/* https://github.com/peterix/dfhack Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com) This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "Internal.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "VersionInfo.h" #include "MemAccess.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Error.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "modules/Job.h" #include "ModuleFactory.h" #include "Core.h" #include "TileTypes.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" using namespace DFHack; #include "DataDefs.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/d_init.h" #include "df/item.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/job_item.h" #include "df/general_ref_building_holderst.h" #include "df/buildings_other_id.h" #include "df/building_design.h" #include "df/building_def.h" #include "df/building_axle_horizontalst.h" #include "df/building_trapst.h" #include "df/building_bridgest.h" #include "df/building_coffinst.h" #include "df/building_furnacest.h" #include "df/building_workshopst.h" #include "df/building_screw_pumpst.h" #include "df/building_water_wheelst.h" #include "df/building_wellst.h" using namespace df::enums; using df::global::ui; using df::global::world; using df::global::d_init; using df::global::building_next_id; using df::global::process_jobs; using df::building_def; uint32_t Buildings::getNumBuildings() { return world->buildings.all.size(); } bool Buildings::Read (const uint32_t index, t_building & building) { Core & c = Core::getInstance(); df::building *bld = world->buildings.all[index]; building.x1 = bld->x1; building.x2 = bld->x2; building.y1 = bld->y1; building.y2 = bld->y2; building.z = bld->z; building.material.index = bld->mat_index; building.material.type = bld->mat_type; building.type = bld->getType(); building.subtype = bld->getSubtype(); building.custom_type = bld->getCustomType(); building.origin = bld; return true; } bool Buildings::ReadCustomWorkshopTypes(map & btypes) { vector & bld_def = world->raws.buildings.all; uint32_t size = bld_def.size(); btypes.clear(); for (auto iter = bld_def.begin(); iter != bld_def.end();iter++) { building_def * temp = *iter; btypes[temp->id] = temp->code; } return true; } df::building *Buildings::allocInstance(df::coord pos, df::building_type type, int subtype, int custom) { if (!building_next_id) return NULL; // Allocate object const char *classname = ENUM_ATTR(building_type, classname, type); if (!classname) return NULL; auto id = virtual_identity::find(classname); if (!id) return NULL; df::building *bld = (df::building*)id->allocate(); if (!bld) return NULL; // Init base fields bld->x1 = bld->x2 = bld->centerx = pos.x; bld->y1 = bld->y2 = bld->centery = pos.y; bld->z = pos.z; bld->race = ui->race_id; if (subtype != -1) bld->setSubtype(subtype); if (custom != -1) bld->setCustomType(custom); bld->setMaterialAmount(1); // Type specific init switch (type) { case building_type::Well: { auto obj = (df::building_wellst*)bld; obj->bucket_z = bld->z; break; } case building_type::Furnace: { auto obj = (df::building_furnacest*)bld; obj->melt_remainder.resize(df::inorganic_raw::get_vector().size(), 0); break; } case building_type::Coffin: { auto obj = (df::building_coffinst*)bld; if (d_init && d_init->flags3.is_set(d_init_flags3::COFFIN_NO_PETS_DEFAULT)) obj->burial_mode.bits.no_pets = true; break; } case building_type::Trap: { auto obj = (df::building_trapst*)bld; if (obj->trap_type == trap_type::PressurePlate) obj->unk_cc = 500; break; } default: break; } return bld; } static void makeOneDim(df::coord2d &size, df::coord2d ¢er, bool vertical) { if (vertical) size.x = 1; else size.y = 1; center = size/2; } bool Buildings::getCorrectSize(df::coord2d &size, df::coord2d ¢er, df::building_type type, int subtype, int custom, int direction) { using namespace df::enums::building_type; if (size.x <= 0) size.x = 1; if (size.y <= 0) size.y = 1; switch (type) { case FarmPlot: case Bridge: case RoadDirt: case RoadPaved: case Stockpile: case Civzone: center = size/2; return true; case TradeDepot: case Shop: size = df::coord2d(5,5); center = df::coord2d(2,2); return false; case SiegeEngine: case Windmill: case Wagon: size = df::coord2d(3,3); center = df::coord2d(1,1); return false; case AxleHorizontal: makeOneDim(size, center, direction); return