#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include typedef vector coord_vec; class Brush { public: virtual ~Brush(){}; virtual coord_vec points(MapExtras::MapCache & mc,DFHack::DFCoord start) = 0; virtual std::string str() const { return "unknown"; } }; /** * generic 3D rectangle brush. you can specify the dimensions of * the rectangle and optionally which tile is its 'center' */ class RectangleBrush : public Brush { public: RectangleBrush(int x, int y, int z = 1, int centerx = -1, int centery = -1, int centerz = -1) { if(centerx == -1) cx_ = x/2; else cx_ = centerx; if(centery == -1) cy_ = y/2; else cy_ = centery; if(centerz == -1) cz_ = z/2; else cz_ = centerz; x_ = x; y_ = y; z_ = z; }; coord_vec points(MapExtras::MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; DFHack::DFCoord iterstart(start.x - cx_, start.y - cy_, start.z - cz_); DFHack::DFCoord iter = iterstart; for(int xi = 0; xi < x_; xi++) { for(int yi = 0; yi < y_; yi++) { for(int zi = 0; zi < z_; zi++) { if(mc.testCoord(iter)) v.push_back(iter); iter.z++; } iter.z = iterstart.z; iter.y++; } iter.y = iterstart.y; iter.x ++; } return v; }; ~RectangleBrush(){}; std::string str() const { if (x_ == 1 && y_ == 1 && z_ == 1) { return "point"; } else { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "rect: " << x_ << "/" << y_ << "/" << z_ << std::endl; return ss.str(); } } private: int x_, y_, z_; int cx_, cy_, cz_; }; /** * stupid block brush, legacy. use when you want to apply something to a whole DF map block. */ class BlockBrush : public Brush { public: BlockBrush(){}; ~BlockBrush(){}; coord_vec points(MapExtras::MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; DFHack::DFCoord blockc = start / 16; DFHack::DFCoord iterc = blockc * 16; if( !mc.testCoord(start) ) return v; auto starty = iterc.y; for(int xi = 0; xi < 16; xi++) { for(int yi = 0; yi < 16; yi++) { v.push_back(iterc); iterc.y++; } iterc.y = starty; iterc.x ++; } return v; }; std::string str() const { return "block"; } }; /** * Column from a position through open space tiles * example: create a column of magma */ class ColumnBrush : public Brush { public: ColumnBrush(){}; ~ColumnBrush(){}; coord_vec points(MapExtras::MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; bool juststarted = true; while (mc.testCoord(start)) { df::tiletype tt = mc.tiletypeAt(start); if(DFHack::LowPassable(tt) || juststarted && DFHack::HighPassable(tt)) { v.push_back(start); juststarted = false; start.z++; } else break; } return v; }; std::string str() const { return "column"; } }; /** * Flood-fill water tiles from cursor (for wclean) * example: remove salt flag from a river */ class FloodBrush : public Brush { public: FloodBrush(Core *c){c_ = c;}; ~FloodBrush(){}; coord_vec points(MapExtras::MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; std::stack to_flood; to_flood.push(start); std::set seen; while (!to_flood.empty()) { DFCoord xy = to_flood.top(); to_flood.pop(); df::tile_designation des = mc.designationAt(xy); if (seen.find(xy) == seen.end() && des.bits.flow_size && des.bits.liquid_type == tile_liquid::Water) { v.push_back(xy); seen.insert(xy); maybeFlood(DFCoord(xy.x - 1, xy.y, xy.z), to_flood, mc); maybeFlood(DFCoord(xy.x + 1, xy.y, xy.z), to_flood, mc); maybeFlood(DFCoord(xy.x, xy.y - 1, xy.z), to_flood, mc); maybeFlood(DFCoord(xy.x, xy.y + 1, xy.z), to_flood, mc); df::tiletype tt = mc.tiletypeAt(xy); if (LowPassable(tt)) { maybeFlood(DFCoord(xy.x, xy.y, xy.z - 1), to_flood, mc); } if (HighPassable(tt)) { maybeFlood(DFCoord(xy.x, xy.y, xy.z + 1), to_flood, mc); } } } return v; } std::string str() const { return "flood"; } private: void maybeFlood(DFCoord c, std::stack &to_flood, MapExtras::MapCache &mc) { if (mc.testCoord(c)) { to_flood.push(c); } } Core *c_; }; inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Brush& brush) { stream << brush.str(); return stream; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Brush* brush) { stream << brush->str(); return stream; }