#pragma once #include "plugin.h" #include "channel-manager.h" #include <TileTypes.h> #include <LuaTools.h> #include <LuaWrapper.h> #include <modules/Maps.h> #include <df/job.h> #include <cinttypes> #include <unordered_set> #include <random> #define Coord(id) (id).x][(id).y #define COORD "%" PRIi16 ",%" PRIi16 ",%" PRIi16 #define COORDARGS(id) (id).x, (id).y, (id).z namespace CSP { extern std::unordered_set<df::coord> dignow_queue; } inline uint32_t calc_distance(df::coord p1, df::coord p2) { // calculate chebyshev (chessboard) distance uint32_t distance = abs(p2.z - p1.z); distance += max(abs(p2.x - p1.x), abs(p2.y - p1.y)); return distance; } inline void get_connected_neighbours(const df::coord &map_pos, df::coord(&neighbours)[4]) { neighbours[0] = map_pos; neighbours[1] = map_pos; neighbours[2] = map_pos; neighbours[3] = map_pos; neighbours[0].y--; neighbours[1].x--; neighbours[2].x++; neighbours[3].y++; } inline void get_neighbours(const df::coord &map_pos, df::coord(&neighbours)[8]) { neighbours[0] = map_pos; neighbours[1] = map_pos; neighbours[2] = map_pos; neighbours[3] = map_pos; neighbours[4] = map_pos; neighbours[5] = map_pos; neighbours[6] = map_pos; neighbours[7] = map_pos; neighbours[0].x--; neighbours[0].y--; neighbours[1].y--; neighbours[2].x++; neighbours[2].y--; neighbours[3].x--; neighbours[4].x++; neighbours[5].x--; neighbours[5].y++; neighbours[6].y++; neighbours[7].x++; neighbours[7].y++; } inline uint8_t count_accessibility(const df::coord &unit_pos, const df::coord &map_pos) { df::coord neighbours[8]; df::coord connections[4]; get_neighbours(map_pos, neighbours); get_connected_neighbours(map_pos, connections); uint8_t accessibility = Maps::canWalkBetween(unit_pos, map_pos) ? 1 : 0; for (auto n: neighbours) { if (Maps::canWalkBetween(unit_pos, n)) { accessibility++; } } for (auto n : connections) { if (Maps::canWalkBetween(unit_pos, n)) { accessibility++; } } return accessibility; } inline bool isEntombed(const df::coord &unit_pos, const df::coord &map_pos) { if (Maps::canWalkBetween(unit_pos, map_pos)) { return false; } df::coord neighbours[8]; get_neighbours(map_pos, neighbours); return std::all_of(neighbours+0, neighbours+8, [&unit_pos](df::coord n) { return !Maps::canWalkBetween(unit_pos, n); }); } inline bool is_dig_job(const df::job* job) { return job->job_type == df::job_type::Dig || job->job_type == df::job_type::DigChannel; } inline bool is_channel_job(const df::job* job) { return job->job_type == df::job_type::DigChannel; } inline bool is_group_job(const ChannelGroups &groups, const df::job* job) { return groups.count(job->pos); } inline bool is_dig_designation(const df::tile_designation &designation) { return designation.bits.dig != df::tile_dig_designation::No; } inline bool is_channel_designation(const df::tile_designation &designation) { return designation.bits.dig == df::tile_dig_designation::Channel; } inline bool is_safe_fall(const df::coord &map_pos) { df::coord below(map_pos); for (uint8_t zi = 0; zi < config.fall_threshold; ++zi) { below.z--; if (config.require_vision && Maps::getTileDesignation(below)->bits.hidden) { return true; //we require vision, and we can't see below.. so we gotta assume it's safe } df::tiletype type = *Maps::getTileType(below); if (!DFHack::isOpenTerrain(type)) { return true; } } return false; } inline bool is_safe_to_dig_down(const df::coord &map_pos) { df::coord pos(map_pos); for (uint8_t zi = 0; zi <= config.fall_threshold; ++zi) { // assume safe if we can't see and need vision if (config.require_vision && Maps::getTileDesignation(pos)->bits.hidden) { return true; } df::tiletype type = *Maps::getTileType(pos); if (zi == 0 && DFHack::isOpenTerrain(type)) { // the starting tile is open space, that's obviously not safe return false; } else if (!DFHack::isOpenTerrain(type)) { // a tile after the first one is not open space return true; } pos.z--; } return false; } inline bool has_unit(const df::tile_occupancy* occupancy) { return occupancy->bits.unit || occupancy->bits.unit_grounded; } inline bool has_group_above(const ChannelGroups &groups, const df::coord &map_pos) { df::coord above(map_pos); above.z++; if (groups.count(above)) { return true; } return false; } inline bool has_any_groups_above(const