-- A trivial reloadable class system local _ENV = mkmodule('class') -- Metatable template for a class class_obj = class_obj or {} -- Methods shared by all classes common_methods = common_methods or {} -- Forbidden names for class fields and methods. reserved_names = { super = true, ATTRS = true } -- Attribute table metatable attrs_meta = attrs_meta or {} -- Create or updates a class; a class has metamethods and thus own metatable. function defclass(class,parent) class = class or {} local meta = getmetatable(class) if not meta then meta = {} setmetatable(class, meta) end for k,v in pairs(class_obj) do meta[k] = v end meta.__index = parent or common_methods local attrs = rawget(class, 'ATTRS') or {} setmetatable(attrs, attrs_meta) rawset(class, 'super', parent) rawset(class, 'ATTRS', attrs) rawset(class, '__index', rawget(class, '__index') or class) return class end -- An instance uses the class as metatable function mkinstance(class,table) table = table or {} setmetatable(table, class) return table end -- Patch the stubs in the global environment dfhack.BASE_G.defclass = _ENV.defclass dfhack.BASE_G.mkinstance = _ENV.mkinstance -- Just verify the name, and then set. function class_obj:__newindex(name,val) if reserved_names[name] or common_methods[name] then error('Method name '..name..' is reserved.') end rawset(self, name, val) end function attrs_meta:__call(attrs) for k,v in pairs(attrs) do self[k] = v end end local function apply_attrs(obj, attrs, init_table) for k,v in pairs(attrs) do if v == DEFAULT_NIL then v = nil end obj[k] = init_table[k] or v end end local function invoke_before_rec(self, class, method, ...) local meta = getmetatable(class) if meta then local fun = rawget(class, method) if fun then fun(self, ...) end invoke_before_rec(self, meta.__index, method, ...) end end local function invoke_after_rec(self, class, method, ...) local meta = getmetatable(class) if meta then invoke_after_rec(self, meta.__index, method, ...) local fun = rawget(class, method) if fun then fun(self, ...) end end end local function init_attrs_rec(obj, class, init_table) local meta = getmetatable(class) if meta then init_attrs_rec(obj, meta.__index, init_table) apply_attrs(obj, rawget(class, 'ATTRS'), init_table) end end -- Call metamethod constructs the object function class_obj:__call(init_table) -- The table is assumed to be a scratch temporary. -- If it is not, copy it yourself before calling. init_table = init_table or {} local obj = mkinstance(self) -- This initialization sequence is broadly based on how the -- Common Lisp initialize-instance generic function works. -- preinit screens input arguments in subclass to superclass order invoke_before_rec(obj, self, 'preinit', init_table) -- initialize the instance table from init table init_attrs_rec(obj, self, init_table) -- init in superclass -> subclass invoke_after_rec(obj, self, 'init', init_table) -- postinit in superclass -> subclass invoke_after_rec(obj, self, 'postinit', init_table) return obj end -- Common methods for all instances: function common_methods:callback(method, ...) return dfhack.curry(self[method], self, ...) end function common_methods:cb_getfield(field) return function() return self[field] end end function common_methods:cb_setfield(field) return function(val) self[field] = val end end function common_methods:assign(data) for k,v in pairs(data) do self[k] = v end end function common_methods:invoke_before(method, ...) return invoke_before_rec(self, getmetatable(self), method, ...) end function common_methods:invoke_after(method, ...) return invoke_after_rec(self, getmetatable(self), method, ...) end return _ENV