-- Utilities for offset scan scripts. local _ENV = mkmodule('memscan') local utils = require('utils') -- A length-checked view on a memory buffer CheckedArray = CheckedArray or {} function CheckedArray.new(type,saddr,eaddr) local data = df.reinterpret_cast(type,saddr) local esize = data:sizeof() local count = math.floor((eaddr-saddr)/esize) local obj = { type = type, start = saddr, size = count*esize, esize = esize, data = data, count = count } setmetatable(obj, CheckedArray) return obj end function CheckedArray:__len() return self.count end function CheckedArray:__index(idx) if type(idx) == "number" then if idx >= self.count then error('Index out of bounds: '..tostring(idx)) end return self.data[idx] else return CheckedArray[idx] end end function CheckedArray:__newindex(idx, val) if idx >= self.count then error('Index out of bounds: '..tostring(idx)) end self.data[idx] = val end function CheckedArray:addr2idx(addr, round) local off = addr - self.start if off >= 0 and off < self.size and (round or (off % self.esize) == 0) then return math.floor(off / self.esize), off end end function CheckedArray:idx2addr(idx) if idx >= 0 and idx < self.count then return self.start + idx*self.esize end end -- Search methods function CheckedArray:find(data,sidx,eidx,reverse) local dcnt = #data sidx = math.max(0, sidx or 0) eidx = math.min(self.count, eidx or self.count) if (eidx - sidx) >= dcnt and dcnt > 0 then return dfhack.with_temp_object( df.new(self.type, dcnt), function(buffer) for i = 1,dcnt do buffer[i-1] = data[i] end local cnt = eidx - sidx - dcnt local step = self.esize local sptr = self.start + sidx*step local ksize = dcnt*step if reverse then local idx, addr = dfhack.internal.memscan(sptr + cnt*step, cnt, -step, buffer, ksize) if idx then return sidx + cnt - idx, addr end else local idx, addr = dfhack.internal.memscan(sptr, cnt, step, buffer, ksize) if idx then return sidx + idx, addr end end end ) end end function CheckedArray:find_one(data,sidx,eidx,reverse) local idx, addr = self:find(data,sidx,eidx,reverse) if idx then -- Verify this is the only match if reverse then eidx = idx+#data-1 else sidx = idx+1 end if self:find(data,sidx,eidx,reverse) then return nil end end return idx, addr end function CheckedArray:list_changes(old_arr,old_val,new_val,delta) if old_arr.type ~= self.type or old_arr.count ~= self.count then error('Incompatible arrays') end local eidx = self.count local optr = old_arr.start local nptr = self.start local esize = self.esize local rv local sidx = 0 while true do local idx = dfhack.internal.diffscan(optr, nptr, sidx, eidx, esize, old_val, new_val, delta) if not idx then break end rv = rv or {} rv[#rv+1] = idx sidx = idx+1 end return rv end function CheckedArray:filter_changes(prev_list,old_arr,old_val,new_val,delta) if old_arr.type ~= self.type or old_arr.count ~= self.count then error('Incompatible arrays') end local eidx = self.count local optr = old_arr.start local nptr = self.start local esize = self.esize local rv for i=1,#prev_list do local idx = prev_list[i] if idx < 0 or idx >= eidx then error('Index out of bounds: '..idx) end if dfhack.internal.diffscan(optr, nptr, idx, idx+1, esize, old_val, new_val, delta) then rv = rv or {} rv[#rv+1] = idx end end return rv end -- A raw memory area class MemoryArea = MemoryArea or {} MemoryArea.__index = MemoryArea function MemoryArea.new(astart, aend) local obj = { start_addr = astart, end_addr = aend, size = aend - astart, int8_t = CheckedArray.new('int8_t',astart,aend), uint8_t = CheckedArray.new('uint8_t',astart,aend), int16_t = CheckedArray.new('int16_t',astart,aend), uint16_t = CheckedArray.new('uint16_t',astart,aend), int32_t = CheckedArray.new('int32_t',astart,aend), uint32_t = CheckedArray.new('uint32_t',astart,aend), int64_t = CheckedArray.new('int64_t',astart,aend), uint64_t = CheckedArray.new('uint64_t',astart,aend), float = CheckedArray.new('float',astart,aend), intptr_t = CheckedArray.new('intptr_t',astart,aend), uintptr_t = CheckedArray.new('uintptr_t',astart,aend), } if