module DFHack class << self # return an Item # arg similar to unit.rb/unit_find; no arg = 'k' menu def item_find(what=:selected) if what == :selected if curview._rtti_classname == :viewscreen_itemst ref = curview.entry_ref[curview.cursor_pos] ref.item_tg if ref.kind_of?(GeneralRefItem) else case ui.main.mode when :LookAround k = ui_look_list.items[ui_look_cursor] case k.type when :Item k.item when :Building # hilight a constructed bed k.building.contained_items[0].item if k.building.contained_items.length == 1 end when :BuildingItems bld = world.selected_building bld.contained_items[ui_building_item_cursor].item if bld when :ViewUnits u =[ui_selected_unit] u.inventory[ui_look_cursor].item if u and u.pos.z == cursor.z and ui_unit_view_mode.value == :Inventory and u.inventory[ui_look_cursor] end end elsif what.kind_of?(Integer) world.items.all.binsearch(what) elsif what.respond_to?(:x) or what.respond_to?(:pos) world.items.all.find { |i| same_pos?(what, i) } else raise "what what?" end end end end