.. _support:

Getting Support

DFHack has several ways to get help online, including:

- The `DFHack Discord server <https://dfhack.org/discord>`__
- The ``#dfhack`` IRC channel on `Libera <https://libera.chat/>`__
- GitHub:
    - for bugs, use the :issue:`issue tracker <>`
    - for more open-ended questions, use the `discussion board
      <https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/discussions>`__. Note that this is a
      relatively-new feature as of 2021, but maintainers should still be
      notified of any discussions here.
- The `DFHack thread on the Bay 12 Forum <https://dfhack.org/bay12>`__

Some additional, but less DFHack-specific, places where questions may be answered include:

- The `/r/dwarffortress <https://dwarffortress.reddit.com>`_ questions thread on Reddit
- If you are using a starter pack, the relevant thread on the `Bay 12 Forum <http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?board=2.0>`__ -
  see the :wiki:`DF Wiki <Utility:Lazy_Newb_Pack>` for a list of these threads

When reaching out to any support channels regarding problems with DFHack, please
remember to provide enough details for others to identify the issue. For
instance, specific error messages (copied text or screenshots) are helpful, as
well as any steps you can follow to reproduce the problem. Sometimes, log output
from ``stderr.log`` in the DF folder can point to the cause of issues as well.

Some common questions may also be answered in documentation, including:

- This documentation (`online here <https://dfhack.readthedocs.io>`__; search functionality available `here <search>`)
- :wiki:`The DF wiki <>`