local utils = require 'utils' function test.OrderedTable() local t = utils.OrderedTable() local keys = {'a', 'c', 'e', 'd', 'b', 'q', 58, -1.2} for i = 1, #keys do t[keys[i]] = i end local i = 1 for k, v in pairs(t) do expect.eq(k, keys[i], 'key order') expect.eq(v, i, 'correct value') i = i + 1 end end function test.invert() local t = {} local i = utils.invert{'a', 4.4, false, true, 5, t} expect.eq(i.a, 1) expect.eq(i[4.4], 2) expect.eq(i[false], 3) expect.eq(i[true], 4) expect.eq(i[5], 5) expect.eq(i[t], 6) expect.eq(i[700], nil) expect.eq(i.foo, nil) expect.eq(i[{}], nil) end function test.invert_nil() local i = utils.invert{'a', nil, 'b'} expect.eq(i.a, 1) expect.eq(i[nil], nil) expect.eq(i.b, 3) end function test.invert_overwrite() local i = utils.invert{'a', 'b', 'a'} expect.eq(i.b, 2) expect.eq(i.a, 3) end function test.processArgsGetopt_happy_path() local quiet, verbose, name local function process(args, expected_q, expected_v, expected_n) quiet, verbose, name = false, false, nil local nonoptions = utils.processArgsGetopt(args, { {'q', handler=function() quiet = true end}, {'v', 'verbose', handler=function() verbose = true end}, {'n', 'name', hasArg=true, handler=function(optarg) name = optarg end}, }) expect.eq(expected_q, quiet) expect.eq(expected_v, verbose) expect.eq(expected_n, name) return nonoptions end local args = {} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, nil)) args = {'-q'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, true, false, nil)) args = {'-v'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, true, nil)) args = {'--verbose'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, true, nil)) args = {'-n', 'foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'-n', 'foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'-nfoo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'--name', 'foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'--name=foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'-vqnfoo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, true, true, 'foo')) args = {'nonopt1', '-nfoo', 'nonopt2', '-1', '-10', '-0v'} expect.table_eq({'nonopt1', 'nonopt2', '-1', '-10', '-0v'}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'nonopt1', '--', '-nfoo', '--nonopt2', 'nonopt3'} expect.table_eq({'nonopt1', '-nfoo', '--nonopt2', 'nonopt3'}, process(args, false, false, nil)) end function test.processArgsGetopt_action_errors() expect.error_match('missing option letter', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({}, {{handler=function() end}}) end) expect.error_match('missing option letter', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({}, {{'notoneletter'}}) end) expect.error_match('missing option letter', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({}, {{function() end}}) end) expect.error_match('handler missing', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({}, {{'r'}}) end) end function test.processArgsGetopt_parsing_errors() expect.error_match('Unknown option', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({'-abc'}, {{'a', handler=function() end}}) end, 'use undefined short option') expect.error_match('Unknown option', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({'--abc'}, {{'a', handler=function() end}}) end, 'use undefined long option') expect.error_match('Bad usage', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({'--ab=c'}, {{'a', 'ab', handler=function() end}}) end, 'pass value to param that does not take one') expect.error_match('Missing value', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({'-a'}, {{'a', 'ab', hasArg=true, handler=function() end}}) end, 'fail to pass value to short param that requires one') expect.error_match('Missing value', function() utils.processArgsGetopt({'--ab'}, {{'a', 'ab', hasArg=true, handler=function() end}}) end, 'fail to pass value to long param that requires one') end