dfhack.getOSType() == 'windows' then -- always 32 bits on Windows obj.long = obj.int32_t else -- size of pointer on Linux/OS X obj.long = obj.intptr_t end setmetatable(obj, MemoryArea) return obj end function MemoryArea:__gc() df.delete(self.buffer) end function MemoryArea:__tostring() return string.format('', self.start_addr, self.end_addr) end function MemoryArea:contains_range(start,size) return size >= 0 and start >= self.start_addr and (start+size) <= self.end_addr end function MemoryArea:contains_obj(obj,count) local size, base = df.sizeof(obj) return size and base and self:contains_range(base, size*(count or 1)) end function MemoryArea:clone() local buffer = df.new('int8_t', self.size) local _, base = buffer:sizeof() local rv = MemoryArea.new(base, base+self.size) rv.buffer = buffer return rv end function MemoryArea:copy_from(area2) if area2.size ~= self.size then error('Size mismatch') end dfhack.internal.memmove(self.start_addr, area2.start_addr, self.size) end function MemoryArea:delete() setmetatable(self, nil) df.delete(self.buffer) for k,v in pairs(self) do self[k] = nil end end -- Static code segment search function get_code_segment() local cstart, cend for i,mem in ipairs(dfhack.internal.getMemRanges()) do if mem.read and mem.execute and (string.match(mem.name,'/dwarfort%.exe$') or string.match(mem.name,'/Dwarf_Fortress$') or string.match(mem.name,'Dwarf Fortress%.exe')) then cstart = mem.start_addr cend = mem.end_addr end end if cstart and cend then return MemoryArea.new(cstart, cend) end end -- Static data segment search local function find_data_segment() local data_start, data_end for i,mem in ipairs(dfhack.internal.getMemRanges()) do if data_end then if mem.start_addr == data_end and mem.read and mem.write then data_end = mem.end_addr else break end elseif mem.read and mem.write and (string.match(mem.name,'/dwarfort%.exe$') or string.match(mem.name,'/Dwarf_Fortress$') or string.match(mem.name,'Dwarf Fortress%.exe')) then data_start = mem.start_addr data_end = mem.end_addr end end return data_start, data_end end function get_data_segment() local s, e = find_data_segment() if s and e then return MemoryArea.new(s, e) end end -- Register a found offset, or report an error. function found_offset(name,val) local cval = dfhack.internal.getAddress(name) if not val then print('Could not find offset '..name) if not cval and not utils.prompt_yes_no('Continue with the script?') then qerror('User quit') end return end if df.isvalid(val) then _,val = val:sizeof() end print(string.format('Found offset %s: %x', name, val)) if cval then if cval ~= val then error(string.format('Mismatch with the current value: %x != %x',val,cval)) end else dfhack.internal.setAddress(name, val) local ival = val - dfhack.internal.getRebaseDelta() local entry = string.format("\n", name, ival) local ccolor = dfhack.color(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dfhack.print(entry) dfhack.color(ccolor) io.stdout:write(entry) io.stdout:flush() end end -- Offset of a field within struct function field_ref(handle,...) local items = table.pack(...) for i=1,items.n-1 do handle = handle[items[i]] end return handle:_field(items[items.n]) end function field_offset(type,...) local handle = df.new(type) local _,haddr = df.sizeof(handle) local _,addr = df.sizeof(field_ref(handle,...)) -- to aid in diagnosis of bad virtual dtors io.stderr:write('memscan: deleting instance of '..tostring(type) .. '\n'):flush() df.delete(handle) io.stderr:write('successfully deleted\n'):flush() return addr-haddr end function MemoryArea:object_by_field(addr,type,...) if not addr then return nil end local base = addr - field_offset(type,...) local obj = df.reinterpret_cast(type, base) if not self:contains_obj(obj) then obj = nil end return obj, base end -- Validation function is_valid_vector(ref,size) local ints = df.reinterpret_cast('uintptr_t', ref) return ints[0] <= ints[1] and ints[1] <= ints[2] and (size == nil or (ints[1] - ints[0]) % size == 0) end -- Difference search helper DiffSearcher = DiffSearcher or {} DiffSearcher.