-- A GUI front-end for the workflow plugin. local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local guidm = require 'gui.dwarfmode' local guimat = require 'gui.materials' local widgets = require 'gui.widgets' local dlg = require 'gui.dialogs' local workflow = require 'plugins.workflow' function check_enabled(cb) if workflow.isEnabled() then return cb() else dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Enable Plugin', { 'The workflow plugin is not enabled currently.', NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Press ', { key = 'MENU_CONFIRM' }, ' to enable it.' }, COLOR_YELLOW, function() workflow.setEnabled(true) return cb() end ) end end function check_repeat(job, cb) if job.flags['repeat'] then return cb() else dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Not Repeat Job', { 'Workflow only tracks repeating jobs.', NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Press ', { key = 'MENU_CONFIRM' }, ' to make this one repeat.' }, COLOR_YELLOW, function() job.flags['repeat'] = true return cb() end ) end end function describe_item_type(iobj) local itemline = 'any item' if iobj.is_craft then itemline = 'any craft' elseif iobj.item_type >= 0 then itemline = df.item_type.attrs[iobj.item_type].caption or iobj.item_type local subtype = iobj.item_subtype or -1 local def = dfhack.items.getSubtypeDef(iobj.item_type, subtype) local count = dfhack.items.getSubtypeCount(iobj.item_type, subtype) if def then itemline = def.name elseif count >= 0 then itemline = 'any '..itemline end end return itemline end function is_caste_mat(iobj) return dfhack.items.isCasteMaterial(iobj.item_type or -1) end function describe_material(iobj) local matflags = utils.list_bitfield_flags(iobj.mat_mask) if #matflags > 0 then matflags = 'any '..table.concat(matflags, '/') else matflags = nil end if is_caste_mat(iobj) then return 'no material' elseif (iobj.mat_type or -1) >= 0 then local info = dfhack.matinfo.decode(iobj.mat_type, iobj.mat_index) local matline if info then matline = info:toString() else matline = iobj.mat_type..':'..iobj.mat_index end return matline, matflags else return matflags or 'any material' end end function current_stock(iobj) if iobj.goal_by_count then return iobj.cur_count else return iobj.cur_amount end end function if_by_count(iobj,bc,ba) if iobj.goal_by_count then return bc else return ba end end function compute_trend(history,field) local count = #history if count == 0 then return 0 end local sumX,sumY,sumXY,sumXX = 0,0,0,0 for i,v in ipairs(history) do sumX = sumX + i sumY = sumY + v[field] sumXY = sumXY + i*v[field] sumXX = sumXX + i*i end return (count * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (count * sumXX - sumX * sumX) end ------------------------ -- RANGE EDITOR GROUP -- ------------------------ local null_cons = { goal_value = 0, goal_gap = 0, goal_by_count = false } RangeEditor = defclass(RangeEditor, widgets.Label) RangeEditor.ATTRS { get_cb = DEFAULT_NIL, save_cb = DEFAULT_NIL, keys = { count = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_I', modify = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_R', min_dec = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MIN_SIZE_DOWN', min_inc = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MIN_SIZE_UP', max_dec = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MAX_SIZE_DOWN', max_inc = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MAX_SIZE_UP', } } function RangeEditor:init(args) self:setText{ { key = self.keys.count, text = function() local cons = self.get_cb() or null_cons if cons.goal_by_count then return ': Count stacks ' else return ': Count items ' end end, on_activate = self:callback('onChangeUnit') }, { key = self.keys.modify, text = ': Range', on_activate = self:callback('onEditRange') }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = self.keys.min_dec, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_gap', 2) }, { key = self.keys.min_inc, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_gap', -1) }, { text = function() local cons = self.get_cb() or null_cons return string.format(': Min %-4d ', cons.goal_value - cons.goal_gap) end }, { key = self.keys.max_dec, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_value', -1) }, { key = self.keys.max_inc, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_value', 2) }, { text = function() local cons = self.get_cb() or null_cons return string.format(': Max %-4d', cons.goal_value) end }, } end function RangeEditor:onChangeUnit() local cons = self.get_cb() cons.goal_by_count = not cons.goal_by_count self.save_cb(cons) end function RangeEditor:onEditRange() local cons = self.get_cb() dlg.showInputPrompt( 'Input Range', 'Enter the new constraint range:', COLOR_WHITE, (cons.goal_value-cons.goal_gap)..'