true; case WaterWheel: size = df::coord2d(3,3); makeOneDim(size, center, direction); return false; case Workshop: { using namespace df::enums::workshop_type; switch ((df::workshop_type)subtype) { case Quern: case Millstone: case Tool: size = df::coord2d(1,1); center = df::coord2d(0,0); break; case Siege: case Kennels: size = df::coord2d(5,5); center = df::coord2d(2,2); break; case Custom: if (auto def = df::building_def::find(custom)) { size = df::coord2d(def->dim_x, def->dim_y); center = df::coord2d(def->workloc_x, def->workloc_y); break; } default: size = df::coord2d(3,3); center = df::coord2d(1,1); } return false; } case Furnace: { using namespace df::enums::furnace_type; switch ((df::furnace_type)subtype) { case Custom: if (auto def = df::building_def::find(custom)) { size = df::coord2d(def->dim_x, def->dim_y); center = df::coord2d(def->workloc_x, def->workloc_y); break; } default: size = df::coord2d(3,3); center = df::coord2d(1,1); } return false; } case ScrewPump: { using namespace df::enums::screw_pump_direction; switch ((df::screw_pump_direction)direction) { case FromEast: size = df::coord2d(2,1); center = df::coord2d(1,0); break; case FromSouth: size = df::coord2d(1,2); center = df::coord2d(0,1); break; case FromWest: size = df::coord2d(2,1); center = df::coord2d(0,0); break; default: size = df::coord2d(1,2); center = df::coord2d(0,0); } return false; } default: size = df::coord2d(1,1); center = df::coord2d(0,0); return false; } } static uint8_t *getExtentTile(df::building_extents &extent, df::coord2d tile) { if (!extent.extents) return NULL; int dx = tile.x - extent.x; int dy = tile.y - extent.y; if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= extent.width || dy >= extent.height) return NULL; return &extent.extents[dx + dy*extent.width]; } bool Buildings::checkFreeTiles(df::coord pos, df::coord2d size, df::building_extents *ext, bool create_ext) { for (int dx = 0; dx < size.x; dx++) { for (int dy = 0; dy < size.y; dy++) { df::coord tile = pos + df::coord(dx,dy,0); uint8_t *etile = (ext ? getExtentTile(*ext, tile) : NULL); if (etile && !*etile) continue; df::map_block *block = Maps::getTileBlock(tile); if (!block) return false; df::coord2d btile = df::coord2d(tile) & 15; bool allowed = true; if (block->occupancy[btile.x][btile.y].bits.building) allowed = false; else { auto tile = block->tiletype[btile.x][btile.y]; if (!HighPassable(tile)) allowed = false; } if (!allowed) { if (!ext || !create_ext) return false; if (!ext->extents) { ext->extents = new uint8_t[size.x*size.y]; ext->x = pos.x; ext->y = pos.y; ext->width = size.x; ext->height = size.y; memset(ext->extents, 1, size.x*size.y); etile = getExtentTile(*ext, tile); } if (!etile) return false; *etile = 0; } } } return true; } static bool checkBuildingTiles(df::building *bld, bool can_use_extents) { df::coord pos(bld->x1,bld->y1,bld->z); return Buildings::checkFreeTiles(pos, df::coord2d(bld->x2+1,bld->y2+1) - pos, &bld->room, can_use_extents); } bool Buildings::setSize(df::building *bld, df::coord2d size, int direction) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(bld); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(bld->id == -1); if (bld->room.extents) { delete[] bld->room.extents; bld->room.extents = NULL; } df::coord2d center; getCorrectSize(size, center, bld->getType(), bld->getSubtype(), bld->getCustomType(), direction); bld->x2 = bld->x1 + size.x - 1; bld->y2 = bld->y1 + size.y - 1; bld->centerx = bld->x1 + center.x; bld->centery = bld->y1 + center.y; auto type = bld->getType(); bool can_use_extents = false; using namespace df::enums::building_type; switch (type) { case WaterWheel: { auto obj = (df::building_water_wheelst*)bld; obj->is_vertical = !!direction; break; } case AxleHorizontal: { auto obj = (df::building_axle_horizontalst*)bld; obj->is_vertical = !!direction; break; } case ScrewPump: { auto obj = (df::building_screw_pumpst*)bld; obj->direction = (df::screw_pump_direction)direction; break; } case Bridge: { auto obj = (df::building_bridgest*)bld; // TODO: computes some kind of flag from tile data obj->direction = (df::building_bridgest::T_direction)direction; break; } case FarmPlot: case RoadDirt: case RoadPaved: case Stockpile: case Civzone: can_use_extents = true; break; default: break; } bool ok = checkBuildingTiles(bld, can_use_extents); if (type != building_type::Construction) { int cnt = size.x * size.y; if (bld->room.extents) { cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bld->room.width * bld->room.height; i++) if (bld->room.extents[i] == 1) cnt++; } bld->setMaterialAmount(cnt/4 + 1); } return ok; } static void markBuildingTiles(df::building *bld, df::tile_building_occ occv, bool stockpile) { for (int tx = bld->x1; tx <= bld->x2; tx++) { for (int ty = bld->y1; ty <= bld->y2; ty++) { df::coord tile(tx,ty,bld->z); uint8_t *etile = getExtentTile(bld->room, tile); if (etile && !