ChannelGroups &groups, const Group &group) { // for each designation in the group for (auto &pos : group) { df::coord above(pos); above.z++; if (groups.count(above)) { return true; } } // if there are no incomplete groups above this group, then this group is ready return false; } inline void cancel_job(df::job* job) { if (job) { const df::coord &pos = job->pos; df::map_block* job_block = Maps::getTileBlock(pos); uint16_t x, y; x = pos.x % 16; y = pos.y % 16; df::tile_designation &designation = job_block->designation[x][y]; auto type = job->job_type; ChannelManager::Get().jobs.erase(pos); Job::removeWorker(job); Job::removePostings(job, true); Job::removeJob(job); job_block->flags.bits.designated = true; job_block->occupancy[x][y].bits.dig_marked = true; switch (type) { case job_type::Dig: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::Default; break; case job_type::CarveUpwardStaircase: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::UpStair; break; case job_type::CarveDownwardStaircase: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::DownStair; break; case job_type::CarveUpDownStaircase: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::UpDownStair; break; case job_type::CarveRamp: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::Ramp; break; case job_type::DigChannel: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::Channel; break; default: designation.bits.dig = df::tile_dig_designation::No; break; } } } inline void cancel_job(const df::coord &map_pos) { cancel_job(ChannelManager::Get().jobs.find_job(map_pos)); ChannelManager::Get().jobs.erase(map_pos); } // executes dig designations for the specified tile coordinates inline bool dig_now(color_ostream &out, const df::coord &map_pos) { static std::default_random_engine rng; std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0,5); out.color(color_value::COLOR_YELLOW); out.print("channel-safely: insta-dig: digging (" COORD ")<\n", COORDARGS(map_pos)); df::coord below(map_pos); below.z--; auto ttype_below = *Maps::getTileType(below); if (isOpenTerrain(ttype_below) || isFloorTerrain(ttype_below)) { *Maps::getTileType(map_pos) = tiletype::OpenSpace; } else { auto ttype_p = Maps::getTileType(map_pos); if (isSoilMaterial(*ttype_p)) { switch(dist(rng)) { case 0: *ttype_p = tiletype::SoilFloor1; break; case 1: *ttype_p = tiletype::SoilFloor2; break; case 2: *ttype_p = tiletype::SoilFloor3; break; case 3: *ttype_p = tiletype::SoilFloor4; break; default: *ttype_p = tiletype::SoilFloor1; break; } } else if (isStoneMaterial(*ttype_p)) { switch(dist(rng)) { case 0: *ttype_p = tiletype::FeatureFloor1; break; case 1: *ttype_p = tiletype::FeatureFloor2; break; case 2: *ttype_p = tiletype::FeatureFloor3; break; case 3: *ttype_p = tiletype::FeatureFloor4; break; default: *ttype_p = tiletype::MineralFloor1; break; } } else { out.print("Unknown type\n"); return false; } } return true; /* bool ret = false; lua_State* state = Lua::Core::State; static const char* module_name = "plugins.dig-now"; static const char* fn_name = "dig_now_tile"; // the stack layout isn't likely to change, ever static auto args_lambda = [&map_pos](lua_State* L) { Lua::Push(L, map_pos); }; static auto res_lambda = [&ret](lua_State* L) { ret = lua_toboolean(L, -1); }; Lua::StackUnwinder top(state); Lua::CallLuaModuleFunction(out, state, module_name, fn_name, 1, 1, args_lambda, res_lambda); return ret; */ } // fully heals the unit specified, resurrecting if need be inline void resurrect(color_ostream &out, const int32_t &unit) { out.color(DFHack::COLOR_RED); out.print("channel-safely: resurrecting [id: %d]\n", unit); std::vector<std::string> params{"-r", "--unit", std::to_string(unit)}; Core::getInstance().runCommand(out,"full-heal", params); } template<class Ctr1, class Ctr2, class Ctr3> void set_difference(const Ctr1 &c1, const Ctr2 &c2, Ctr3 &c3) { for (const auto &a : c1) { if (!c2.count(a)) { c3.emplace(a); } } } template<class Ctr1, class Ctr2, class Ctr3> void map_value_difference(const Ctr1 &c1, const Ctr2 &c2, Ctr3 &c3) { for (const auto &a : c1) { bool matched = false; for (const auto &b : c2) { if (a.second == b.second) { matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) { c3.emplace(a.second); } } }