-'..cons.goal_value, function(text) local maxv = string.match(text, '^%s*(%d+)%s*$') if maxv then cons.goal_value = maxv return self.save_cb(cons) end local minv,maxv = string.match(text, '^%s*(%d+)-(%d+)%s*$') if minv and maxv and minv ~= maxv then cons.goal_value = math.max(minv,maxv) cons.goal_gap = math.abs(maxv-minv) return self.save_cb(cons) end dlg.showMessage('Invalid Range', 'This range is invalid: '..text, COLOR_LIGHTRED) end ) end function RangeEditor:onIncRange(field, delta) local cons = self.get_cb() if not cons.goal_by_count then delta = delta * 2 end cons[field] = math.max(1, cons[field] + delta*5) self.save_cb(cons) end --------------------------- -- NEW CONSTRAINT DIALOG -- --------------------------- NewConstraint = defclass(NewConstraint, gui.FramedScreen) NewConstraint.focus_path = 'workflow/new' NewConstraint.ATTRS { frame_style = gui.GREY_LINE_FRAME, frame_title = 'New workflow constraint', frame_width = 39, frame_height = 20, frame_inset = 1, constraint = DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit = DEFAULT_NIL, } function NewConstraint:init(args) self.constraint = args.constraint or { item_type = -1 } rawset_default(self.constraint, { goal_value = 10, goal_gap = 5, goal_by_count = false }) local matlist = {} local matsel = 1 local matmask = self.constraint.mat_mask for i,v in ipairs(df.dfhack_material_category) do if v and v ~= 'wood2' then table.insert(matlist, { icon = self:callback('isMatSelected', v), text = v }) if matmask and matmask[v] and matsel == 1 then matsel = #matlist end end end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text = 'Items matching:' }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 1, t = 2, w = 26 }, text = { 'Type: ', { pen = function() if self:isValid() then return COLOR_LIGHTCYAN else return COLOR_LIGHTRED end end, text = function() if self:isValid() then return describe_item_type(self.constraint) else return 'item not set' end end }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_T', text = ': Select, ', on_activate = self:callback('chooseType') }, { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_C', text = ': Crafts', on_activate = self:callback('chooseCrafts') }, NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Material: ', { pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, text = function() return describe_material(self.constraint) end }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_P', text = ': Specific', on_activate = self:callback('chooseMaterial') }, NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Other:', NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'D_MILITARY_SUPPLIES_WATER_DOWN', on_activate = self:callback('incQuality', -1) }, { key = 'D_MILITARY_SUPPLIES_WATER_UP', key_sep = ': ', text = function() return df.item_quality[self.constraint.min_quality or 0]..' quality' end, on_activate = self:callback('incQuality', 1) }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_L', key_sep = ': ', text = function() if self.constraint.is_local then return 'Locally made only' else return 'Include foreign' end end, on_activate = self:callback('toggleLocal') }, } }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 14 }, text = { 'Desired range: ', { pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, text = function() local cons = self.constraint local goal = (cons.goal_value-cons.goal_gap)..'