--modtools/syndrome-trigger.lua --author expwnent --triggers scripts when units are infected with syndromes local eventful = require 'plugins.eventful' local utils = require 'utils' onInfection = onInfection or {} eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.SYNDROME,5) --requires iterating through every unit, so not cheap, but not slow either local function processTrigger(args) local command = {} for i,arg in ipairs(args.command) do if arg == '\\SYNDROME_ID' then table.insert(command, '' .. args.syndrome.id) elseif arg == '\\UNIT_ID' then table.insert(command, '' .. args.unit.id) elseif arg == '\\LOCATION' then table.insert(command, '' .. args.unit.pos.x) table.insert(command, '' .. args.unit.pos.y) table.insert(command, '' .. args.unit.pos.z) elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '\\' then table.insert(command, string.sub(arg,2)) else table.insert(command, arg) end end dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(command)) end eventful.onSyndrome.syndromeTrigger = function(unitId, syndromeIndex) local unit = df.unit.find(unitId) local unit_syndrome = unit.syndromes.active[syndromeIndex] local syn_id = unit_syndrome['type'] if not onInfection[syn_id] then return end local syndrome = df.syndrome.find(syn_id) local table = {} table.unit = unit table.unit_syndrome = unit_syndrome table.syndrome = syndrome for _,args in ipairs(onInfection[syn_id] or {}) do utils.fillTable(args,table) processTrigger(args) utils.unfillTable(args,table) end end ------------------------------ --argument processing validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'clear', 'help', 'command', 'syndrome' }) local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.help then --print help string return end if args.clear then onInfection = {} end if not args.command then return end if not args.syndrome then error 'Select a syndrome.' end local syndrome for _,syn in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.syndromes.all) do if syn.syn_name == args.syndrome then if syndrome then error ('Multiple syndromes with same name: ' .. syn.syn_name) end syndrome = syn.id end end if not syndrome then error ('Could not find syndrome named ' .. syndrome) end onInfection[syndrome] = onInfection[syndrome] or {} table.insert(onInfection[syndrome], args)