// Produces a list of materials available on the map.
// Options:
//  -a : show unrevealed tiles
//  -p : don't show plants
//  -s : don't show slade
//  -t : don't show demon temple

//#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
#include "Core.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "Export.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "modules/MapCache.h"

#include "MiscUtils.h"

#include "DataDefs.h"
#include "df/world.h"
#include "df/world_data.h"
#include "df/world_region_details.h"
#include "df/world_geo_biome.h"
#include "df/world_geo_layer.h"
#include "df/inclusion_type.h"
#include "df/viewscreen_choose_start_sitest.h"

using namespace DFHack;
using namespace df::enums;
using df::global::world;
using df::coord2d;

struct matdata
    const static int invalid_z = -30000;
        count = 0;
        lower_z = invalid_z;
        upper_z = invalid_z;
    matdata (const matdata & copyme)
        count = copyme.count;
        lower_z = copyme.lower_z;
        upper_z = copyme.upper_z;
    unsigned int add( int z_level = invalid_z, int delta = 1 )
        count += delta;
        if(z_level != invalid_z)
            if(lower_z == invalid_z || z_level < lower_z)
                lower_z = z_level;
            if(upper_z == invalid_z || z_level > upper_z)
                upper_z = z_level;
        return count;
    unsigned int count;
    int lower_z;
    int upper_z;

bool operator>(const matdata & q1, const matdata & q2)
    return q1.count > q2.count;

template<typename _Tp = matdata >
struct shallower : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool>
    bool operator()(const _Tp& top, const _Tp& bottom) const
        float topavg = (top.lower_z + top.upper_z)/2.0f;
        float btmavg = (bottom.lower_z + bottom.upper_z)/2.0f;
        return topavg > btmavg;

typedef std::map<int16_t, matdata> MatMap;
typedef std::vector< pair<int16_t, matdata> > MatSorter;

typedef std::vector<df::plant *> PlantList;

#define TO_PTR_VEC(obj_vec, ptr_vec) \
    ptr_vec.clear(); \
    for (size_t i = 0; i < obj_vec.size(); i++) \

template<template <typename> class P = std::greater >
struct compare_pair_second
    template<class T1, class T2>
    bool operator()(const std::pair<T1, T2>& left, const std::pair<T1, T2>& right)
        return P<T2>()(left.second, right.second);

static void printMatdata(color_ostream &con, const matdata &data)
    con << std::setw(9) << data.count;

    if(data.lower_z != data.upper_z)
        con <<" Z:" << std::setw(4) << data.lower_z << ".." <<  data.upper_z << std::endl;
        con <<" Z:" << std::setw(4) << data.lower_z << std::endl;

static int getValue(const df::inorganic_raw &info)
    return info.material.material_value;

static int getValue(const df::plant_raw &info)
    return info.value;

template <typename T, template <typename> class P>
void printMats(color_ostream &con, MatMap &mat, std::vector<T*> &materials, bool show_value)
    unsigned int total = 0;
    MatSorter sorting_vector;
    for (MatMap::const_iterator it = mat.begin(); it != mat.end(); ++it)
    std::sort(sorting_vector.begin(), sorting_vector.end(),
    for (MatSorter::const_iterator it = sorting_vector.begin();
         it != sorting_vector.end(); ++it)
        if(it->first >= materials.size())
            con << "Bad index: " << it->first << " out of " 
                <<  materials.size() << endl;
        T* mat = materials[it->first];
        // Somewhat of a hack, but it works because df::inorganic_raw and df::plant_raw both have a field named "id"
        con << std::setw(25) << mat->id << " : ";
        if (show_value)
            con << std::setw(3) << getValue(*mat) << " : ";
        printMatdata(con, it->second);
        total += it->second.count;

    con << ">>> TOTAL = " << total << std::endl << std::endl;

void printVeins(color_ostream &con, MatMap &mat_map,
                DFHack::Materials* mats, bool show_value)
    MatMap ores;
    MatMap gems;
    MatMap rest;

    for (MatMap::const_iterator it = mat_map.begin(); it != mat_map.end(); ++it)
        df::inorganic_raw *gloss = world->raws.inorganics[it->first];