-'..cons.goal_value if cons.goal_by_count then return goal .. ' stacks' else return goal .. ' items' end end }, } }, RangeEditor{ frame = { l = 1, t = 16 }, get_cb = self:cb_getfield('constraint'), save_cb = self:callback('onRangeChange'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 30, t = 0 }, text = 'Mat class' }, widgets.List{ view_id = 'matlist', frame = { l = 30, t = 2, w = 9, h = 18 }, scroll_keys = widgets.STANDARDSCROLL, choices = matlist, selected = matsel, on_submit = self:callback('onToggleMatclass') }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, b = 0, w = 29 }, text = { { key = 'LEAVESCREEN', text = ': Cancel, ', on_activate = self:callback('dismiss') }, { key = 'MENU_CONFIRM', key_sep = ': ', enabled = self:callback('isValid'), text = function() if self.is_existing then return 'Update' else return 'Create new' end end, on_activate = function() self:dismiss() if self.on_submit then self.on_submit(self.constraint) end end }, } }, } end function NewConstraint:postinit() self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:isValid() return self.constraint.item_type >= 0 or self.constraint.is_craft end function NewConstraint:onChange() local token = workflow.constraintToToken(self.constraint) local out if self:isValid() then out = workflow.findConstraint(token) end if out then self.constraint = out self.is_existing = true else self.constraint.token = token self.is_existing = false end end function NewConstraint:chooseType() guimat.ItemTypeDialog{ prompt = 'Please select a new item type', hide_none = true, on_select = function(itype,isub) local cons = self.constraint cons.item_type = itype cons.item_subtype = isub cons.is_craft = nil self:onChange() end }:show() end function NewConstraint:chooseCrafts() local cons = self.constraint cons.item_type = -1 cons.item_subtype = -1 cons.is_craft = true self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:chooseMaterial() local cons = self.constraint guimat.MaterialDialog{ prompt = 'Please select a new material', none_caption = 'any material', frame_width = 37, on_select = function(mat_type, mat_index) local cons = self.constraint cons.mat_type = mat_type cons.mat_index = mat_index cons.mat_mask = nil self:onChange() end }:show() end function NewConstraint:incQuality(diff) local cons = self.constraint local nq = (cons.min_quality or 0) + diff if nq < 0 then nq = df.item_quality.Masterful elseif nq > df.item_quality.Masterful then nq = 0 end cons.min_quality = nq self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:toggleLocal() local cons = self.constraint cons.is_local = not cons.is_local self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:isMatSelected(token) if self.constraint.mat_mask and self.constraint.mat_mask[token] then return { ch = '\xfb', fg = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN } else return nil end end function NewConstraint:onToggleMatclass(idx,obj) local cons = self.constraint if cons.mat_mask and cons.mat_mask[obj.text] then cons.mat_mask[obj.text] = false else cons.mat_mask = cons.mat_mask or {} cons.mat_mask[obj.text] = true cons.mat_type = -1 cons.mat_index = -1 end self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:onRangeChange() local cons = self.constraint cons.goal_gap = math.max(1, math.min(cons.goal_gap, cons.goal_value-1)) end ------------------------------ -- CONSTRAINT HISTORY GRAPH -- ------------------------------ HistoryGraph = defclass(HistoryGraph, widgets.Widget) HistoryGraph.ATTRS { frame_inset = 1, history_pen = COLOR_CYAN, } function HistoryGraph:init(info) end function HistoryGraph:setData(history, bars) self.history = history or {} self.bars = bars or {} local maxval = 1 for i,v in ipairs(self.history) do maxval = math.max(maxval, v) end for i,v in ipairs(self.bars) do maxval = math.max(maxval, v.value) end self.max_value = maxval end function HistoryGraph:onRenderFrame(dc,rect) dc:fill(rect.x1,rect.y1,rect.x1,rect.y2,{ch='\xb3', fg=COLOR_BROWN}) dc:fill(rect.x1,rect.y2,rect.x2,rect.y2,{ch='\xc4', fg=COLOR_BROWN}) dc:seek(rect.x1,rect.y1):char('\x1e', COLOR_BROWN) dc:seek(rect.x1,rect.y2):char('\xc5', COLOR_BROWN) dc:seek(rect.x2,rect.y2):char('\x10', COLOR_BROWN) dc:seek(rect.x1,rect.y2-1):char('0', COLOR_BROWN) end function HistoryGraph:onRenderBody(dc) local coeff = (dc.height-1)/self.max_value for i,v in ipairs(self.bars) do local y = dc.height-1-math.floor(0.5 + coeff*v.value) dc:fill(0,y,dc.width-1,y,v.pen or {ch='-', fg=COLOR_GREEN}) end local xbase = dc.width-1-#self.history for i,v in ipairs(self.history) do local x = xbase + i local y = dc.height-1-math.floor(0.5 + coeff*v) dc:seek(x,y):char('*', self.history_pen) end end ------------------------------ -- GLOBAL CONSTRAINT SCREEN -- ------------------------------ ConstraintList = defclass(ConstraintList, gui.FramedScreen) ConstraintList.focus_path = 'workflow/list' ConstraintList.ATTRS { frame_title = 'Workflow Status', frame_inset = 0, frame_background = COLOR_BLACK, frame_style = gui.BOUNDARY_FRAME, } function ConstraintList:init(args) local fwidth_cb = self:cb_getfield('fwidth') self.fwidth = 20 self.sort_by_severity = false self:addviews{ widgets.Panel{ frame = { l = 0, r = 31 }, frame_inset = 1, on_layout = function(body) self.fwidth = body.width - (12+1+1+7+1+1+1+7) end, subviews = { widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text_pen = COLOR_CYAN, text = { { text = 'Item', width = 12 }, ' ', { text = 'Material etc', width = fwidth_cb }, ' ', { text = 'Stock / Limit' }, } }, widgets.FilteredList{ view_id = 'list', frame = { t = 2, b = 2 }, edit_below = true, not_found_label = 'No matching constraints', edit_pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, text_pen = { fg = COLOR_GREY, bg = COLOR_BLACK }, cursor_pen = { fg = COLOR_WHITE, bg = COLOR_GREEN }, on_select = self:callback('onSelectConstraint'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { b = 0, h = 1 }, text = { { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_A', text = ': Add', on_activate = self:callback('onNewConstraint') }, ', ', { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_X', text = ': Delete', on_activate = self:callback('onDeleteConstraint') }, ', ', { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_O', text = ': Severity Order', on_activate = self:callback('onSwitchSort'), pen = function() if self.sort_by_severity then return COLOR_LIGHTCYAN else return COLOR_WHITE end end }, } } } }, widgets.Panel{ frame = { w = 30, r = 0, h = 6, t = 0 }, frame_inset = 1, subviews = { widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), text = { { text = function() local cur = self:getCurConstraint() if cur then return string.format( 'Currently %d (%d in use)', current_stock(cur), if_by_count(cur, cur.cur_in_use_count, cur.cur_in_use_amount) ) else return 'No constraint selected' end end } } }, RangeEditor{ frame = { l = 0, t = 2 }, enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), get_cb = self:callback('getCurConstraint'), save_cb = self:callback('saveConstraint'), keys = { count = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_I', modify = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_R', min_dec = 'SECONDSCROLL_PAGEUP', min_inc = 'SECONDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN', max_dec = 'SECONDSCROLL_UP', max_inc = 'SECONDSCROLL_DOWN', } }, } }, widgets.Widget{ active = false, frame = { w = 1, r = 30 }, frame_background = gui.BOUNDARY_FRAME.frame_pen, }, widgets.Widget{ active = false, frame = { w = 30, r = 0, h = 1, t = 6 }, frame_background = gui.BOUNDARY_FRAME.frame_pen, }, HistoryGraph{ view_id = 'graph', frame = { w = 30, r = 0, t = 7, b = 0 }, } } self:initListChoices(nil, args.select_token) end function stock_trend_color(cons) local stock = current_stock(cons) if stock >= cons.goal_value - cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, 0 elseif stock <= cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_LIGHTRED, 4 elseif stock >= cons.goal_value - 2*cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_GREEN, 1 elseif stock <= 2*cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_RED, 3 else local trend = if_by_count(cons, cons.trend_count, cons.trend_amount) if trend > 0.3 then return COLOR_GREEN, 1 elseif trend < -0.3 then return COLOR_RED, 3 else return COLOR_GREY, 2 end end end function ConstraintList:initListChoices(clist, sel_token) clist = clist or workflow.listConstraints(nil, true) local fwidth_cb = self:cb_getfield('fwidth') local choices = {} for i,cons in ipairs(clist) do cons.trend_count = compute_trend(cons.history, 'cur_count') cons.trend_amount = compute_trend(cons.history, 'cur_amount') local itemstr = describe_item_type(cons) local matstr,matflagstr = describe_material(cons) if matflagstr then matstr = matflagstr .. ' ' .. matstr end if cons.min_quality > 0 or cons.is_local then local lst = {} if cons.is_local then