#include #include #include #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/Screen.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "LuaTools.h" #include "PluginManager.h" DFHACK_PLUGIN("hotkeys"); namespace DFHack { DBG_DECLARE(hotkeys, log, DebugCategory::LINFO); } using std::map; using std::string; using std::vector; using namespace DFHack; static const std::string MENU_SCREEN_FOCUS_STRING = "dfhack/lua/hotkeys/menu"; static map current_bindings; static vector sorted_keys; static bool can_invoke(const string &cmdline, df::viewscreen *screen) { vector cmd_parts; split_string(&cmd_parts, cmdline, " "); if (toLower(cmd_parts[0]) == "hotkeys") return false; return Core::getInstance().getPluginManager()->CanInvokeHotkey(cmd_parts[0], screen); } static void add_binding_if_valid(const string &sym, const string &cmdline, df::viewscreen *screen) { if (!can_invoke(cmdline, screen)) return; current_bindings[sym] = cmdline; sorted_keys.push_back(sym); string keyspec = sym + "@" + MENU_SCREEN_FOCUS_STRING; string binding = "hotkeys invoke " + int_to_string(sorted_keys.size() - 1); DEBUG(log).print("adding keybinding: %s -> %s\n", keyspec.c_str(), binding.c_str()); Core::getInstance().AddKeyBinding(keyspec, binding); } static void find_active_keybindings(df::viewscreen *screen) { current_bindings.clear(); sorted_keys.clear(); vector valid_keys; for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) { valid_keys.push_back(string(&c, 1)); } for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { valid_keys.push_back("F" + int_to_string(i)); } valid_keys.push_back("`"); auto current_focus = Gui::getFocusString(screen); for (int shifted = 0; shifted < 2; shifted++) { for (int alt = 0; alt < 2; alt++) { for (int ctrl = 0; ctrl < 2; ctrl++) { for (auto it = valid_keys.begin(); it != valid_keys.end(); it++) { string sym; if (ctrl) sym += "Ctrl-"; if (alt) sym += "Alt-"; if (shifted) sym += "Shift-"; sym += *it; auto list = Core::getInstance().ListKeyBindings(sym); for (auto invoke_cmd = list.begin(); invoke_cmd != list.end(); invoke_cmd++) { if (invoke_cmd->find(":") == string::npos) { add_binding_if_valid(sym, *invoke_cmd, screen); } else { vector tokens; split_string(&tokens, *invoke_cmd, ":"); string focus = tokens[0].substr(1); if (prefix_matches(focus, current_focus)) { auto cmdline = trim(tokens[1]); add_binding_if_valid(sym, cmdline, screen); } } } } } } } } static bool invoke_command(color_ostream &out, const size_t index) { auto screen = Core::getTopViewscreen(); if (sorted_keys.size() <= index || Gui::getFocusString(screen) != MENU_SCREEN_FOCUS_STRING) return false; auto cmd = current_bindings[sorted_keys[index]]; DEBUG(log).print("invoking command: '%s'\n", cmd.c_str()); { Screen::Hide hideGuard(screen, Screen::Hide::RESTORE_AT_TOP); Core::getInstance().runCommand(out, cmd); } Screen::dismiss(screen); return true; } static command_result hotkeys_cmd(color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { if (parameters.size() != 2 || parameters[0] != "invoke") return CR_WRONG_USAGE; CoreSuspender guard; int index; std::stringstream index_raw(parameters[1]); index_raw >> index; return invoke_command(out, index) ? CR_OK : CR_WRONG_USAGE; } static int getHotkeys(lua_State *L) { find_active_keybindings(Gui::getCurViewscreen(true)); Lua::PushVector(L, sorted_keys); Lua::Push(L, current_bindings); return 2; } static int cleanupHotkeys(lua_State *) { std::for_each(sorted_keys.begin(), sorted_keys.end(), [](const string &sym) { string keyspec = sym + "@" + MENU_SCREEN_FOCUS_STRING; DEBUG(log).print("clearing keybinding: %s\n", keyspec.c_str()); Core::getInstance().ClearKeyBindings(keyspec); }); sorted_keys.clear(); current_bindings.clear(); return 0; } DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_COMMANDS { DFHACK_LUA_COMMAND(getHotkeys), DFHACK_LUA_COMMAND(cleanupHotkeys), DFHACK_LUA_END }; // allow "hotkeys" to be invoked as a hotkey from any screen static bool hotkeys_anywhere(df::viewscreen *) { return true; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { commands.push_back( PluginCommand( "hotkeys", "Invoke hotkeys from the interactive menu.", hotkeys_cmd, hotkeys_anywhere)); return CR_OK; }