        if (gloss->material.isGem())
            gems[it->first] = it->second;
        else if (gloss->isOre())
            ores[it->first] = it->second;
            rest[it->first] = it->second;

    con << "Ores:" << std::endl;
    printMats<df::inorganic_raw, std::greater>(con, ores, world->raws.inorganics, show_value);

    con << "Gems:" << std::endl;
    printMats<df::inorganic_raw, std::greater>(con, gems, world->raws.inorganics, show_value);

    con << "Other vein stone:" << std::endl;
    printMats<df::inorganic_raw, std::greater>(con, rest, world->raws.inorganics, show_value);

command_result prospector (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters);


DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands)
        "prospect", "Show stats of available raw resources.",
        prospector, false,
        "  Prints a big list of all the present minerals.\n"
        "  By default, only the visible part of the map is scanned.\n"
        "  all   - Scan the whole map, as if it was revealed.\n"
        "  value - Show material value in the output. Most useful for gems.\n"
        "  hell  - Show the Z range of HFS tubes. Implies 'all'.\n"
        "Pre-embark estimate:\n"
        "  If called during the embark selection screen, displays\n"
        "  an estimate of layer stone availability. If the 'all'\n"
        "  option is specified, also estimates veins.\n"
        "  The estimate is computed either for 1 embark tile of the\n"
        "  blinking biome, or for all tiles of the embark rectangle.\n"
    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out )
    return CR_OK;

static coord2d biome_delta[] = {
    coord2d(-1,1), coord2d(0,1), coord2d(1,1),
    coord2d(-1,0), coord2d(0,0), coord2d(1,0),
    coord2d(-1,-1), coord2d(0,-1), coord2d(1,-1)

static command_result embark_prospector(color_ostream &out, df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest *screen,
                                        bool showHidden, bool showValue)
    if (!world || !world->world_data)
        out.printerr("World data is not available.\n");
        return CR_FAILURE;

    df::world_data *data = world->world_data;
    coord2d cur_region = screen->region_pos;
    int d_idx = linear_index(data->region_details, &df::world_region_details::pos, cur_region);
    auto cur_details = vector_get(data->region_details, d_idx);

    if (!cur_details)
        out.printerr("Current region details are not available.\n");
        return CR_FAILURE;

    // Compute biomes
    std::map<coord2d, int> biomes;

    if (screen->biome_highlighted)
        out.print("Processing one embark tile of biome F%d.\n\n", screen->biome_idx+1);
        for (int x = screen->embark_pos_min.x; x <= screen->embark_pos_max.x; x++)
            for (int y = screen->embark_pos_min.y; y <= screen->embark_pos_max.y; y++)
                int bv = clip_range(cur_details->biome[x][y], 1, 9);
                biomes[cur_region + biome_delta[bv-1]]++;

    // Compute material maps
    MatMap layerMats;
    MatMap veinMats;

    for (auto biome_it = biomes.begin(); biome_it != biomes.end(); ++biome_it)
        int bx = clip_range(biome_it->first.x, 0, data->world_width-1);
        int by = clip_range(biome_it->first.y, 0, data->world_height-1);
        auto &region = data->region_map[bx][by];
        df::world_geo_biome *geo_biome = df::world_geo_biome::find(region.geo_index);

        if (!geo_biome)
            out.printerr("Region geo-biome not found: (%d,%d)\n", bx, by);
            return CR_FAILURE;

        int cnt = biome_it->second;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < geo_biome->layers.size(); i++)
            auto layer = geo_biome->layers[i];

            layerMats[layer->mat_index].add(layer->bottom_height, 0);

            int level_cnt = layer->top_height - layer->bottom_height + 1;
            int layer_size = 48*48*cnt*level_cnt;

            int sums[ENUM_LAST_ITEM(inclusion_type)+1] = { 0 };

            for (unsigned j = 0; j < layer->vein_mat.size(); j++)
                if (is_valid_enum_item<df::inclusion_type>(layer->vein_type[j]))
                    sums[layer->vein_type[j]] += layer->vein_unk_38[j];