table.insert(lst, 'local') end if cons.min_quality > 0 then table.insert(lst, string.lower(df.item_quality[cons.min_quality])) end matstr = matstr .. ' ('..table.concat(lst,',')..')' end local goal_color = COLOR_GREY if #cons.jobs == 0 then goal_color = COLOR_RED elseif cons.is_delayed then goal_color = COLOR_YELLOW end table.insert(choices, { text = { { text = itemstr, width = 12, pad_char = ' ' }, ' ', { text = matstr, width = fwidth_cb, pad_char = ' ' }, ' ', { text = curry(current_stock,cons), width = 7, rjustify = true, pen = function() return { fg = stock_trend_color(cons) } end }, { text = curry(if_by_count,cons,'S','I'), gap = 1, pen = { fg = COLOR_GREY } }, { text = function() return cons.goal_value end, gap = 1, pen = { fg = goal_color } } }, severity = select(2, stock_trend_color(cons)), search_key = itemstr .. ' | ' .. matstr, token = cons.token, obj = cons }) end self:setChoices(choices, sel_token) end function ConstraintList:isAnySelected() return self.subviews.list:getSelected() ~= nil end function ConstraintList:getCurConstraint() local selidx,selobj = self.subviews.list:getSelected() if selobj then return selobj.obj end end function ConstraintList:onSwitchSort() self.sort_by_severity = not self.sort_by_severity self:setChoices(self.subviews.list:getChoices()) end function ConstraintList:setChoices(choices, sel_token) if self.sort_by_severity then table.sort(choices, function(a,b) return a.severity > b.severity or (a.severity == b.severity and current_stock(a.obj)/a.obj.goal_value < current_stock(b.obj)/b.obj.goal_value) end) else table.sort(choices, function(a,b) return a.search_key < b.search_key end) end local selidx = nil if sel_token then selidx = utils.linear_index(choices, sel_token, 'token') end local list = self.subviews.list local filter = list:getFilter() list:setChoices(choices, selidx) if filter ~= '' then list:setFilter(filter, selidx) if selidx and list:getSelected() ~= selidx then list:setFilter('', selidx) end end end function ConstraintList:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() else ConstraintList.super.onInput(self, keys) end end function ConstraintList:onNewConstraint() NewConstraint{ on_submit = self:callback('saveConstraint') }:show() end function ConstraintList:saveConstraint(cons) local out = workflow.setConstraint(cons.token, cons.goal_by_count, cons.goal_value, cons.goal_gap) self:initListChoices(nil, out.token) end function ConstraintList:onDeleteConstraint() local cons = self:getCurConstraint() dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Delete Constraint', 'Really delete the current constraint?', COLOR_YELLOW, function() workflow.deleteConstraint(cons.token) self:initListChoices() end ) end function ConstraintList:onSelectConstraint(idx,item) local history, bars if item then local cons = item.obj local vfield = if_by_count(cons, 'cur_count', 'cur_amount') bars = { { value = cons.goal_value - cons.goal_gap, pen = {ch='-', fg=COLOR_GREEN} }, { value = cons.goal_value, pen = {ch='-', fg=COLOR_LIGHTGREEN} }, } history = {} for i,v in ipairs(cons.history or {}) do table.insert(history, v[vfield]) end table.insert(history, cons[vfield]) end self.subviews.graph:setData(history, bars) end ------------------------------- -- WORKSHOP JOB INFO OVERLAY -- ------------------------------- JobConstraints = defclass(JobConstraints, guidm.MenuOverlay) JobConstraints.focus_path = 'workflow/job' JobConstraints.ATTRS { job = DEFAULT_NIL, frame_inset = 1, frame_background = COLOR_BLACK, } function JobConstraints:init(args) self.building = dfhack.job.getHolder(self.job) self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text = { 'Workflow Constraints' } }, widgets.List{ view_id = 'list', frame = { t = 2, b = 6 }, row_height = 4, scroll_keys = widgets.SECONDSCROLL, }, RangeEditor{ frame = { l = 0, b = 3 }, enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), get_cb = self:callback('getCurConstraint'), save_cb = self:callback('saveConstraint'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, b = 0 }, text = { { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_A', text = ': Add limit, ', on_activate = self:callback('onNewConstraint') }, { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_X', text = ': Delete', enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), on_activate = self:callback('onDeleteConstraint') }, NEWLINE, NEWLINE, { key = 'LEAVESCREEN', text = ': Back', on_activate = self:callback('dismiss') }, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_S', text = ': Status', on_activate = function() local sel = self:getCurConstraint() ConstraintList{ select_token = (sel or {}).token }:show() end } } }, } self:initListChoices(args.clist) end function JobConstraints:onGetSelectedBuilding() return self.building end function JobConstraints:onGetSelectedJob() return self.job end function JobConstraints:initListChoices(clist, sel_token) clist = clist or workflow.listConstraints(self.job) local choices = {} for i,cons in ipairs(clist) do local goal = (cons.goal_value-cons.goal_gap)..'-'..cons.goal_value local curval if cons.goal_by_count then goal = goal .. ' stacks' curval = cons.cur_count else goal = goal .. ' items' curval = cons.cur_amount end local order_pen = COLOR_GREY if cons.request == 'resume' then order_pen = COLOR_GREEN elseif cons.request == 'suspend' then order_pen = COLOR_BLUE end local itemstr = describe_item_type(cons) if cons.min_quality > 0 or cons.is_local then local lst = {} if cons.is_local then table.insert(lst, 'local') end if cons.min_quality > 0 then table.insert(lst, string.lower(df.item_quality[cons.min_quality])) end itemstr = itemstr .. ' ('..table.concat(lst,',')..')' end local matstr,matflagstr = describe_material(cons) table.insert(choices, { text = { goal, ' ', { text = '(now '..curval..')', pen = order_pen }, NEWLINE, ' ', itemstr, NEWLINE, ' ', matstr, NEWLINE, ' ', (matflagstr or '') }, token = cons.token, obj = cons }) end local selidx = nil if sel_token then selidx = utils.linear_index(choices, sel_token, 'token') end self.subviews.list:setChoices(choices, selidx) end function JobConstraints:isAnySelected() return self.subviews.list:getSelected() ~= nil end function JobConstraints:getCurConstraint() local i,v = self.subviews.list:getSelected() if v then return v.obj end end function JobConstraints:saveConstraint(cons) local out = workflow.setConstraint(cons.token, cons.goal_by_count, cons.goal_value, cons.goal_gap) self:initListChoices(nil, out.token) end function JobConstraints:onNewConstraint() local outputs = workflow.listJobOutputs(self.job) if #outputs == 0 then dlg.showMessage('Unsupported', 'Workflow cannot guess the outputs of this job.', COLOR_LIGHTRED) return end local variants = workflow.listWeakenedConstraints(outputs) local choices = {} for i,cons in ipairs(variants) do local itemstr = describe_item_type(cons) local matstr,matflags = describe_material(cons) if matflags then matstr = matflags..' '..matstr end table.insert(choices, { text = itemstr..' of '..matstr, obj = cons }) end dlg.ListBox{ frame_title = 'Add limit', text = 'Select one of the possible outputs:', text_pen = COLOR_WHITE, choices = choices, on_select = function(idx,item) self:saveConstraint(item.obj) end, select2_hint = 'Advanced', on_select2 = function(idx,item) NewConstraint{ constraint = item.obj, on_submit = self:callback('saveConstraint') }:show() end, }:show() end function JobConstraints:onDeleteConstraint() local cons = self:getCurConstraint() dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Delete Constraint', 'Really delete the current constraint?', COLOR_YELLOW, function() workflow.deleteConstraint(cons.token) self:initListChoices() end ) end function JobConstraints:onInput(keys) if self:propagateMoveKeys(keys) then if df.global.world.selected_building ~= self.building then self:dismiss() end else JobConstraints.super.onInput(self, keys) end end local args = {...} if args[1] == 'status' then check_enabled(function() ConstraintList{}:show() end) else if not string.match(dfhack.gui.getCurFocus(), '^dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Workshop/Job') then qerror("This script requires a workshop job selected in the 'q' mode") end local job = dfhack.gui.getSelectedJob() check_enabled(function() check_repeat(job, function() local clist = workflow.listConstraints(job) if not clist then dlg.showMessage('Not Supported', 'This type of job is not supported by workflow.', COLOR_LIGHTRED) return end JobConstraints{ job = job, clist = clist }:show() end) end) end