-- tests the quickfort ecosystem end-to-end via: -- .csv -> quickfort/buildingplan/dig-now -> blueprint -> .csv -- -- test cases are sets of .csv files in the -- blueprints/library/test/ecosystem/in directory -- -- test metadata is stored in an associated #notes blueprint: -- description (required) -- width (required) -- height (required) -- depth (default is 1) -- start (cursor offset for input blueprints, default is 1,1) -- -- depends on blueprint, buildingplan, and dig-now plugins (as well as the -- quickfort script, of course) -- -- note that this test harness cannot (yet) test #query blueprints that define -- rooms since furniture is not actually built during the test. It also cannot -- test blueprints that #build flooring and then #build a workshop on top, again -- since the flooring is never actually built. We can support these features -- once we figure out how to programmatically deconstruct buildlings without -- crashing the game. config.mode = 'fortress' local argparse = require('argparse') local blueprint = require('plugins.blueprint') local quickfort_list = reqscript('internal/quickfort/list') local quickfort_command = reqscript('internal/quickfort/command') local utils = require('utils') local blueprints_dir = 'blueprints/' local input_dir = 'library/test/ecosystem/in/' local golden_dir = 'library/test/ecosystem/golden/' local output_dir = 'library/test/ecosystem/out/' local phase_names = utils.invert(blueprint.valid_phases) -- clear the output dir before each test run (but not after -- to allow -- inspection of failed results) local function test_wrapper(test_fn) local outdir = blueprints_dir .. output_dir for _, v in ipairs(dfhack.filesystem.listdir_recursive(outdir)) do if not v.isdir then os.remove(v.path) end end test_fn() end config.wrapper = test_wrapper local function bad_spec(expected, varname, basename, bad_value) qerror(('expected %s for %s in "%s" test spec; got "%s"'): format(expected, varname, basename, bad_value)) end local function get_positive_int(numstr, varname, basename) local num = tonumber(numstr) if not num or num <= 0 or num ~= math.floor(num) then bad_spec('positive integer', varname, basename, numstr) end return num end local function os_exists(path) return os.rename(path, path) and true or false end local function get_blueprint_sets() -- find test blueprints with `quickfort list` local mock_print = mock.func() mock.patch(quickfort_list, 'print', mock_print, function() dfhack.run_script('quickfort', 'list', '-l', input_dir) end) -- group blueprint sets local sets = {} for _,args in ipairs(mock_print.call_args) do local line = args[1] -- phase is the label or, if the label doesn't exist, the mode local _,_,listnum,fname,phase = line:find('(%d+)%) (%S+).-[/(]([^ )]+)') if listnum then local _,_,file_part = fname:find('/([^/]+)$') local _,_,basename = file_part:find('^([^-.]+)') if not sets[basename] then sets[basename] = {spec={}, phases={}} end local golden_path = blueprints_dir..golden_dir..file_part if not os_exists(golden_path) then golden_path = blueprints_dir..fname end sets[basename].phases[phase] = { listnum=listnum, golden_filepath=golden_path, output_filepath=blueprints_dir..output_dir..file_part} end end -- load test specs for basename,set in pairs(sets) do local spec, notes = set.spec, set.phases.notes -- set defaults spec.depth = '1' -- read spec mock.patch(quickfort_command, 'print', function(text) for line in text:gmatch('[^\n]*') do local _,_,var,val = line:find('%*?%s*([^=]+)=(.*)') if var then spec[var] = val end end end, function() dfhack.run_script('quickfort', 'run', '-q', notes.listnum) end) -- validate spec and convert number strings to numeric vars if not spec.description or spec.description == '' then qerror(('missing description in test spec for "%s"'): format(basename)) end spec.width = get_positive_int(spec.width, 'width', basename) spec.height = get_positive_int(spec.height, 'height', basename) spec.depth = get_positive_int(spec.depth, 'depth', basename) if spec.start then local start_spec = argparse.numberList(spec.start, basename, 2) spec.start = {x=get_positive_int(start_spec[1], 'startx', basename), y=get_positive_int(start_spec[2], 'starty', basename)} end end return sets end local function is_usable_test_tile(pos) local tiletype = dfhack.maps.getTileType(pos) local tileattrs = df.tiletype.attrs[tiletype] local good_material = tileattrs.material == df.tiletype_material.STONE or tileattrs.material == df.tiletype_material.FEATURE or tileattrs.material == df.tiletype_material.MINERAL local good_shape = tileattrs.shape == df.tiletype_shape.WALL return good_material and good_shape end local function get_test_area(area, spec) -- return with success if our current area meets or exceeds requirements if area.width >= spec.width and area.height >= spec.height and area.depth >= spec.depth then return true end -- return with failure if the test requirements cannot ever be satisfied by -- the current map if spec.width > df.global.world.map.x_count - 2 or spec.height > df.global.world.map.y_count - 2 or spec.depth > df.global.world.map.z_count then print('map too small to accomodate test') return false end -- keep this simple for now. just go down the layers and check the region -- starting at the upper left corner of each level. local startz = area.pos and area.pos.z or df.global.world.map.z_count-1 for z_start = startz,0,-1 