local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.hotkeys') local gui = require('gui') local helpdb = require('helpdb') local overlay = require('plugins.overlay') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local logo_textures = dfhack.textures.loadTileset('hack/data/art/logo.png', 8, 12, true) local logo_hovered_textures = dfhack.textures.loadTileset('hack/data/art/logo_hovered.png', 8, 12, true) local function get_command(cmdline) local first_word = cmdline:trim():split(' +')[1] if first_word:startswith(':') then first_word = first_word:sub(2) end return first_word end function should_hide_armok(cmdline) local command = get_command(cmdline) return dfhack.getHideArmokTools() and helpdb.is_entry(command) and helpdb.get_entry_tags(command).armok end -- ----------------- -- -- HotspotMenuWidget -- -- ----------------- -- HotspotMenuWidget = defclass(HotspotMenuWidget, overlay.OverlayWidget) HotspotMenuWidget.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=5,y=1}, default_enabled=true, version=2, viewscreens={ 'adopt_region', 'choose_game_type', -- 'choose_start_site', -- conflicts with vanilla panel layouts 'dwarfmode', 'export_region', 'game_cleaner', 'initial_prep', -- 'legends', -- conflicts with vanilla export button and info text -- 'loadgame', -- disable temporarily while we get texture reloading sorted -- 'new_arena', -- conflicts with vanilla panel layouts -- 'new_region', -- conflicts with vanilla panel layouts 'savegame', 'setupdwarfgame', 'title/Default', 'update_region', 'world' }, frame={w=4, h=3} } function HotspotMenuWidget:init() local to_pen = dfhack.pen.parse local function tp(idx, ch) return to_pen{ tile=function() return dfhack.textures.getTexposByHandle(logo_textures[idx]) end, ch=ch, fg=COLOR_GREY, } end local function tph(idx, ch) return to_pen{ tile=function() return dfhack.textures.getTexposByHandle(logo_hovered_textures[idx]) end, ch=ch, fg=COLOR_WHITE, bold=true, } end local function get_tile_token(idx, ch) return { tile=tp(idx, ch), htile=tph(idx, ch), width=1, } end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ text={ get_tile_token(1, 179), get_tile_token(2, 'D'), get_tile_token(3, 'F'), get_tile_token(4, 179), NEWLINE, get_tile_token(5, 179), get_tile_token(6, 'H'), get_tile_token(7, 'a'), get_tile_token(8, 179), NEWLINE, get_tile_token(9, 179), get_tile_token(10, 'c'), get_tile_token(11, 'k'), get_tile_token(12, 179), }, on_click=function() dfhack.run_command('hotkeys') end, }, } end function HotspotMenuWidget:overlay_trigger() return MenuScreen{hotspot=self}:show() end -- register the menu hotspot with the overlay OVERLAY_WIDGETS = {menu=HotspotMenuWidget} -- ---- -- -- Menu -- -- ---- -- local ARROW = string.char(26) local MAX_LIST_WIDTH = 45 local MAX_LIST_HEIGHT = 15 Menu = defclass(Menu, widgets.Panel) Menu.ATTRS{ hotspot=DEFAULT_NIL, } -- get a map from the binding string to a list of hotkey strings that all -- point to that binding local function get_bindings_to_hotkeys(hotkeys, bindings) local bindings_to_hotkeys = {} for _,hotkey in ipairs(hotkeys) do local binding = bindings[hotkey] table.insert(ensure_key(bindings_to_hotkeys, binding), hotkey) end return bindings_to_hotkeys end -- number of non-text tiles: icon, space between cmd and hk, scrollbar+margin local LIST_BUFFER = 2 + 1 + 3 local function get_choices(hotkeys, bindings, is_inverted) local choices, max_width, seen = {}, 0, {} local bindings_to_hotkeys = get_bindings_to_hotkeys(hotkeys, bindings) -- build list choices for _,hotkey in ipairs(hotkeys) do local command = bindings[hotkey] if seen[command] then goto continue end seen[command] = true local hk_width, tokens = 0, {} for _,hk in ipairs(bindings_to_hotkeys[command]) do if hk_width ~= 0 then table.insert(tokens, ', ') hk_width = hk_width + 2 end table.insert(tokens, {text=hk, pen=COLOR_LIGHTGREEN}) hk_width = hk_width + #hk end local command_str = command if hk_width + #command + LIST_BUFFER > MAX_LIST_WIDTH then local max_command_len = MAX_LIST_WIDTH - hk_width - LIST_BUFFER command_str = command:sub(1, max_command_len - 3) .. '...' end table.insert(tokens, 1, {text=command_str}) local choice = {icon=ARROW, command=command, text=tokens, hk_width=hk_width} max_width = math.max(max_width, hk_width + #command_str + LIST_BUFFER) table.insert(choices, is_inverted and 1 or #choices + 1, choice) ::continue:: end -- adjust width of command fields