#include <iostream> #include <string.h> // for memset #include <string> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <map> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; #include <DFHack.h> #include <extra/MapExtras.h> using namespace MapExtras; //#include <argstream.h> void usage(int argc, const char * argv[]) { cout << "Usage:" << endl << argv[0] << " [option 1] [option 2] [...]" << endl << "-q : Suppress \"Press any key to continue\" at program termination" << endl << "-u <n> : Dig upwards <n> times (default 5)" << endl << "-d <n> : Dig downwards <n> times (default 5)" << endl ; } void digat(MapCache * MCache, DFHack::DFCoord xy) { int16_t tt; tt = MCache->tiletypeAt(xy); if(!DFHack::isWallTerrain(tt)) return; // found a good tile, dig+unset material DFHack::t_designation des = MCache->designationAt(xy); if(MCache->testCoord(xy)) { MCache->clearMaterialAt(xy); if(des.bits.dig == DFHack::designation_no) des.bits.dig = DFHack::designation_default; MCache->setDesignationAt(xy,des); } } int strtoint(const string &str) { stringstream ss(str); int result; return ss >> result ? result : -1; } typedef struct { int16_t x; int16_t y; } pos; int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) { // Command line options bool updown = false; bool quiet = true; // let's be more useful when double-clicked on windows #ifndef LINUX_BUILD quiet = false; #endif int dig_up_n = 5; int dig_down_n = 5; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string arg_cur = argv[i]; string arg_next = ""; int arg_next_int = -99999; /* Check if argv[i+1] is a number >= 0 */ if (i < argc-1) { arg_next = argv[i+1]; arg_next_int = strtoint(arg_next); if (arg_next != "0" && arg_next_int == 0) { arg_next_int = -99999; } } if (arg_cur == "-x") { updown = true; } else if (arg_cur == "-q") { quiet = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-u" && i < argc-1) { if (arg_next_int < 0 || arg_next_int >= 99999) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } dig_up_n = arg_next_int; i++; } else if(arg_cur == "-d" && i < argc-1) { if (arg_next_int < 0 || arg_next_int >= 99999) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } dig_down_n = arg_next_int; i++; } else { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } } DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context * DF; try { DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); DF->Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << "Error getting context: " << e.what() << endl; if (!quiet) cin.ignore(); return 1; } uint32_t x_max,y_max,z_max; DFHack::Maps * Maps = DF->getMaps(); DFHack::Gui * Gui = DF->getGui(); // init the map if(!Maps->Start()) { cerr << "Can't init map. Make sure you have a map loaded in DF." << endl; DF->Detach(); if (!quiet) cin.ignore(); return 1; } int32_t cx, cy, cz; Maps->getSize(x_max,y_max,z_max); uint32_t tx_max = x_max * 16; uint32_t ty_max = y_max * 16; Gui->getCursorCoords(cx,cy,cz); if (cx == -30000) { cerr << "Cursor is not active. Point the cursor at the position to dig at." << endl; DF->Detach(); if (!quiet) { cin.ignore(); } return 1; } DFHack::DFCoord xy ((uint32_t)cx,(uint32_t)cy,cz); if(xy.x == 0 || xy.x == tx_max - 1 || xy.y == 0 || xy.y == ty_max - 1) { cerr << "I won't dig the borders. That would be cheating!" << endl; DF->Detach(); if (!quiet) { cin.ignore(); } return 1; } MapCache * MCache = new MapCache(Maps); DFHack::t_designation des = MCache->designationAt(xy); int16_t tt = MCache->tiletypeAt(xy); int16_t veinmat = MCache->veinMaterialAt(xy); /* if( veinmat == -1 ) { cerr << "This tile is non-vein. Bye :)" << endl; delete MCache; DF->Detach(); if (!quiet) { cin.ignore(); } return 1; } */ printf("Digging at (%d/%d/%d), tiletype: %d, veinmat: %d, designation: 0x%x ... DIGGING!\n", cx,cy,cz, tt, veinmat, des.whole); // 1 < xy.x < tx_max - 1 // 1 < xy.y < ty_max - 1 // xy.z // X____ // X_XXX // XXXXX // __XXX // __XXX // _____ pos map[] = { { 0,0 } , { 0,1 } , { 0,2 } , { 2,2 }, { 3,2 }, { 4,2 } , { 0,3 }, { 1,3 }, { 2,3 }, { 3,3 }, { 4,3 } , { 2,4 }, { 3,4 }, { 4,4 } // this is mirrored, goes left instead of right , {-2,2 }, {-3,2 }, {-4,2 } , {-1,3 }, {-2,3 }, {-3,3 }, {-4,3 } , {-2,4 }, {-3,4 }, {-4,4 } }; DFHack::DFCoord npos = xy; if (dig_up_n > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dig_up_n; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(map)/sizeof(map[0]); i++) { npos=xy; npos.x += map[i].x; npos.y -= 4*j + map[i].y; printf("Digging at (%d/%d/%d)\n", npos.x, npos.y, npos.z); digat(MCache, npos); } } } if (dig_down_n > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dig_down_n; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(map)/sizeof(map[0]); i++) { npos=xy; npos.x += map[i].x; npos.y += 4*j + map[i].y; printf("Digging at (%d/%d/%d)\n", npos.x, npos.y, npos.z); digat(MCache, npos); } } } MCache->WriteAll(); delete MCache; DF->Detach(); if (!quiet) { cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); } return 0; }