do local z_end = z_start - spec.depth + 1 if z_end < 1 then return false end for z = z_start,z_end,-1 do for y = 1,spec.height do for x = 1,spec.width do if not is_usable_test_tile(xyz2pos(x, y, z)) then -- next check should start on the z-level below this one z_start = z goto continue end end end end do area.width, area.height, area.depth = spec.width, spec.height, spec.depth area.pos = {x=1, y=1, z=z_start} area.endpos = {x=area.width, y=area.height, z=z_start-area.depth+1} return true end ::continue:: end end local function get_cursor_arg(pos, start) start = start or {x=1, y=1} return ('--cursor=%d,%d,%d'):format(pos.x+start.x-1, pos.y+start.y-1, pos.z) end local function quickfort_cmd(cmd, listnum, pos, start) dfhack.run_script('quickfort', cmd, '-q', listnum, get_cursor_arg(pos, start)) end local function quickfort_run(listnum, pos, start) quickfort_cmd('run', listnum, pos, start) end local function quickfort_undo(listnum, pos, start) quickfort_cmd('undo', listnum, pos, start) end local function designate_area(pos, spec) local endx, endy, endz = pos.x + spec.width - 1, pos.y + spec.height - 1, pos.z - spec.depth + 1 for z = pos.z,endz,-1 do for y = pos.y,endy do for x = pos.x,endx do dfhack.maps.getTileFlags(xyz2pos(x, y, z)).dig = df.tile_dig_designation.Default end end end end local function format_pos(pos) return ('%s,%s,%s'):format(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) end local function run_dig_now(area) dfhack.run_command('dig-now', format_pos(area.pos), format_pos(area.endpos), '--clean') end local function run_blueprint(basename, set, pos) blueprint.run(tostring(set.spec.width), tostring(set.spec.height), tostring(-set.spec.depth), output_dir..basename, get_cursor_arg(pos), '-tphase') end local function reset_area(area, spec) -- include the area border tiles that can get unhidden local width, height, depth = spec.width+2, spec.height+2, spec.depth local commands = { 'f', 'any', ';', 'p', 'any', ';', 'p', 's', 'wall', ';', 'p', 'sp', 'normal', ';', 'p', 'h', '1', ';', 'r', tostring(width), tostring(height), tostring(depth)} dfhack.run_command('tiletypes-command', table.unpack(commands)) local pos = copyall(area.pos) -- include the border tiles pos.x = pos.x - 1 pos.y = pos.y - 1 -- tiletypes goes up z's, so adjust starting zlevel accordingly pos.z = pos.z - spec.depth + 1 dfhack.run_command('tiletypes-here', '--quiet', get_cursor_arg(pos)) -- patch up tiles where the material couldn't be automatically determined -- we don't just set all tiles to 'stone' so we don't obliterate veins commands = { 'f', 's', 'empty', ';', 'p', 'm', 'stone'} dfhack.run_command('tiletypes-command', table.unpack(commands)) dfhack.run_command('tiletypes-here', '--quiet', get_cursor_arg(pos)) commands = {'f', 's', 'ramp_top'} dfhack.run_command('tiletypes-command', table.unpack(commands)) dfhack.run_command('tiletypes-here', '--quiet', get_cursor_arg(pos)) end function test.end_to_end() -- read in test plan local sets = get_blueprint_sets() local area = {width=0, height=0, depth=0} for basename,set in pairs(sets) do local spec = set.spec print(('running quickfort ecosystem test: "%s": %s'): format(basename, spec.description)) -- find an unused area of the map that meets requirements, else skip if not get_test_area(area, spec) then print(('cannot find unused map area to test set "%s"; skipping'): format(basename)) goto continue end -- quickfort run #dig blueprint (or just designate the whole block if -- there is no #dig blueprint) local phases = set.phases if phases.dig then quickfort_run(phases.dig.listnum, area.pos, spec.start) else designate_area(area.pos, spec) end -- run dig-now to dig out designated tiles run_dig_now(area) -- quickfort run remaining blueprints for _,phase_name in ipairs(phase_names) do if phase_name ~= 'dig' and phases[phase_name] then quickfort_run(phases[phase_name].listnum, area.pos, spec.start) if phase_name == 'track' then run_dig_now(area) end end end -- run blueprint to generate files in output dir run_blueprint(basename, set, area.pos) -- quickfort undo blueprints for _,phase_name in ipairs(phase_names) do if phases[phase_name] then quickfort_undo(phases[phase_name].listnum, area.pos, spec.start) end end -- run tiletypes to reset tiles in area to hidden walls reset_area(area, set.spec) -- compare md5sum of input and output files local md5File = dfhack.internal.md5File for phase,phase_data in pairs(phases) do if phase == 'notes' then goto continue end print((' verifying phase: %s'):format(phase)) local golden_filepath = phase_data.golden_filepath local output_filepath = phase_data.output_filepath local input_hash, input_size = md5File(golden_filepath) local output_hash, output_size = md5File(output_filepath) expect.eq(input_hash, output_hash, 'compare blueprint contents to input: '..output_filepath) expect.eq(input_size, output_size, 'compare blueprint length to input: '..output_filepath) if not output_hash then goto continue end if input_hash ~= output_hash or input_size ~= output_size then -- show diff local input, output = io.open(golden_filepath, 'r'), io.open(output_filepath, 'r') local input_lines, output_lines = {}, {} for l in input:lines() do table.insert(input_lines, l) end for l in output:lines() do table.insert(output_lines, l) end input:close() output:close() expect.table_eq(input_lines, output_lines) end ::continue:: end ::continue:: end end