.. _prospect:


.. dfhack-tool::
    :summary: Provides commands that help you analyze natural resources.
    :tags: untested embark fort armok inspection map

.. dfhack-command:: prospect
   :summary: Shows a summary of resources that exist on the map.

It can also calculate an estimate of resources available in the selected embark



    prospect [all|hell] [<options>]

By default, only the visible part of the map is scanned. Include the ``all``
keyword if you want ``prospect`` to scan the whole map as if it were revealed.
Use ``hell`` instead of ``all`` if you also want to see the Z range of HFS
tubes in the 'features' report section.


``prospect all``
    Shows the entire report for the entire map.

``prospect hell --show layers,ores,veins``
    Shows only the layers, ores, and other vein stone report sections, and
    includes information on HFS tubes (if run on a fortress map and not the
    pre-embark screen).

``prospect all -sores``
    Show only information about ores for the pre-embark or fortress map report.


``-s``, ``--show <sections>``
    Shows only the named comma-separated list of report sections. Report section
    names are: summary, liquids, layers, features, ores, gems, veins, shrubs,
    and trees. If run during pre-embark, only the layers, ores, gems, and veins
    report sections are available.
``-v``, ``--values``
    Includes material value in the output. Most useful for the 'gems' report

Pre-embark estimate

If prospect is called during the embark selection screen, it displays an
estimate of layer stone availability. If the ``all`` keyword is specified, it
also estimates ores, gems, and vein material. The estimate covers all tiles of
the embark rectangle.

.. note::

    The results of pre-embark prospect are an *estimate*, and can at best be
    expected to be somewhere within +/- 30% of the true amount; sometimes it
    does a lot worse. In particular, it is not clear how to precisely compute
    how many soil layers there will be in a given embark tile, so it can report
    a whole extra layer, or omit one that is actually present.