#include "Core.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" #include "modules/Materials.h" #include "modules/Items.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/Job.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/ui_build_selector.h" #include "df/ui_build_item_req.h" #include "df/build_req_choice_genst.h" #include "df/build_req_choice_specst.h" #include "df/building_workshopst.h" #include "df/building_furnacest.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/job_item.h" #include "df/job_list_link.h" #include "df/item.h" #include "df/tool_uses.h" #include "df/general_ref.h" using std::vector; using std::string; using std::endl; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using df::global::world; using df::global::ui; using df::global::ui_build_selector; using df::global::ui_workshop_job_cursor; using df::global::job_next_id; /* Plugin registration */ static bool job_material_hotkey(df::viewscreen *top); static command_result job_material(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters); static command_result job_duplicate(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters); static command_result job_cmd(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters); DFHACK_PLUGIN("jobutils"); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init (color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { if (!world || !ui) return CR_FAILURE; commands.push_back( PluginCommand( "job", "General job query and manipulation.", job_cmd, false, " job [query]\n" " Print details of the current job. The job can be\n" " selected in a workshop, or the unit/jobs screen.\n" " job list\n" " Print details of all jobs in the selected workshop.\n" " job item-material \n" " Replace the exact material id in the job item.\n" " job item-type \n" " Replace the exact item type id in the job item.\n" ) ); if (ui_workshop_job_cursor || ui_build_selector) { commands.push_back( PluginCommand( "job-material", "Alter the material of the selected job.", job_material, job_material_hotkey, " job-material \n" "Intended to be used as a keybinding:\n" " - In 'q' mode, when a job is highlighted within a workshop\n" " or furnace, changes the material of the job. Only inorganic\n" " materials can be used in this mode.\n" " - In 'b' mode, during selection of building components\n" " positions the cursor over the first available choice\n" " with the matching material.\n" ) ); } if (ui_workshop_job_cursor && job_next_id) { commands.push_back( PluginCommand( "job-duplicate", "Duplicate the selected job in a workshop.", job_duplicate, Gui::workshop_job_hotkey, " - In 'q' mode, when a job is highlighted within a workshop\n" " or furnace building, instantly duplicates the job.\n" ) ); } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; } /* UI state guards */ static bool job_material_hotkey(df::viewscreen *top) { return Gui::workshop_job_hotkey(top) || Gui::build_selector_hotkey(top); } /* job-material implementation */ static command_result job_material_in_job(color_ostream &out, MaterialInfo &new_mat) { df::job *job = Gui::getSelectedWorkshopJob(out); if (!job) return CR_FAILURE; if (!new_mat.isValid() || new_mat.type != 0) { out.printerr("New job material isn't inorganic: %s\n", new_mat.toString().c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } MaterialInfo cur_mat(job); if (!cur_mat.isValid() || cur_mat.type != 0) { out.printerr("Current job material isn't inorganic: %s\n", cur_mat.toString().c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } df::craft_material_class old_class = cur_mat.getCraftClass(); if (old_class == craft_material_class::None) { out.printerr("Unexpected current material type: %s\n", cur_mat.toString().c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } if (new_mat.getCraftClass() != old_class) { out.printerr("New material %s does not satisfy requirement: %s\n", new_mat.toString().c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(craft_material_class, old_class).c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } for (size_t i = 0; i < job->job_items.size(); i++) { df::job_item *item = job->job_items[i]; MaterialInfo item_mat(item); if (item_mat != cur_mat) { out.printerr("Job item %d has different material: %s\n", i, item_mat.toString().c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } if (!new_mat.matches(*item)) { out.printerr("Job item %d requirements not satisfied by %s.\n", i, new_mat.toString().c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } } // Apply the substitution job->mat_type = new_mat.type; job->mat_index = new_mat.index; for (size_t i = 0; i < job->job_items.size(); i++) { df::job_item *item = job->job_items[i]; item->mat_type = new_mat.type; item->mat_index = new_mat.index; } out << "Applied material '" << new_mat.toString() << "' to job " << ENUM_KEY_STR(job_type,job->job_type) << endl; return CR_OK; } static bool build_choice_matches(df::ui_build_item_req *req, df::build_req_choicest *choice, MaterialInfo &new_mat, bool ignore_select) { if (VIRTUAL_CAST_VAR(gen, df::build_req_choice_genst, choice)) { if (gen->mat_type == new_mat.type && gen->mat_index == new_mat.index && (ignore_select || size_t(gen->used_count) < gen->candidates.size())) { return true; } } else if (VIRTUAL_CAST_VAR(spec, df::build_req_choice_specst, choice)) { if (spec->candidate && spec->candidate->getActualMaterial() == new_mat.type && spec->candidate->getActualMaterialIndex() == new_mat.index && (ignore_select || !req->candidate_selected[spec->candidate_id])) { return true; } } return false; } static command_result job_material_in_build(color_ostream &out, MaterialInfo &new_mat) { df::ui_build_selector *sel = ui_build_selector; df::ui_build_item_req *req = sel->requirements[ui_build_selector->req_index]; // Loop through matching choices bool matches = build_choice_matches(req, sel->choices[sel->sel_index], new_mat, true); size_t size = sel->choices.size(); int base = (matches ? sel->sel_index + 1 : 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { int idx = (base + i) % size; if (build_choice_matches(req, sel->choices[idx], new_mat, false)) { sel->sel_index = idx; return CR_OK; } } out.printerr("Could not find material in list: %s\n", new_mat.toString().c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } static command_result job_material(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { // HOTKEY COMMAND: CORE ALREADY SUSPENDED MaterialInfo new_mat; if (parameters.size() == 1) { if (!new_mat.find(parameters[0])) { out.printerr("Could not find material: %s\n", parameters[0].c_str()); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } else return CR_WRONG_USAGE; if (ui->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding) return job_material_in_job(out, new_mat); if (ui->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::Build) return job_material_in_build(out, new_mat); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } /* job-duplicate implementation */ static command_result job_duplicate(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { if (!parameters.empty()) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; df::job *job = Gui::getSelectedWorkshopJob(out); if (!job) return CR_FAILURE; if (!job->misc_links.empty() || (job->job_items.empty() && job->job_type != job_type::CollectSand && job->job_type != job_type::CollectClay)) { out.printerr("Cannot duplicate job %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(job_type,job->job_type).c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } df::building *building = world->selected_building; if (building->jobs.size() >= 10) { out.printerr("Job list is already full.\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } // Actually clone df::job *pnew = Job::cloneJobStruct(job); Job::linkIntoWorld(pnew); vector_insert_at(building->jobs, ++*ui_workshop_job_cursor, pnew); return CR_OK; } /* Main job command implementation */ static df::job_item *getJobItem(color_ostream &out, df::job *job, std::string idx) { if (!job) return NULL; int v = atoi(idx.c_str()); if (v < 1 || size_t(v) > job->job_items.size()) { out.printerr("Invalid item index.\n"); return NULL; } return job->job_items[v-1]; } static command_result job_cmd(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; std::string cmd = (parameters.empty() ? "query" : parameters[0]); if (cmd == "query" || cmd == "list") { df::job *job = Gui::getSelectedJob(out); if (!job) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; if (cmd == "query") { Job::printJobDetails(out, job); } else { if (!Gui::workshop_job_hotkey(Core::getTopViewscreen())) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; df::building *selected = world->selected_building; for (size_t i = 0; i < selected->jobs.size(); i++) Job::printJobDetails(out, selected->jobs[i]); } } else if (cmd == "item-material") { if (parameters.size() != 3) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; df::job *job = Gui::getSelectedJob(out); df::job_item *item = getJobItem(out, job, parameters[1]); if (!item) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; ItemTypeInfo iinfo(item); MaterialInfo minfo; if (!minfo.find(parameters[2])) { out.printerr("Could not find the specified material.\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } if (minfo.isValid() && !iinfo.matches(*item, &minfo)) { out.printerr("Material does not match the requirements.\n"); Job::printJobDetails(out, job); return CR_FAILURE; } if (job->mat_type != -1 && job->mat_type == item->mat_type && job->mat_index == item->mat_index) { job->mat_type = minfo.type; job->mat_index = minfo.index; } item->mat_type = minfo.type; item->mat_index = minfo.index; out << "Job item updated." << endl; if (item->item_type < 0 && minfo.isValid()) out.printerr("WARNING: Due to a probable bug, creature & plant material subtype\n" " is ignored unless the item type is also specified.\n"); Job::printJobDetails(out, job); return CR_OK; } else if (cmd == "item-type") { if (parameters.size() != 3) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; df::job *job = Gui::getSelectedJob(out); df::job_item *item = getJobItem(out, job, parameters[1]); if (!item) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; ItemTypeInfo iinfo; MaterialInfo minfo(item); if (!iinfo.find(parameters[2])) { out.printerr("Could not find the specified item type.\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } if (iinfo.isValid() && !iinfo.matches(*item, &minfo)) { out.printerr("Item type does not match the requirements.\n"); Job::printJobDetails(out, job); return CR_FAILURE; } item->item_type = iinfo.type; item->item_subtype = iinfo.subtype; out << "Job item updated." << endl; Job::printJobDetails(out, job); return CR_OK; } else return CR_WRONG_USAGE; return CR_OK; }