-- invasion-now civName start end : schedules an invasion in the near future, or several args = {...} civName = args[1] if ( civName ~= nil ) then --find the civ with that name evilEntity = nil; for _,candidate in ipairs(df.global.world.entities.all) do if candidate.entity_raw.code == civName then evilEntity = candidate break end end if ( evilEntity == nil ) then do return end end time = tonumber(args[2]) or 1 time2 = tonumber(args[3]) or time for i = time,time2 do df.global.timed_events:insert('#',{ new = df.timed_event, type = df.timed_event_type.CivAttack, season = df.global.cur_season, season_ticks = df.global.cur_season_tick+i, entity = evilEntity }) end end