#include "Console.h" #include "Core.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "modules/Screen.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include #include #include #include "ColorText.h" #include "df/viewscreen_choose_start_sitest.h" #include "df/interface_key.h" using namespace DFHack; struct EmbarkTool { std::string id; std::string name; std::string desc; bool enabled; df::interface_key toggle_key; }; EmbarkTool embark_tools[] = { {"anywhere", "Embark anywhere", "Allows embarking anywhere on the world map", false, df::interface_key::CUSTOM_A}, {"nano", "Nano embark", "Allows the embark size to be decreased below 2x2", false, df::interface_key::CUSTOM_N}, {"sand", "Sand indicator", "Displays an indicator when sand is present on the given embark site", false, df::interface_key::CUSTOM_S}, {"sticky", "Stable position", "Maintains the selected local area while navigating the world map", false, df::interface_key::CUSTOM_P}, }; #define NUM_TOOLS int(sizeof(embark_tools) / sizeof(EmbarkTool)) command_result embark_tools_cmd (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); void OutputString (int8_t color, int &x, int y, const std::string &text); bool tool_exists (std::string tool_name); bool tool_enabled (std::string tool_name); bool tool_enable (std::string tool_name, bool enable_state); void tool_update (std::string tool_name); class embark_tools_settings : public dfhack_viewscreen { public: embark_tools_settings () { }; ~embark_tools_settings () { }; void help () { }; std::string getFocusString () { return "embark-tools/options"; }; void render () { int x; auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize(); int width = 50, height = 4 + 1 + NUM_TOOLS, // Padding + lower row min_x = (dim.x - width) / 2, max_x = (dim.x + width) / 2, min_y = (dim.y - height) / 2, max_y = min_y + height; Screen::fillRect(Screen::Pen(' ', COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_DARKGREY), min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y); Screen::fillRect(Screen::Pen(' ', COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), min_x + 1, min_y + 1, max_x - 1, max_y - 1); x = min_x + 2; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, max_y - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::SELECT)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, max_y - 2, "/"); OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, max_y - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::LEAVESCREEN)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, max_y - 2, ": Done"); for (int i = 0, y = min_y + 2; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++, y++) { EmbarkTool t = embark_tools[i]; x = min_x + 2; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(t.toggle_key)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": " + t.name + (t.enabled ? ": Enabled" : ": Disabled")); } }; void feed (std::set * input) { if (input->count(df::interface_key::SELECT) || input->count(df::interface_key::LEAVESCREEN)) { Screen::dismiss(this); return; } for (auto iter = input->begin(); iter != input->end(); iter++) { df::interface_key key = *iter; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { if (embark_tools[i].toggle_key == key) { embark_tools[i].enabled = !embark_tools[i].enabled; } } } }; }; /* * Logic */ void update_embark_sidebar (df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest * screen) { bool is_top = false; if (screen->location.embark_pos_min.y == 0) is_top = true; std::set keys; keys.insert(df::interface_key::SETUP_LOCAL_Y_MUP); screen->feed(&keys); if (!is_top) { keys.insert(df::interface_key::SETUP_LOCAL_Y_MDOWN); screen->feed(&keys); } } void resize_embark (df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest * screen, int dx, int dy) { /* Reproduces DF's embark resizing functionality * Local area resizes up and to the right, unless it's already touching the edge */ int x1 = screen->location.embark_pos_min.x, x2 = screen->location.embark_pos_max.x, y1 = screen->location.embark_pos_min.y, y2 = screen->location.embark_pos_max.y, width = x2 - x1 + dx, height = y2 - y1 + dy; if (x1 == x2 && dx == -1) dx = 0; if (y1 == y2 && dy == -1) dy = 0; x2 += dx; // Resize right while (x2 > 15) { x2--; x1--; } x1 = std::max(0, x1); y1 -= dy; // Resize up while (y1 < 0) { y1++; y2++; } y2 = std::min(15, y2); screen->location.embark_pos_min.x = x1; screen->location.embark_pos_max.x = x2; screen->location.embark_pos_min.y = y1; screen->location.embark_pos_max.y = y2; update_embark_sidebar(screen); } std::string sand_indicator = ""; bool sand_dirty = true; // Flag set when update is needed void sand_update (df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest * screen) { CoreSuspendClaimer suspend; buffered_color_ostream out; Core::getInstance().runCommand(out, "prospect"); auto fragments = out.fragments(); sand_indicator = ""; for (auto iter = fragments.begin(); iter != fragments.end(); iter++) { std::string fragment = iter->second; if (fragment.find("SAND_") != std::string::npos) { sand_indicator = "Sand"; break; } } sand_dirty = false; } int sticky_pos[] = {0, 0, 3, 3}; bool sticky_moved = false; void sticky_save (df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest * screen) { sticky_pos[0] = screen->location.embark_pos_min.x; sticky_pos[1] = screen->location.embark_pos_max.x; sticky_pos[2] = screen->location.embark_pos_min.y; sticky_pos[3] = screen->location.embark_pos_max.y; } void sticky_apply (df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest * screen) { if (screen->finder.finder_state != -1) { // Site finder is active - don't override default local position return; } screen->location.embark_pos_min.x = sticky_pos[0]; screen->location.embark_pos_max.x = sticky_pos[1]; screen->location.embark_pos_min.y = sticky_pos[2]; screen->location.embark_pos_max.y = sticky_pos[3]; update_embark_sidebar(screen); } /* * Viewscreen hooks */ void OutputString (int8_t color, int &x, int y, const std::string &text) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', color, 0), x, y, text); x += text.length(); } struct choose_start_site_hook : df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest { typedef df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest interpose_base; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, feed, (std::set *input)) { bool prevent_default = false; if (tool_enabled("anywhere")) { for (auto iter = input->begin(); iter != input->end(); iter++) { df::interface_key key = *iter; if (key == df::interface_key::SETUP_EMBARK) { prevent_default = true; this->in_embark_normal = 1; } } } if (input->count(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_S)) { Screen::show(new embark_tools_settings); return; } if (tool_enabled("nano")) { for (auto iter = input->begin(); iter != input->end(); iter++) { df::interface_key key = *iter; bool is_resize = true; int dx = 0, dy = 0; switch (key) { case df::interface_key::SETUP_LOCAL_Y_UP: dy = 1; break; case df::interface_key::SETUP_LOCAL_Y_DOWN: dy = -1; break; case df::interface_key::SETUP_LOCAL_X_UP: dx = 1; break; case df::interface_key::SETUP_LOCAL_X_DOWN: dx = -1; break; default: is_resize = false; } if (is_resize) { prevent_default = true; resize_embark(this, dx, dy); } } } if (tool_enabled("sticky")) { for (auto iter = input->begin(); iter != input->end(); iter++) { df::interface_key key = *iter; bool is_motion = false; int dx = 0, dy = 0; switch (key) { case df::interface_key::CURSOR_UP: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_DOWN: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_LEFT: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_RIGHT: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_UPLEFT: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_UPRIGHT: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_DOWNLEFT: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_DOWNRIGHT: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_UP_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_DOWN_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_LEFT_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_RIGHT_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_UPLEFT_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_UPRIGHT_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_DOWNLEFT_FAST: case df::interface_key::CURSOR_DOWNRIGHT_FAST: is_motion = true; break; default: is_motion = false; } if (is_motion && !sticky_moved) { sticky_save(this); sticky_moved = true; } } } if (tool_enabled("sand")) { sand_dirty = true; } if (!prevent_default) INTERPOSE_NEXT(feed)(input); } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, render, ()) { if (tool_enabled("sticky") && sticky_moved) { sticky_apply(this); sticky_moved = false; } INTERPOSE_NEXT(render)(); auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize(); int x = 1, y = dim.y - 5; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_S)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": Enabled: "); std::list parts; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { if (embark_tools[i].enabled) { parts.push_back(embark_tools[i].name); parts.push_back(", "); } } if (parts.size()) { parts.pop_back(); // Remove trailing comma for (auto iter = parts.begin(); iter != parts.end(); iter++) { OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA, x, y, *iter); } } else { OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA, x, y, "(none)"); } if (tool_enabled("anywhere")) { x = 20; y = dim.y - 2; if (this->page >= 0 && this->page <= 4) { // Only display on five map pages, not on site finder or notes OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": Embark!"); } } if (tool_enabled("sand")) { if (sand_dirty) { sand_update(this); } x = dim.x - 28; y = 13; if (this->page == 0) { OutputString(COLOR_YELLOW, x, y, sand_indicator); } } } }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(choose_start_site_hook, feed); IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(choose_start_site_hook, render); /* * Tool management */ bool tool_exists (std::string tool_name) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { if (embark_tools[i].id == tool_name) return true; } return false; } bool tool_enabled (std::string tool_name) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { if (embark_tools[i].id == tool_name) return embark_tools[i].enabled; } return false; } bool tool_enable (std::string tool_name, bool enable_state) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { if (embark_tools[i].id == tool_name || tool_name == "all") { embark_tools[i].enabled = enable_state; tool_update(tool_name); n++; } } return (bool)n; } void tool_update (std::string tool_name) { // Called whenever a tool is enabled/disabled if (tool_name == "sand") { sand_dirty = true; } } /* * Plugin management */ DFHACK_PLUGIN("embark-tools"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(is_enabled); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init (color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { std::string help = ""; help += "embark-tools (enable/disable) tool [tool...]\n" "Tools:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { help += (" " + embark_tools[i].id + ": " + embark_tools[i].desc + "\n"); } commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "embark-tools", "A collection of embark tools", embark_tools_cmd, false, help.c_str() )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown (color_ostream &out) { INTERPOSE_HOOK(choose_start_site_hook, feed).remove(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(choose_start_site_hook, render).remove(); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable (color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (is_enabled != enable) { if (!INTERPOSE_HOOK(choose_start_site_hook, feed).apply(enable) || !INTERPOSE_HOOK(choose_start_site_hook, render).apply(enable)) return CR_FAILURE; is_enabled = enable; } return CR_OK; } command_result embark_tools_cmd (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; if (parameters.size()) { // Set by "enable"/"disable" - allows for multiple commands, e.g. "enable nano disable anywhere" bool enable_state = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { if (parameters[i] == "enable") { enable_state = true; plugin_enable(out, true); // Enable plugin } else if (parameters[i] == "disable") enable_state = false; else if (tool_exists(parameters[i]) || parameters[i] == "all") { tool_enable(parameters[i], enable_state); } else return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } else { if (is_enabled) { out << "Tool status:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++) { EmbarkTool t = embark_tools[i]; out << t.name << " (" << t.id << "): " << (t.enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") << std::endl; } } else { out << "Plugin not enabled" << std::endl; } } return CR_OK; }