#include "uicommon.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "df/world_raws.h" #include "df/building_def.h" #include "df/viewscreen_dwarfmodest.h" #include "df/viewscreen_tradegoodsst.h" #include "df/building_stockpilest.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/Items.h" #include "df/building_tradedepotst.h" #include "df/general_ref_building_holderst.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/job_item_ref.h" #include "modules/Job.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/mandate.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" using df::global::world; using df::global::cursor; using df::global::ui; using df::building_stockpilest; DFHACK_PLUGIN("autotrade"); #define PLUGIN_VERSION 0.4 static const string PERSISTENCE_KEY = "autotrade/stockpiles"; /* * Depot Access */ class TradeDepotInfo { public: TradeDepotInfo() : depot(0) { } bool findDepot() { if (isValid()) return true; reset(); for(auto bld_it = world->buildings.all.begin(); bld_it != world->buildings.all.end(); bld_it++) { auto bld = *bld_it; if (!isUsableDepot(bld)) continue; depot = bld; id = depot->id; break; } return depot; } bool assignItem(df::item *item) { auto href = df::allocate(); if (!href) return false; auto job = new df::job(); df::coord tpos(depot->centerx, depot->centery, depot->z); job->pos = tpos; job->job_type = job_type::BringItemToDepot; // job <-> item link if (!Job::attachJobItem(job, item, df::job_item_ref::Hauled)) { delete job; delete href; return false; } // job <-> building link href->building_id = id; depot->jobs.push_back(job); job->general_refs.push_back(href); // add to job list Job::linkIntoWorld(job); return true; } void reset() { depot = 0; } private: int32_t id; df::building *depot; bool isUsableDepot(df::building* bld) { if (bld->getType() != building_type::TradeDepot) return false; if (bld->getBuildStage() < bld->getMaxBuildStage()) return false; if (bld->jobs.size() == 1 && bld->jobs[0]->job_type == job_type::DestroyBuilding) return false; return true; } bool isValid() { if (!depot) return false; auto found = df::building::find(id); return found && found == depot && isUsableDepot(found); } }; static TradeDepotInfo depot_info; /* * Item Manipulation */ static bool check_mandates(df::item *item) { for (auto it = world->mandates.begin(); it != world->mandates.end(); it++) { auto mandate = *it; if (mandate->mode != 0) continue; if (item->getType() != mandate->item_type || (mandate->item_subtype != -1 && item->getSubtype() != mandate->item_subtype)) continue; if (mandate->mat_type != -1 && item->getMaterial() != mandate->mat_type) continue; if (mandate->mat_index != -1 && item->getMaterialIndex() != mandate->mat_index) continue; return false; } return true; } static bool is_valid_item(df::item *item) { for (size_t i = 0; i < item->general_refs.size(); i++) { df::general_ref *ref = item->general_refs[i]; switch (ref->getType()) { case general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM: return false; case general_ref_type::UNIT_HOLDER: return false; case general_ref_type::BUILDING_HOLDER: return false; default: break; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < item->specific_refs.size(); i++) { df::specific_ref *ref = item->specific_refs[i]; if (ref->type == specific_ref_type::JOB) { // Ignore any items assigned to a job return false; } } if (!check_mandates(item)) return false; return true; } static void mark_all_in_stockpiles(vector &stockpiles) { if (!depot_info.findDepot()) return; // Precompute a bitmask with the bad flags df::item_flags bad_flags; bad_flags.whole = 0; #define F(x) bad_flags.bits.x = true; F(dump); F(forbid); F(garbage_collect); F(hostile); F(on_fire); F(rotten); F(trader); F(in_building); F(construction); F(artifact); F(spider_web); F(owned); F(in_job); #undef F size_t marked_count = 0; size_t error_count = 0; for (auto it = stockpiles.begin(); it != stockpiles.end(); it++) { if (!it->isValid()) continue; Buildings::StockpileIterator stored; for (stored.begin(it->getStockpile()); !stored.done(); ++stored) { df::item *item = *stored; if (item->flags.whole & bad_flags.whole) continue; if (!is_valid_item(item)) continue; // In case of container, check contained items for mandates bool mandates_ok = true; vector contained_items; Items::getContainedItems(item, &contained_items); for (auto cit = contained_items.begin(); cit != contained_items.end(); cit++) { if (!check_mandates(*cit)) { mandates_ok = false; break; } } if (!mandates_ok) continue; if (depot_info.assignItem(item)) { ++marked_count; } else { if (++error_count < 5) { Gui::showZoomAnnouncement(df::announcement_type::CANCEL_JOB, item->pos, "Cannot trade item from stockpile " + int_to_string(it->getId()), COLOR_RED, true); } } } } if (marked_count) Gui::showAnnouncement("Marked " + int_to_string(marked_count) + " items for trade", COLOR_GREEN, false); if (error_count >= 5) { Gui::showAnnouncement(int_to_string(error_count) + " items were not marked", COLOR_RED, true); } } /* * Stockpile Monitoring */ class StockpileMonitor { public: bool isMonitored(df::building_stockpilest *sp) { for (auto it = monitored_stockpiles.begin(); it != monitored_stockpiles.end(); it++) { if (it->matches(sp)) return true; } return false; } void add(df::building_stockpilest *sp) { auto pile = PersistentStockpileInfo(sp, PERSISTENCE_KEY); if (pile.isValid()) { monitored_stockpiles.push_back(pile); monitored_stockpiles.back().save(); } } void remove(df::building_stockpilest *sp) { for (auto it = monitored_stockpiles.begin(); it != monitored_stockpiles.end(); it++) { if (it->matches(sp)) { it->remove(); monitored_stockpiles.erase(it); break; } } } void doCycle() { if (!can_trade()) return; for (auto it = monitored_stockpiles.begin(); it != monitored_stockpiles.end();) { if (!it->isValid()) { it = monitored_stockpiles.erase(it); continue; } ++it; } mark_all_in_stockpiles(monitored_stockpiles); } void reset() { monitored_stockpiles.clear(); std::vector items; DFHack::World::GetPersistentData(&items, PERSISTENCE_KEY); for (auto i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); i++) { auto pile = PersistentStockpileInfo(*i, PERSISTENCE_KEY); if (pile.load()) monitored_stockpiles.push_back(pile); else pile.remove(); } } private: vector monitored_stockpiles; }; static StockpileMonitor monitor; #define DELTA_TICKS 600 DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate ( color_ostream &out ) { if(!Maps::IsValid()) return CR_OK; static decltype(world->frame_counter) last_frame_count = 0; if (DFHack::World::ReadPauseState()) return CR_OK; if (world->frame_counter - last_frame_count < DELTA_TICKS) return CR_OK; last_frame_count = world->frame_counter; monitor.doCycle(); return CR_OK; } /* * Interface */ struct trade_hook : public df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest { typedef df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest interpose_base; bool handleInput(set *input) { building_stockpilest *sp = get_selected_stockpile(); if (!sp) return false; if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_T)) { if (monitor.isMonitored(sp)) monitor.remove(sp); else monitor.add(sp); } return false; } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, feed, (set *input)) { if (!handleInput(input)) INTERPOSE_NEXT(feed)(input); } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, render, ()) { INTERPOSE_NEXT(render)(); building_stockpilest *sp = get_selected_stockpile(); if (!sp) return; auto dims = Gui::getDwarfmodeViewDims(); int left_margin = dims.menu_x1 + 1; int x = left_margin; int y = dims.y2 - 5; int links = 0; links += sp->links.give_to_pile.size(); links += sp->links.take_from_pile.size(); links += sp->links.give_to_workshop.size(); links += sp->links.take_from_workshop.size(); bool state = monitor.isMonitored(sp); if (links + 12 >= y) { y = dims.y2; OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, "Auto: "); x += 5; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, "T"); OutputString(state? COLOR_LIGHTGREEN: COLOR_GREY, x, y, "rade "); } else { OutputToggleString(x, y, "Auto trade", "T", state, true, left_margin, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_LIGHTRED); } } }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(trade_hook, feed); IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(trade_hook, render); struct tradeview_hook : public df::viewscreen_tradegoodsst { typedef df::viewscreen_tradegoodsst interpose_base; bool handleInput(set *input) { if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_M)) { for (int i = 0; i < trader_selected.size(); i++) { trader_selected[i] = 1; } } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_U)) { for (int i = 0; i < trader_selected.size(); i++) { trader_selected[i] = 0; } } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_M)) { for (int i = 0; i < broker_selected.size(); i++) { broker_selected[i] = 1; } } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_U)) { for (int i = 0; i < broker_selected.size(); i++) { broker_selected[i] = 0; } } else { return false; } return true; } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, feed, (set *input)) { if (!handleInput(input)) INTERPOSE_NEXT(feed)(input); } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, render, ()) { INTERPOSE_NEXT(render)(); if (counteroffer.size() > 0) { // The merchant is proposing a counteroffer, // so there is nothing to mark. return; } // Insert into the blank line between trade items and standard keys. // The blank line at the bottom is taken by the search plugin. auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize(); int y = dim.y - 5; int x = 2; OutputHotkeyString(x, y, "Mark all, ", "m", false, x, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_LIGHTRED); OutputHotkeyString(x, y, "Unmark all", "u", false, x, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_LIGHTRED); x = 42; OutputHotkeyString(x, y, "Mark all, ", "M", false, x, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_LIGHTRED); OutputHotkeyString(x, y, "Unmark all", "U", false, x, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_LIGHTRED); } }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(tradeview_hook, feed); IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(tradeview_hook, render); static command_result autotrade_cmd(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { if (!parameters.empty()) { if (parameters.size() == 1 && toLower(parameters[0])[0] == 'v') { out << "Autotrade" << endl << "Version: " << PLUGIN_VERSION << endl; } } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { switch (event) { case DFHack::SC_MAP_LOADED: depot_info.reset(); monitor.reset(); break; case DFHack::SC_MAP_UNLOADED: break; default: break; } return CR_OK; } DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(is_enabled); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable(color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (!gps) return CR_FAILURE; if (enable != is_enabled) { depot_info.reset(); monitor.reset(); if (!INTERPOSE_HOOK(trade_hook, feed).apply(enable) || !INTERPOSE_HOOK(trade_hook, render).apply(enable) || !INTERPOSE_HOOK(tradeview_hook, feed).apply(enable) || !INTERPOSE_HOOK(tradeview_hook, render).apply(enable)) return CR_FAILURE; is_enabled = enable; } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { commands.push_back( PluginCommand( "autotrade", "Automatically send items in marked stockpiles to trade depot, when trading is possible.", autotrade_cmd, false, "Run 'autotrade version' to query the plugin version.\n")); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; }