0x7643f8 F6 46 0C 01 74 42 E9 B6 50 8A FF 90 .text:087AC3F8 jmp loc_80514B3 ; << CAVE .text:087AC3FD nop .text:087AC3FE loc_87AC3FE: 0x94b3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 F6 46 0C 01 75 0A E9 82 AF 75 00 90 90 .text:080514B3 loc_80514B3: .text:080514B3 test byte ptr [esi+0Ch], 1 .text:080514B7 jnz short loc_80514C3 .text:080514B9 coord_test_jfail: .text:080514B9 jmp loc_87AC440 0x94c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 8D 9C 24 60 03 00 00 0F BF 03 EB 07 90 .text:080514C3 loc_80514C3: .text:080514C3 lea ebx, [esp+360h] .text:080514CA movsx eax, word ptr [ebx] ; job_z .text:080514CD jmp short loc_80514D6 0x94d6 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 66 3B 46 08 75 DD EB 05 90 90 .text:080514D6 loc_80514D6: .text:080514D6 cmp ax, [esi+8] ; item->pos.z .text:080514DA jnz short coord_test_jfail .text:080514DC jmp short loc_80514E3 0x94e3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0F BF 43 10 66 3B 46 04 75 CC EB 04 90 .text:080514E3 loc_80514E3: .text:080514E3 movsx eax, word ptr [ebx+10h] ; job_x .text:080514E7 cmp ax, [esi+4] ; item->pos.x .text:080514EB jnz short coord_test_jfail .text:080514ED jmp short loc_80514F3 0x94f3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0F BF 43 20 66 3B 46 06 75 BC EB 04 90 .text:080514F3 loc_80514F3: .text:080514F3 movsx eax, word ptr [ebx+20h] ; job_y .text:080514F7 cmp ax, [esi+6] ; item->pos.y .text:080514FB jnz short coord_test_jfail .text:080514FD jmp short loc_8051503 0x9503 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 E9 F6 AE 75 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 .text:08051503 loc_8051503: .text:08051503 jmp loc_87AC3FE You can use this script to apply the generated patch below: ----8<---- This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler Dwarf_Fortress 000094B3: 90 F6 000094B4: 90 46 000094B5: 90 0C 000094B6: 90 01 000094B7: 90 75 000094B8: 90 0A 000094B9: 90 E9 000094BA: 90 82 000094BB: 90 AF 000094BC: 90 75 000094BD: 90 00 000094C3: 90 8D 000094C4: 90 9C 000094C5: 90 24 000094C6: 90 60 000094C7: 90 03 000094C8: 90 00 000094C9: 90 00 000094CA: 90 0F 000094CB: 90 BF 000094CC: 90 03 000094CD: 90 EB 000094CE: 90 07 000094D6: 90 66 000094D7: 90 3B 000094D8: 90 46 000094D9: 90 08 000094DA: 90 75 000094DB: 90 DD 000094DC: 90 EB 000094DD: 90 05 000094E3: 90 0F 000094E4: 90 BF 000094E5: 90 43 000094E6: 90 10 000094E7: 90 66 000094E8: 90 3B 000094E9: 90 46 000094EA: 90 04 000094EB: 90 75 000094EC: 90 CC 000094ED: 90 EB 000094EE: 90 04 000094F3: 90 0F 000094F4: 90 BF 000094F5: 90 43 000094F6: 90 20 000094F7: 90 66 000094F8: 90 3B 000094F9: 90 46 000094FA: 90 06 000094FB: 90 75 000094FC: 90 BC 000094FD: 90 EB 000094FE: 90 04 00009503: 90 E9 00009504: 90 F6 00009505: 90 AE 00009506: 90 75 00009507: 90 00 007643F8: F6 E9 007643F9: 46 B6 007643FA: 0C 50 007643FB: 01 8A 007643FC: 74 FF 007643FD: 42 90