// Creature dump #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <climits> #include <vector> #include <stdio.h> //using namespace std; #define DFHACK_WANT_MISCUTILS #include <DFHack.h> int main (int argc,const char* argv[]) { int lines = 16; int mode = 0; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { /* cout << "usage:" << endl; cout << argv[0] << " object_name [number of lines]" << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; */ } else if(argc == 3) { std::string s = argv[2]; //blah. I don't care std::istringstream ins; // Declare an input string stream. ins.str(s); // Specify string to read. ins >> lines; // Reads the integers from the string. mode = 1; } std::map <uint32_t, std::string> custom_workshop_types; DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr ("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context *DF; try { DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); DF->Attach(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } DFHack::memory_info * mem = DF->getMemoryInfo(); DFHack::Buildings * Bld = DF->getBuildings(); DFHack::Position * Pos = DF->getPosition(); uint32_t numBuildings; if(Bld->Start(numBuildings)) { Bld->ReadCustomWorkshopTypes(custom_workshop_types); if(mode) { std::cout << numBuildings << std::endl; std::vector < uint32_t > addresses; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numBuildings; i++) { DFHack::t_building temp; Bld->Read(i, temp); if(temp.type != 0xFFFFFFFF) // check if type isn't invalid { std::string typestr; mem->resolveClassIDToClassname(temp.type, typestr); std::cout << typestr << std::endl; if(typestr == argv[1]) { //cout << buildingtypes[temp.type] << " 0x" << hex << temp.origin << endl; //hexdump(DF, temp.origin, 16); addresses.push_back(temp.origin); } } else { // couldn't translate type, print out the vtable std::cout << "unknown vtable: " << temp.vtable << std::endl; } } interleave_hex(DF,addresses,lines / 4); } else // mode { int32_t x,y,z; Pos->getCursorCoords(x,y,z); if(x != -30000) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numBuildings; i++) { DFHack::t_building temp; Bld->Read(i, temp); if( (uint32_t)x >= temp.x1 && (uint32_t)x <= temp.x2 && (uint32_t)y >= temp.y1 && (uint32_t)y <= temp.y2 && (uint32_t)z == temp.z ) { std::string typestr; mem->resolveClassIDToClassname(temp.type, typestr); printf("Address 0x%x, type %d (%s), %d/%d/%d\n",temp.origin, temp.type, typestr.c_str(), temp.x1,temp.y1,temp.z); printf("Material %d %d\n", temp.material.type, temp.material.index); int32_t custom; if((custom = Bld->GetCustomWorkshopType(temp)) != -1) { printf("Custom workshop type %s (%d)\n",custom_workshop_types[custom].c_str(),custom); } hexdump(DF,temp.origin,120); } } } else { std::cout << numBuildings << std::endl; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numBuildings; i++) { DFHack::t_building temp; Bld->Read(i, temp); std::string typestr; mem->resolveClassIDToClassname(temp.type, typestr); printf("Address 0x%x, type %d (%s), %d/%d/%d\n",temp.origin, temp.type, typestr.c_str(), temp.x1,temp.y1,temp.z); } } } Bld->Finish(); } else { std::cerr << "buildings not supported for this DF version" << std::endl; } DF->Detach(); #ifndef LINUX_BUILD std::cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << std::endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; }