1. Include store in hospital jobs when recomputing counters 0x68a63 0F 85 58 01 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 <<<< .text:00469663 jnz loc_4697C1 ==== .text:00469663 nop .text:00469664 nop .text:00469665 nop .text:00469666 nop .text:00469667 nop .text:00469668 nop >>>> - if (job->getBuildingRef(BUILDING_DESTINATION) != this) continue; + // NOP This reference points to the containers, not the hospital civzone. Since fixing this properly is too hard for a patch, just remove the check. Most people have only one hospital anyway, and it is better to err on the side of caution here. 2. Make the stockpiling code increment the right stock counters 0x3dcbf9 8B 0C 90 8B 81 80 00 00 00 8B 3C 90 8B 87 80 00 00 00 <<<< .text:007DD7F9 mov ecx, [eax+edx*4] .text:007DD7FC mov eax, [ecx+80h] ==== .text:007DD7F9 mov edi, [eax+edx*4] .text:007DD7FC mov eax, [edi+80h] >>>> - id = civzones[i]->children[child_idx[i]]->id + cur_civzone = civzones[i] // existing var from previous loop + id = cur_civzone->children[child_idx[i]]->id The reason being, later code uses that var (at this point containing useless data) to increment counters and amounts in the hospital. ---8<--- This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler Dwarf Fortress.exe 00068A63: 0F 90 00068A64: 85 90 00068A65: 58 90 00068A66: 01 90 00068A67: 00 90 00068A68: 00 90 003DCBFA: 0C 3C 003DCBFD: 81 87