.. _revflood: reveal ====== This reveals the map. By default, HFS will remain hidden so that the demons don't spawn. You can use ``reveal hell`` to reveal everything. With hell revealed, you won't be able to unpause until you hide the map again. If you really want to unpause with hell revealed, use ``reveal demons``. Reveal also works in adventure mode, but any of its effects are negated once you move. When you use it this way, you don't need to run ``unreveal``. Usage and related commands: :reveal: Reveal the whole map, except for HFS to avoid demons spawning :reveal hell: Also show hell, but requires ``unreveal`` before unpausing :reveal demon: Reveals everything and allows unpausing - good luck! :unreveal: Reverts the effects of ``reveal`` :revtoggle: Switches between ``reveal`` and ``unreveal`` :revflood: Hide everything, then reveal tiles with a path to the cursor. Note that tiles behind constructed walls are also revealed as a workaround for :bug:`1871`. :revforget: Discard info about what was visible before revealing the map. Only useful where (e.g.) you abandoned with the fort revealed and no longer want the data. nopause ======= Disables pausing (both manual and automatic) with the exception of pause forced by `reveal` ``hell``. This is nice for digging under rivers.