            for (unsigned j = 0; j < layer->vein_mat.size(); j++)
                // TODO: find out how to estimate the real density
                // this code assumes that vein_unk_38 is the weight
                // used when choosing the vein material
                int size = layer->vein_unk_38[j]*cnt*level_cnt;
                df::inclusion_type type = layer->vein_type[j];

                switch (type)
                case inclusion_type::VEIN:
                    // 3 veins of 80 tiles avg
                    size = size * 80 * 3 / sums[type];
                case inclusion_type::CLUSTER:
                    // 1 cluster of 700 tiles avg
                    size = size * 700 * 1 / sums[type];
                case inclusion_type::CLUSTER_SMALL:
                    size = size * 6 * 7 / sums[type];
                case inclusion_type::CLUSTER_ONE:
                    size = size * 1 * 5 / sums[type];
                    // shouldn't actually happen
                    size = cnt*level_cnt;

                veinMats[layer->vein_mat[j]].add(layer->bottom_height, 0);
                veinMats[layer->vein_mat[j]].add(layer->top_height, size);

                layer_size -= size;

            layerMats[layer->mat_index].add(layer->top_height, std::max(0,layer_size));

    // Print the report
    out << "Layer materials:" << std::endl;
    printMats<df::inorganic_raw, shallower>(out, layerMats, world->raws.inorganics, showValue);

    if (showHidden) {
        DFHack::Materials *mats = Core::getInstance().getMaterials();
        printVeins(out, veinMats, mats, showValue);

    out << "Warning: the above data is only a very rough estimate." << std::endl;

    return CR_OK;

command_result prospector (color_ostream &con, vector <string> & parameters)
    bool showHidden = false;
    bool showPlants = true;
    bool showSlade = true;
    bool showTemple = true;
    bool showValue = false;
    bool showTube = false;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++)
        if (parameters[i] == "all")
            showHidden = true;
        else if (parameters[i] == "value")
            showValue = true;
        else if (parameters[i] == "hell")
            showHidden = showTube = true;
            return CR_WRONG_USAGE;

    CoreSuspender suspend;

    // Embark screen active: estimate using world geology data
    if (VIRTUAL_CAST_VAR(screen, df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest, Core::getTopViewscreen()))
        return embark_prospector(con, screen, showHidden, showValue);

    if (!Maps::IsValid())
        con.printerr("Map is not available!\n");
        return CR_FAILURE;

    uint32_t x_max = 0, y_max = 0, z_max = 0;
    Maps::getSize(x_max, y_max, z_max);
    MapExtras::MapCache map;

    DFHack::Materials *mats = Core::getInstance().getMaterials();

    DFHack::t_feature blockFeatureGlobal;
    DFHack::t_feature blockFeatureLocal;

    bool hasAquifer = false;
    bool hasDemonTemple = false;
    bool hasLair = false;
    MatMap baseMats;
    MatMap layerMats;
    MatMap veinMats;
    MatMap plantMats;
    MatMap treeMats;

    matdata liquidWater;
    matdata liquidMagma;
    matdata aquiferTiles;
    matdata tubeTiles;

    uint32_t vegCount = 0;

    for(uint32_t z = 0; z < z_max; z++)
        for(uint32_t b_y = 0; b_y < y_max; b_y++)
            for(uint32_t b_x = 0; b_x < x_max; b_x++)
                // Get the map block
                df::coord2d blockCoord(b_x, b_y);
                MapExtras::Block *b = map.BlockAt(DFHack::DFCoord(b_x, b_y, z));
                if (!b || !b->is_valid())

                // Find features

                int global_z = world->map.region_z + z;

                // Iterate over all the tiles in the block
                for(uint32_t y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    for(uint32_t x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                        df::coord2d coord(x, y);
                        df::tile_designation des = b->DesignationAt(coord);
                        df::tile_occupancy occ = b->OccupancyAt(coord);

                        // Skip hidden tiles
                        if (!showHidden && des.bits.hidden)

                        // Check for aquifer
                        if (des.bits.water_table)
                            hasAquifer = true;

                        // Check for lairs
                        if (occ.bits.monster_lair)
                            hasLair = true;

