require 'hack/ruby-autogen' module DFHack class << self # update the ruby.cpp version to accept a block def suspend if block_given? begin do_suspend yield ensure resume end else do_suspend end end module ::Kernel def puts(*a) a.flatten.each { |l| DFHack.print_str(l.to_s.chomp + "\n") } nil end def puts_err(*a) a.flatten.each { |l| DFHack.print_err(l.to_s.chomp + "\n") } nil end end # register a callback to be called every gframe or more # ex: DFHack.onupdate_register {[0].counters.job_counter = 0 } def onupdate_register(&b) @onupdate_list ||= [] @onupdate_list << b DFHack.onupdate_active = true @onupdate_list.last end # delete the callback for onupdate ; use the value returned by onupdate_register def onupdate_unregister(b) @onupdate_list.delete b DFHack.onupdate_active = false if @onupdate_list.empty? end # this method is called by dfhack every 'onupdate' if onupdate_active is true def onupdate @onupdate_list.each { |cb| } end # return an Unit # with no arg, return currently selected unit in df UI ('v' or 'k' menu) # with numeric arg, search unit by # with an argument that respond to x/y/z (eg cursor), find first unit at this position def find_unit(what=:selected) if what == :selected case ui.main.mode when UiSidebarMode::ViewUnits # nobody selected => idx == 0 v = world.units.other[0][ui_selected_unit] v if v and v.pos.z == cursor.z when UiSidebarMode::LookAround k = ui_look_list.items[ui_look_cursor] k.unit if k.type == UiLookList::Unit end elsif what.kind_of?(Integer) world.units.all.find { |u| == what } elsif what.respond_to?(:x) or what.respond_to?(:pos) what = what.pos if what.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = what.x, what.y, what.z world.units.all.find { |u| u.pos.x == x and u.pos.y == y and u.pos.z == z } else raise "what what?" end end # return an Item # arg similar to find_unit; no arg = 'k' menu def find_item(what=:selected) if what == :selected case ui.main.mode when UiSidebarMode::LookAround k = ui_look_list.items[ui_look_cursor] k.item if k.type == UiLookList::Item end elsif what.kind_of?(Integer) world.items.all.find { |i| == what } elsif what.respond_to?(:x) or what.respond_to?(:pos) what = what.pos if what.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = what.x, what.y, what.z world.items.all.find { |i| i.pos.x == x and i.pos.y == y and i.pos.z == z } else raise "what what?" end end # return a map block by tile coordinates # you can also use find_map_block(cursor) or anything that respond to x/y/z def find_map_block(x=cursor, y=nil, z=nil) x = x.pos if x.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = x.x, x.y, x.z if x.respond_to?(:x) if x >= 0 and x < and y >= 0 and y < and z >= 0 and z <[x/16][y/16][z] end end def center_viewscreen(x, y=nil, z=nil) x = x.pos if x.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = x.x, x.y, x.z if x.respond_to?(:x) # compute screen 'map' size (tiles) menuwidth = ui_menu_width # ui_menu_width shows only the 'tab' status menuwidth = 1 if menuwidth == 2 and ui_area_map_width == 2 and cursor.x != -30000 menuwidth = 2 if menuwidth == 3 and cursor.x != -30000 w_w = gps.dimx - 2 w_h = gps.dimy - 2 case menuwidth when 1; w_w -= 55 when 2; w_w -= (ui_area_map_width == 2 ? 24 : 31) end # center view w_x = x - w_w/2 w_y = y - w_h/2 w_z = z # round view coordinates (optional) #w_x -= w_x % 10 #w_y -= w_y % 10 # crop to map limits w_x = [[w_x, - w_w].min, 0].max w_y = [[w_y, - w_h].min, 0].max self.window_x = w_x self.window_y = w_y self.window_z = w_z if cursor.x != -30000 cursor.x, cursor.y, cursor.z = x, y, z end end # add an announcement # color = integer, bright = bool def add_announcement(str, color=0, bright=false) cont = false while str.length > 0 rep = Report.cpp_alloc rep.color = color rep.bright = ((bright && bright != 0) ? 1 : 0) rep.year = cur_year rep.time = cur_year_tick rep.flags.continuation = cont cont = true rep.flags.announcement = true rep.text = str[0, 73] str = str[73..-1].to_s = world.status.next_report_id world.status.next_report_id += 1 world.status.reports << rep world.status.announcements << rep world.status.display_timer = 2000 end end def test puts "starting" suspend { puts "cursor pos: #{cursor.x} #{cursor.y} #{cursor.z}" if u = find_unit puts "selected unit id: #{}" end if b = find_map_block b.designation[cursor.x%16][cursor.y%16].dig = TileDigDesignation::Default b.flags.designated = true puts "dug cursor tile" end } puts "done" end end end # global alias so we can write '[0]' def df DFHack end # load user-specified startup file load 'ruby_custom.rb' if File.exist?('ruby_custom.rb')