*etile) continue; df::map_block *block = Maps::getTileBlock(tile); df::coord2d btile = df::coord2d(tile) & 15; auto &occ = block->occupancy[btile.x][btile.y]; occ.bits.building = occv; auto &des = block->designation[btile.x][btile.y]; des.bits.dig = tile_dig_designation::No; des.bits.pile = stockpile; } } } static void linkRooms(df::building *bld) { auto &vec = world->buildings.other[buildings_other_id::ANY_FREE]; bool changed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { auto room = vec[i]; if (!room->is_room || room->z != bld->z) continue; uint8_t *pext = getExtentTile(room->room, df::coord2d(bld->x1, bld->y1)); if (!pext || !*pext) continue; changed = true; room->children.push_back(bld); bld->parents.push_back(room); // TODO: the game updates room rent here if economy is enabled } if (changed) df::global::ui->equipment.update.bits.buildings = true; } static void linkBuilding(df::building *bld) { bld->id = (*building_next_id)++; world->buildings.all.push_back(bld); bld->categorize(true); markBuildingTiles(bld, tile_building_occ::Planned, false); linkRooms(bld); if (process_jobs) *process_jobs = true; } static void createDesign(df::building *bld, bool rough) { auto job = bld->jobs[0]; job->mat_type = bld->mat_type; job->mat_index = bld->mat_index; if (bld->needsDesign()) { auto act = (df::building_actual*)bld; act->design = new df::building_design(); act->design->flags.bits.rough = rough; } } static bool linkForConstruct(df::job* &job, df::building *bld) { if (!checkBuildingTiles(bld, false)) return false; auto ref = df::allocate(); if (!ref) { Core::printerr("Could not allocate general_ref_building_holderst\n"); return false; } linkBuilding(bld); ref->building_id = bld->id; job = new df::job(); job->job_type = df::job_type::ConstructBuilding; job->pos = df::coord(bld->centerx, bld->centery, bld->z); job->references.push_back(ref); bld->jobs.push_back(job); Job::linkIntoWorld(job); return true; } bool Buildings::constructWithItems(df::building *bld, std::vector items) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(bld); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(!items.empty()); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(bld->id == -1); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(bld->isActual()); for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(items[i]); if (items[i]->flags.bits.in_job) return false; } df::job *job = NULL; if (!linkForConstruct(job, bld)) return false; bool rough = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { Job::attachJobItem(job, items[i], df::job_item_ref::Hauled); if (items[i]->getType() == item_type::BOULDER) rough = true; if (bld->mat_type == -1) bld->mat_type = items[i]->getMaterial(); if (bld->mat_index == -1) bld->mat_index = items[i]->getMaterialIndex(); } createDesign(bld, rough); return true; } bool Buildings::constructWithFilters(df::building *bld, std::vector items) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(bld); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(!items.empty()); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(bld->id == -1); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(bld->isActual()); for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) CHECK_NULL_POINTER(items[i]); df::job *job = NULL; if (!linkForConstruct(job, bld)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) delete items[i]; return false; } bool rough = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { job->job_items.push_back(items[i]); if (items[i]->item_type == item_type::BOULDER) rough = true; if (bld->mat_type == -1) bld->mat_type = items[i]->mat_type; if (bld->mat_index == -1) bld->mat_index = items[i]->mat_index; } createDesign(bld, rough); return true; }