__index = DiffSearcher function DiffSearcher.new(area) local obj = { area = area } setmetatable(obj, DiffSearcher) return obj end function DiffSearcher:begin_search(type) self.type = type self.old_value = nil self.search_sets = nil if not self.save_area then self.save_area = self.area:clone() end end function DiffSearcher:advance_search(new_value,delta) if self.search_sets then local nsets = #self.search_sets local ovec = self.save_area[self.type] local nvec = self.area[self.type] local new_set if nsets > 0 then local last_set = self.search_sets[nsets] new_set = nvec:filter_changes(last_set,ovec,self.old_value,new_value,delta) else new_set = nvec:list_changes(ovec,self.old_value,new_value,delta) end if new_set then self.search_sets[nsets+1] = new_set self.old_value = new_value self.save_area:copy_from(self.area) return #new_set, new_set end else self.old_value = new_value self.search_sets = {} self.save_area:copy_from(self.area) return #self.save_area[self.type], nil end end function DiffSearcher:reset() self.search_sets = nil if self.save_area then self.save_area:delete() self.save_area = nil end end function DiffSearcher:idx2addr(idx) return self.area[self.type]:idx2addr(idx) end -- Interactive search utility function DiffSearcher:find_interactive(prompt,data_type,condition_cb,iter_limit) enum = enum or {} -- Loop for restarting search from scratch while true do print('\n'..prompt) self:begin_search(data_type) local found = false local ccursor = 0 -- Loop through choices while true do print('') if iter_limit and ccursor >= iter_limit then dfhack.printerr(' Iteration limit reached without a solution.') break end local ok, value, delta = condition_cb(ccursor) ccursor = ccursor + 1 if not ok then break end -- Search for it in the memory local cnt, set = self:advance_search(value, delta) if not cnt then dfhack.printerr(' Converged to zero candidates; probably a mistake somewhere.') break elseif set and cnt == 1 then -- To confirm, wait for two 1-candidate results in a row if found then local addr = self:idx2addr(set[1]) print(string.format(' Confirmed address: %x\n', addr)) return addr, set[1] else found = true end end print(' '..cnt..' candidates remaining.') end if not utils.prompt_yes_no('\nRetry search from the start?') then return nil end end end function DiffSearcher:find_menu_cursor(prompt,data_type,choices,enum) enum = enum or {} return self:find_interactive( prompt, data_type, function(ccursor) local choice -- Select the next value to search for if type(choices) == 'function' then choice = choices(ccursor) if not choice then return false end else choice = choices[(ccursor % #choices) + 1] end -- Ask the user to select it if enum ~= 'noprompt' then local cname = enum[choice] or choice if type(choice) == 'string' and type(cname) == 'number' then choice, cname = cname, choice end if cname ~= choice then cname = cname..' ('..choice..')' end print(' Please select: '..cname) if not utils.prompt_yes_no(' Continue?', true) then return false end end return true, choice end ) end function DiffSearcher:find_counter(prompt,data_type,delta,action_prompt) delta = delta or 1 return self:find_interactive( prompt, data_type, function(ccursor) if ccursor > 0 then print(" "..(action_prompt or 'Please do the action.')) end if not utils.prompt_yes_no(' Continue?', true) then return false end return true, nil, delta end ) end -- Screen size function get_screen_size() -- Use already known globals if dfhack.internal.getAddress('init') then local d = df.global.init.display return d.grid_x, d.grid_y end if dfhack.internal.getAddress('gps') then local g = df.global.gps return g.dimx, g.dimy end -- Parse stdout.log for resize notifications io.stdout:flush() local w,h = 80,25 for line in io.lines('stdout.log') do local cw, ch = string.match(line, '^Resizing grid to (%d+)x(%d+)$') if cw and ch then w, h = tonumber(cw), tonumber(ch) end end return w,h end return _ENV