#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; using std::endl; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using df::global::world; using df::global::ui; using df::global::selection_rect; using df::building_stockpilest; DFhackCExport command_result copystock(Core * c, vector & parameters); DFhackCExport const char * plugin_name ( void ) { return "stockpiles"; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init (Core *c, std::vector &commands) { commands.clear(); if (world && ui) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand("copystock", "Copy stockpile under cursor.", copystock)); } std::cerr << "world: " << sizeof(df::world) << " ui: " << sizeof(df::ui) << " b_stock: " << sizeof(building_stockpilest) << endl; return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( Core * c ) { return CR_OK; } bool inSelectMode() { using namespace ui_sidebar_mode; switch (ui->main.mode) { case BuildingItems: case QueryBuilding: return true; default: return false; } } DFhackCExport command_result copystock(Core * c, vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend(c); // For convenience: when used in the stockpiles mode, switch to 'q' if (ui->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::Stockpiles) { world->selected_building = NULL; // just in case it contains some kind of garbage ui->main.mode = ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding; selection_rect->start_x = -30000; c->con << "Switched back to query building." << endl; return CR_OK; } if (!inSelectMode()) { c->con << "Cannot copy stockpile in mode " << ENUM_KEY_STR(ui_sidebar_mode, ui->main.mode) << endl; return CR_OK; } building_stockpilest *sp = virtual_cast(world->selected_building); if (!sp) { c->con << "Selected building isn't a stockpile." << endl; return CR_OK; } ui->stockpile.custom_settings = sp->settings; ui->main.mode = ui_sidebar_mode::Stockpiles; world->selected_stockpile_type = stockpile_category::Custom; c->con << "Stockpile options copied." << endl; return CR_OK; }