                        // Check for liquid
                        if (des.bits.flow_size)
                            if (des.bits.liquid_type == tile_liquid::Magma)

                        df::tiletype type = b->tiletypeAt(coord);
                        df::tiletype_shape tileshape = tileShape(type);
                        df::tiletype_material tilemat = tileMaterial(type);

                        // We only care about these types
                        switch (tileshape)
                        case tiletype_shape::WALL:
                        case tiletype_shape::FORTIFICATION:
                        case tiletype_shape::EMPTY:
                            /* A heuristic: tubes inside adamantine have EMPTY:AIR tiles which
                               still have feature_local set. Also check the unrevealed status,
                               so as to exclude any holes mined by the player. */
                            if (tilemat == tiletype_material::AIR &&
                                des.bits.feature_local && des.bits.hidden &&
                                blockFeatureLocal.type == feature_type::deep_special_tube)

                        // Count the material type

                        // Find the type of the tile
                        switch (tilemat)
                        case tiletype_material::SOIL:
                        case tiletype_material::STONE:
                        case tiletype_material::MINERAL:
                        case tiletype_material::FEATURE:
                            if (blockFeatureLocal.type != -1 && des.bits.feature_local)
                                if (blockFeatureLocal.type == feature_type::deep_special_tube
                                        && blockFeatureLocal.main_material == 0) // stone
                                else if (showTemple
                                         && blockFeatureLocal.type == feature_type::deep_surface_portal)
                                    hasDemonTemple = true;

                            if (showSlade && blockFeatureGlobal.type != -1 && des.bits.feature_global
                                    && blockFeatureGlobal.type == feature_type::feature_underworld_from_layer
                                    && blockFeatureGlobal.main_material == 0) // stone
                        case tiletype_material::LAVA_STONE:
                            // TODO ?

                // Check plants this way, as the other way wasn't getting them all
                // and we can check visibility more easily here
                if (showPlants)
                    auto block = Maps::getBlock(b_x,b_y,z);
                    vector<df::plant *> *plants = block ? &block->plants : NULL;
                        for (PlantList::const_iterator it = plants->begin(); it != plants->end(); it++)
                            const df::plant & plant = *(*it);
                            df::coord2d loc(plant.pos.x, plant.pos.y);
                            loc = loc % 16;
                            if (showHidden || !b->DesignationAt(loc).bits.hidden)
                // Block end
            } // block x

            // Clean uneeded memory
        } // block y
    } // z

    MatMap::const_iterator it;

    con << "Base materials:" << std::endl;
    for (it = baseMats.begin(); it != baseMats.end(); ++it)
        con << std::setw(25) << ENUM_KEY_STR(tiletype_material,(df::tiletype_material)it->first) << " : " << it->second.count << std::endl;

    if (liquidWater.count || liquidMagma.count)
        con << std::endl << "Liquids:" << std::endl;
        if (liquidWater.count)
            con << std::setw(25) << "WATER" << " : ";
            printMatdata(con, liquidWater);
        if (liquidWater.count)
            con << std::setw(25) << "MAGMA" << " : ";
            printMatdata(con, liquidMagma);

    con << std::endl << "Layer materials:" << std::endl;
    printMats<df::inorganic_raw, shallower>(con, layerMats, world->raws.inorganics, showValue);

    printVeins(con, veinMats, mats, showValue);

    if (showPlants)
        con << "Shrubs:" << std::endl;
        printMats<df::plant_raw, std::greater>(con, plantMats, world->raws.plants.all, showValue);
        con << "Wood in trees:" << std::endl;
        printMats<df::plant_raw, std::greater>(con, treeMats, world->raws.plants.all, showValue);

    if (hasAquifer)
        con << "Has aquifer";
        if (aquiferTiles.count)
            con << "               : ";
            printMatdata(con, aquiferTiles);
            con << std::endl;

    if (showTube && tubeTiles.count)
        con << "Has HFS tubes             : ";
        printMatdata(con, tubeTiles);

    if (hasDemonTemple)
        con << "Has demon temple" << std::endl;

    if (hasLair)
        con << "Has lair" << std::endl;

    // Cleanup
    con << std::endl;
    return CR_OK;