spectate ======== .. dfhack-tool:: :summary: Automatically follow productive dwarves. :tags: fort interface Usage ----- :: enable spectate spectate set spectate enable|disable When enabled, the plugin will automatically switch which dwarf is being followed periodically, preferring dwarves on z-levels with the highest job activity. Changes to plugin settings will be saved per world. Whether the plugin itself is enabled or not is not saved. Examples -------- ``spectate`` The plugin reports its configured status. ``spectate enable auto-unpause`` Enable the spectate plugin to automatically dismiss pause events caused by the game. Siege events are one example of such a game event. ``spectate set tick-threshold 50`` Set the tick interval the followed dwarf can be changed at back to its default value. Features -------- :auto-unpause: Toggle auto-dismissal of game pause events. (default: disabled) :auto-disengage: Toggle auto-disengagement of plugin through player intervention while unpaused. (default: disabled) :animals: Toggle whether to sometimes follow animals. (default: disabled) :hostiles: Toggle whether to sometimes follow hostiles (eg. undead, titan, invader, etc.) (default: disabled) :visiting: Toggle whether to sometimes follow visiting units (eg. diplomat) Settings -------- :tick-threshold: Set the plugin's tick interval for changing the followed dwarf. Acts as a maximum follow time when used with focus-jobs enabled. (default: 1000)