#include #include #include #include #include #include // iterates the DF job list and adds channel jobs to the `jobs` container void ChannelJobs::load_channel_jobs() { locations.clear(); df::job_list_link* node = df::global::world->jobs.list.next; while (node) { df::job* job = node->item; node = node->next; if (is_channel_job(job)) { locations.emplace(job->pos); jobs.emplace(job->pos, job); } } } bool ChannelJobs::has_cavein_conditions(const df::coord &map_pos) { auto p = map_pos; auto ttype = *Maps::getTileType(p); if (!DFHack::isOpenTerrain(ttype)) { // check shared neighbour for cave-in conditions df::coord neighbours[4]; get_connected_neighbours(map_pos, neighbours); int connectedness = 4; for (auto n: neighbours) { if (active.count(n) || DFHack::isOpenTerrain(*Maps::getTileType(n))) { connectedness--; } } if (!connectedness) { // do what? p.z--; ttype = *Maps::getTileType(p); if (DFHack::isOpenTerrain(ttype) || DFHack::isFloorTerrain(ttype)) { return true; } } } return false; } bool ChannelJobs::possible_cavein(const df::coord &job_pos) { for (auto iter : active) { if (iter == job_pos) continue; if (calc_distance(job_pos, iter) <= 2) { // find neighbours df::coord n1[8]; df::coord n2[8]; get_neighbours(job_pos, n1); get_neighbours(iter, n2); // find shared neighbours for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 8; ++j) { if (n1[i] == n2[j]) { if (has_cavein_conditions(n1[i])) { WARN(jobs).print("Channel-Safely::jobs: Cave-in conditions detected at (" COORD ")\n", COORDARGS(n1[i])); return true; } } } } } } return false; } // adds map_pos to a group if an adjacent one exists, or creates one if none exist... if multiple exist they're merged into the first found void ChannelGroups::add(const df::coord &map_pos) { // if we've already added this, we don't need to do it again if (groups_map.count(map_pos)) { return; } /* We need to add map_pos to an existing group if possible... * So what we do is we look at neighbours to see if they belong to one or more existing groups * If there is more than one group, we'll be merging them */ df::coord neighbors[8]; get_neighbours(map_pos, neighbors); Group* group = nullptr; int group_index = -1; DEBUG(groups).print(" add(" COORD ")\n", COORDARGS(map_pos)); // and so we begin iterating the neighbours for (auto &neighbour: neighbors) { // go to the next neighbour if this one doesn't have a group if (!groups_map.count(neighbour)) { TRACE(groups).print(" -> neighbour is not designated\n"); continue; } // get the group, since at least one exists... then merge any additional into that one if (!group){ TRACE(groups).print(" -> group* has no valid state yet\n"); group_index = groups_map.find(neighbour)->second; group = &groups.at(group_index); } else { TRACE(groups).print(" -> group* has an existing state\n"); // we don't do anything if the found group is the same as the existing group auto index2 = groups_map.find(neighbour)->second; if (group_index != index2) { // we already have group "prime" if you will, so we're going to merge the new find into prime Group &group2 = groups.at(index2); // merge TRACE(groups).print(" -> merging two groups. group 1 size: %zu. group 2 size: %zu\n", group->size(), group2.size()); for (auto pos2: group2) { group->emplace(pos2); groups_map[pos2] = group_index; } group2.clear(); free_spots.emplace(index2); TRACE(groups).print(" merged size: %zu\n", group->size()); } } } // if we haven't found at least one group by now we need to create/get one if (!group) { TRACE(groups).print(" -> no merging took place\n"); // first we check if we can re-use a group that's been freed if (!free_spots.empty()) { TRACE(groups).print(" -> use recycled old group\n"); // first element in a set is always the lowest value, so we re-use from the front of the vector group_index = *free_spots.begin(); group = &groups[group_index]; free_spots.erase(free_spots.begin()); } else { TRACE(groups).print(" -> brand new group\n"); // we create a brand-new group to use group_index = groups.size(); groups.emplace_back(); group = &groups[group_index]; } } // puts the "add" in "ChannelGroups::add" group->emplace(map_pos); DEBUG(groups).print(" = group[%d] of (" COORD ") is size: %zu\n", group_index, COORDARGS(map_pos), group->size()); // we may have performed a merge, so we update all the `coord -> group index` mappings for (auto &wpos: *group) { groups_map[wpos] = group_index; } DEBUG(groups).print(" <- add() exits, there are %zu mappings\n", groups_map.size()); } // scans a single tile for channel designations void ChannelGroups::scan_one(const df::coord &map_pos) { df::map_block* block = Maps::getTileBlock(map_pos); int16_t lx = map_pos.x % 16; int16_t ly = map_pos.y % 16; if (is_dig_designation(block->designation[lx][ly])) { for (df::block_square_event* event: block->block_events) { if (auto evT = virtual_cast(event)) { // we want to let the user keep some designations free of being managed if (evT->priority[lx][ly] < 1000 * config.ignore_threshold) { TRACE(groups).print(" adding (" COORD ")\n", COORDARGS(map_pos)); add(map_pos); } } } } else if (TileCache::Get().hasChanged(map_pos, block->tiletype[lx][ly])) { TileCache::Get().uncache(map_pos); remove(map_pos); } } // builds groupings of adjacent channel designations void ChannelGroups::scan(bool full_scan) { static std::default_random_engine RNG(0); static std::bernoulli_distribution sometimes_scanFULLY(0.15); if (!full_scan) { full_scan = sometimes_scanFULLY(RNG); } // save current jobs, then clear and load the current jobs std::set last_jobs; for (auto &pos : jobs) { last_jobs.emplace(pos); } jobs.load_channel_jobs(); // transpose channel jobs to std::set new_jobs; std::set gone_jobs; set_difference(last_jobs, jobs, gone_jobs); set_difference(jobs, last_jobs, new_jobs); INFO(groups).print("gone jobs: %zd\nnew jobs: %zd\n",gone_jobs.size(), new_jobs.size()); for (auto &pos : new_jobs) { add(pos); } for (auto &pos : gone_jobs){ remove(pos); } DEBUG(groups).print(" scan()\n"); // foreach block for (int32_t z = mapz - 1; z >= 0; --z) { for (int32_t by = 0; by < mapy; ++by) { for (int32_t bx = 0; bx < mapx; ++bx) { // the block if (df::map_block* block = Maps::getBlock(bx, by, z)) { // skip this block? if (!full_scan && !block->flags.bits.designated) { continue; } df::map_block* block_above = Maps::getBlock(bx, by, z+1); // foreach tile bool empty_group = true; for (int16_t lx = 0; lx < 16; ++lx) { for (int16_t ly = 0; ly < 16; ++ly) { // the tile, check if it has a channel designation df::coord map_pos((bx * 16) + lx, (by * 16) + ly, z); if (TileCache::Get().hasChanged(map_pos, block->tiletype[lx][ly])) { TileCache::Get().uncache(map_pos); remove(map_pos); if (jobs.count(map_pos)) { jobs.erase(map_pos); } block->designation[lx][ly].bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::No; } else if (is_dig_designation(block->designation[lx][ly]) || block->occupancy[lx][ly].bits.dig_marked ) { // We have a dig designated, or marked. Some of these will not need intervention. if (block_above && !is_channel_designation(block->designation[lx][ly]) && !is_channel_designation(block_above->designation[lx][ly])) { // if this tile isn't a channel designation, and doesn't have a channel designation above it.. we can skip it continue; } for (df::block_square_event* event: block->block_events) { if (auto evT = virtual_cast(event)) { // we want to let the user keep some designations free of being managed TRACE(groups).print(" tile designation priority: %d\n", evT->priority[lx][ly]); if (evT->priority[lx][ly] < 1000 * config.ignore_threshold) { if (empty_group) { group_blocks.emplace(block); empty_group = false; } TRACE(groups).print(" adding (" COORD ")\n", COORDARGS(map_pos)); add(map_pos); } else if (groups_map.count(map_pos)) { remove(map_pos); } } } } } } // erase the block if we didn't find anything iterating through it if (empty_group) { group_blocks.erase(block); } } } } } INFO(groups).print("scan() exits\n"); } // clears out the containers for unloading maps or disabling the plugin void ChannelGroups::clear() { debug_map(); WARN(groups).print(" <- clearing groups\n"); jobs.clear(); group_blocks.clear(); free_spots.clear(); groups_map.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) { groups[i].clear(); free_spots.emplace(i); } } // erases map_pos from its group, and deletes mappings IFF the group is empty void ChannelGroups::remove(const df::coord &map_pos) { // we don't need to do anything if the position isn't in a group (granted, that should never be the case) INFO(groups).print(" remove()\n"); if (groups_map.count(map_pos)) { INFO(groups).print(" -> found group\n"); // get the group, and map_pos' block* int group_index = groups_map.find(map_pos)->second; Group &group = groups[group_index]; // erase map_pos from the group INFO(groups).print(" -> erase(" COORD ")\n", COORDARGS(map_pos)); group.erase(map_pos); groups_map.erase(map_pos); // clean up if the group is empty if (group.empty()) { WARN(groups).print(" -> group is empty\n"); // erase `coord -> group group_index` mappings for (auto iter = groups_map.begin(); iter != groups_map.end();) { if (group_index == iter->second) { iter = groups_map.erase(iter); continue; } ++iter; } // flag the `groups` group_index as available free_spots.insert(group_index); } } INFO(groups).print(" remove() exits\n"); } // finds a group corresponding to a map position if one exists Groups::const_iterator ChannelGroups::find(const df::coord &map_pos) const { const auto iter = groups_map.find(map_pos); if (iter != groups_map.end()) { return groups.begin() + iter->second; } return groups.end(); } // returns an iterator to the first element stored Groups::const_iterator ChannelGroups::begin() const { return groups.begin(); } // returns an iterator to after the last element stored Groups::const_iterator ChannelGroups::end() const { return groups.end(); } // returns a count of 0 or 1 depending on whether map_pos is mapped to a group size_t ChannelGroups::count(const df::coord &map_pos) const { return groups_map.count(map_pos); } // prints debug info about the groups stored, and their members void ChannelGroups::debug_groups() { if (DFHack::debug_groups.isEnabled(DebugCategory::LDEBUG)) { int idx = 0; DEBUG(groups).print(" debugging group data\n"); for (auto &group: groups) { DEBUG(groups).print(" group %d (size: %zu)\n", idx, group.size()); for (auto &pos: group) { DEBUG(groups).print(" (%d,%d,%d)\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } idx++; } } } // prints debug info group mappings void ChannelGroups::debug_map() { if (DFHack::debug_groups.isEnabled(DebugCategory::LTRACE)) { INFO(groups).print("Group Mappings: %zu\n", groups_map.size()); for (auto &pair: groups_map) { TRACE(groups).print(" map[" COORD "] = %d\n", COORDARGS(pair.first), pair.second); } } }