so the hotkey tokens are right justified for _,choice in ipairs(choices) do local command_token = choice.text[1] command_token.width = max_width - choice.hk_width - (LIST_BUFFER - 1) end return choices, max_width end function Menu:init() local hotkeys, bindings = getHotkeys() if #hotkeys == 0 then hotkeys = {''} bindings = {['']='gui/launcher'} end local is_inverted = not not self.hotspot.frame.b local choices,list_width = get_choices(hotkeys, bindings, is_inverted) list_width = math.max(35, list_width) local list_frame = copyall(self.hotspot.frame) local list_widget_frame = {h=math.min(#choices, MAX_LIST_HEIGHT)} local quickstart_frame = {} list_frame.w = list_width + 2 list_frame.h = list_widget_frame.h + 4 if list_frame.t then list_frame.t = math.max(0, list_frame.t - 1) list_widget_frame.t = 0 quickstart_frame.b = 0 else list_frame.b = math.max(0, list_frame.b - 1) list_widget_frame.b = 0 quickstart_frame.t = 0 end if list_frame.l then list_frame.l = math.max(0, list_frame.l + 5) else list_frame.r = math.max(0, list_frame.r + 5) end local help_frame = {w=list_frame.w, l=list_frame.l, r=list_frame.r} if list_frame.t then help_frame.t = list_frame.t + list_frame.h else help_frame.b = list_frame.b + list_frame.h end self:addviews{ widgets.Panel{ view_id='list_panel', frame=list_frame, frame_style=gui.PANEL_FRAME, frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, subviews={ widgets.List{ view_id='list', frame=list_widget_frame, choices=choices, icon_width=2, on_select=self:callback('onSelect'), on_submit=self:callback('onSubmit'), on_submit2=self:callback('onSubmit2'), }, widgets.Panel{frame={h=1}}, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame=quickstart_frame, label='Quickstart guide', key='STRING_A063', on_activate=function() self:onSubmit(nil, {command='quickstart-guide'}) end, }, }, }, widgets.ResizingPanel{ view_id='help_panel', autoarrange_subviews=true, frame=help_frame, frame_style=gui.PANEL_FRAME, frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, subviews={ widgets.WrappedLabel{ view_id='help', text_to_wrap='', scroll_keys={}, }, }, }, } self.initialize = function() self.subviews.list:setSelected(is_inverted and #choices or 1) end end function Menu:onSelect(_, choice) if not choice or #self.subviews == 0 then return end local command = get_command(choice.command) self.subviews.help.text_to_wrap = helpdb.is_entry(command) and helpdb.get_entry_short_help(command) or 'Command not found' self.subviews.help_panel:updateLayout() end function Menu:onSubmit(_, choice) if not choice then return end dfhack.screen.hideGuard(self.parent_view, dfhack.run_command, choice.command) self.parent_view:dismiss() end function Menu:onSubmit2(_, choice) if not choice then return end self.parent_view:dismiss() dfhack.run_script('gui/launcher', choice.command) end function Menu:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN or keys._MOUSE_R then return false elseif keys.KEYBOARD_CURSOR_RIGHT then self:onSubmit2(self.subviews.list:getSelected()) return true elseif keys._MOUSE_L then local list = self.subviews.list local x = list:getMousePos() if x == 0 then -- clicked on icon self:onSubmit2(list:getSelected()) gui.markMouseClicksHandled(keys) return true end if not self:getMouseFramePos() then self.parent_view:dismiss() return true end gui.markMouseClicksHandled(keys) end self:inputToSubviews(keys) return true -- we're modal end function Menu:onRenderFrame(dc, rect) if self.initialize then self.initialize() self.initialize = nil end Menu.super.onRenderFrame(self, dc, rect) end function Menu:getMouseFramePos() return self.subviews.list_panel:getMouseFramePos() or self.subviews.help_panel:getMouseFramePos() end function Menu:onRenderBody(dc) Menu.super.onRenderBody(self, dc) local list = self.subviews.list local idx = list:getIdxUnderMouse() if idx and idx ~= self.last_mouse_idx then -- focus follows mouse, but if cursor keys were used to change the -- selection, don't override the selection until the mouse moves to -- another item list:setSelected(idx) self.last_mouse_idx = idx end end -- ---------- -- -- MenuScreen -- -- ---------- -- MenuScreen = defclass(MenuScreen, gui.ZScreen) MenuScreen.ATTRS { focus_path='hotkeys/menu', initial_pause=false, hotspot=DEFAULT_NIL, } function MenuScreen:init() self:addviews{ Menu{hotspot=self.hotspot}, } end function MenuScreen:onDismiss() cleanupHotkeys() end return _ENV