-- reaction-trigger.lua -- author expwnent -- replaces autoSyndrome: trigger commands when custom reactions are completed local eventful = require 'plugins.eventful' local syndromeUtil = require 'syndromeUtil' local utils = require 'utils' reactionHooks = reactionHooks or {} local function getWorkerAndBuilding(job) local workerId = -1 local buildingId = -1 for _,generalRef in ipairs(job.general_refs) do if generalRef:getType() == df.general_ref_type.UNIT_WORKER then if workerId ~= -1 then print(job) printall(job) error('reaction-trigger: two workers on same job: ' .. workerId .. ', ' .. generalRef.unit_id) else workerId = generalRef.unit_id if workerId == -1 then print(job) printall(job) error('reaction-trigger: invalid worker') end end elseif generalRef:getType() == df.general_ref_type.BUILDING_HOLDER then if buildingId ~= -1 then print(job) printall(job) error('reaction-trigger: two buildings same job: ' .. buildingId .. ', ' .. generalRef.building_id) else buildingId = generalRef.building_id if buildingId == -1 then print(job) printall(job) error('reaction-trigger: invalid building') end end end end return workerId,buildingId end local function processCommand(job, worker, target, building, command) local result = {} for _,arg in ipairs(command) do if arg == '\\WORKER_ID' then table.insert(result,''..worker.id) elseif arg == '\\TARGET_ID' then table.insert(restul,''..target.id) elseif arg == '\\BUILDING_ID' then table.insert(result,''..building.id) elseif arg == '\\LOCATION' then table.insert(result,''..job.pos.x) table.insert(result,''..job.pos.y) table.insert(result,''..job.pos.z) elseif arg == '\\REACTION_NAME' then table.insert(result,''..job.reaction_name) elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '\\' then table.insert(result,string.sub(arg,2)) else table.insert(result,arg) end end return result end eventful.onJobCompleted.reactionTrigger = function(job) if job.completion_timer > 0 then return end -- if job.job_type ~= df.job_type.CustomReaction then -- --TODO: support builtin reaction triggers if someone asks -- return -- end if not job.reaction_name or job.reaction_name == '' then return end -- print('reaction name: ' .. job.reaction_name) if not job.reaction_name or not reactionHooks[job.reaction_name] then return end local worker,building = getWorkerAndBuilding(job) worker = df.unit.find(worker) building = df.building.find(building) if not worker or not building then --this probably means that it finished before EventManager could get a copy of the job while the job was running --TODO: consider printing a warning once return end local function doAction(action) local didSomething if action.command then local processed = processCommand(job, worker, worker, building, action.command) dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(processed)) end if action.syndrome then didSomething = syndromeUtil.infectWithSyndromeIfValidTarget(worker, action.syndrome, action.resetPolicy) or didSomething end if action.workerOnly then return end if didSomething and not action.allowMultipleTargets then return end local function foreach(unit) if unit == worker then return false elseif unit.pos.z ~= building.z then return false elseif unit.pos.x < building.x1 or unit.pos.x > building.x2 then return false elseif unit.pos.y < building.y1 or unit.pos.y > building.y2 then return false else if action.command then processCommand(job, worker, unit, building, action.command) end if action.syndrome then didSomething = syndrome.infectWithSyndromeIfValidTarget(unit,action.syndrome,action.resetPolicy) or didSomething end if didSomething and not action.allowMultipleTargets then return true end return false end end for _,unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.all) do if foreach(unit) then break end end end for _,action in ipairs(reactionHooks[job.reaction_name]) do doAction(action) end end eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.JOB_COMPLETED,0) validArgs = utils.invert({ 'help', 'clear', 'reactionName', 'syndrome', 'command' }) local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.clear then reactionHooks = {} end if not args.reactionName then return end if not reactionHooks[args.reactionName] then reactionHooks[args.reactionName] = {} end if args.syndrome then local foundIt for _,syndrome in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.syndromes.all) do if syndrome.syn_name == args.syndrome then args.syndrome = syndrome foundIt = true break end end if not foundIt then error('Could not find syndrome ' .. args.syndrome) end end table.insert(reactionHooks[args.reactionName], args)