using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; [AddComponentMenu("Utilities/HUDFPS")] public class HUDFPS : MonoBehaviour { // Attach this to any object to make a frames/second indicator. // // It calculates frames/second over each updateInterval, // so the display does not keep changing wildly. // // It is also fairly accurate at very low FPS counts (<10). // We do this not by simply counting frames per interval, but // by accumulating FPS for each frame. This way we end up with // corstartRect overall FPS even if the interval renders something like // 5.5 frames. public Rect startRect = new Rect(10, 10, 75, 50); // The rect the window is initially displayed at. public bool updateColor = true; // Do you want the color to change if the FPS gets low public bool allowDrag = true; // Do you want to allow the dragging of the FPS window public float frequency = 0.5F; // The update frequency of the fps public int nbDecimal = 1; // How many decimal do you want to display private float accum = 0f; // FPS accumulated over the interval private int frames = 0; // Frames drawn over the interval private Color color = Color.white; // The color of the GUI, depending of the FPS ( R < 10, Y < 30, G >= 30 ) private string sFPS = ""; // The fps formatted into a string. private GUIStyle style; // The style the text will be displayed at, based en defaultSkin.label. void Start() { StartCoroutine(FPS()); } void Update() { accum += Time.timeScale / Time.deltaTime; ++frames; } IEnumerator FPS() { // Infinite loop executed every "frenquency" secondes. while (true) { // Update the FPS float fps = accum / frames; sFPS = fps.ToString("f" + Mathf.Clamp(nbDecimal, 0, 10)); //Update the color color = (fps >= 30) ? : ((fps > 10) ? : Color.yellow); accum = 0.0F; frames = 0; yield return new WaitForSeconds(frequency); } } void OnGUI() { // Copy the default label skin, change the color and the alignement if (style == null) { style = new GUIStyle(; style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } GUI.color = updateColor ? color : Color.white; startRect = GUI.Window(0, startRect, DoMyWindow, ""); } void DoMyWindow(int windowID) { GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, startRect.width, startRect.height), sFPS + " FPS", style); if (allowDrag) GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height)); } }