lb_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "Sec-selecting an item should NOT close the ListBox") send_keys('SELECT') expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "With default dismiss_on_select it should return us to previous screen") expect.eq(1, mock_cb.call_count) expect.eq(1, mock_cb2.call_count) end function test.ListBox_with_multi_select() local before_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) local args = {} local mock_cb = mock.func() local mock_cb2 = mock.func() args.on_select = mock_cb args.on_select2 = mock_cb2 args.dismiss_on_select = false args.dismiss_on_select2 = false args.choices = {{ text = 'ListBox_with_multi_select' },{ text = 'item2' },{ text = 'item3' } } local lb = dialogs.ListBox(args) lb:show() local lb_scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) wait() send_keys('SELECT') send_keys('STANDARDSCROLL_DOWN') wait() send_keys('SEC_SELECT') send_keys('STANDARDSCROLL_DOWN') wait() send_keys('SELECT') expect.eq(2, mock_cb.call_count) expect.eq(1, mock_cb2.call_count) expect.eq(lb_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "With both dismiss_on_select and dismiss_on_select2 false the ListBox should stay open") send_keys('LEAVESCREEN') expect.eq(before_scr, dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), "Pressing LEAVESCREEN should still return us to previous screen") end